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In Like a Lion Out Like a Lamb Lesson

Yesterday was the beginning of a new month. What month are we now in? Have you heard of
the saying, March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb? What do you think that means?
1. Watch on YouTube In Like a Lion Out Like a Lamb by Marion Dane Bauer- read aloud
2. Discuss what the students saw in the book.
3. Anchor chart- What does a lion act like? Can you roar like a lion?
What does lion weather look like? *Using descriptive words, adjectives
What does a lamb act like? Can you say baaaa like a lamb?
What does lamb weather look like? *Using descriptive words, adjectives
4. Make a prediction by completing the paper, so that it says ____________ thinks March
will be like a _________ and then draw a picture of the lion or lamb.
*Students will make either a lion or a lamb, based on their prediction.

Write your name on the back of the plate

Coloring in the circle in the middle yellow
Coloring in the lions face orange and the tongue red
Dipping the fork in the orange paint and going around the entire plate and smearing
Once the paint is dry, glue the lions face in the center of the plate


Write your name on the back of the plate

Coloring in the circle in the middle black
Coloring in the lambs face black and the tongue red
Glue on the lambs face in the center of the plate
Glue on the cotton balls around the lambs face, filling up the entire plate

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