Austin Trip Info 2015

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Las Lomas Honor Choir

April 30, 2015


8:15 a.m. Kids and chaperones will load buses at Las Lomas

Parents are welcome to follow the buses but will be responsible for finding their own parking.

10:00 a.m. Meet in front of the capital (to left of the front steps) for a picture
After Pictures Mr. Rochkus will be leading a tour of the capital grounds for choir
students and chaperones.

12:00 p.m. Choir sings in the rotunda (must be done by 12:30)

Then lunch at Gattitown

Pizza located at 9900 S Interstate 35, Austin, TX 78748

Phone: (512) 301-7777. Families wishing to eat with their choir student and/or drive them home may
sign their child out at Gattitown.***

After lunch The kids will head back to Las Lomas.

Buses will arrive after 2:40 p.m.
Arrange for alternate transportation home. Pick-up in front of school.
Thank you, parents, for your
overwhelming support! Over 45 parents
signed up to be chaperones. Due to limited
seating on the bus, the first 10 forms received
will be official chaperones (responsible for a
group of students) and will be able to ride
the bus. More information is attached to this
form for chaperones

Food is paid and there is

nothing to buy

***Parents attending the performance and bringing other children (not chaperoning):
Since this is a public venue, any family member can watch the choir perform in the rotunda. We do ask that they not
join the group on the brief tour or for lunch. They are welcome to come to the same restaurant and order their own
food. If a parent wants the student to eat with his/her family, they may sign them out at the restaurant and provide
the remaining transportation home. If a school age sibling is taken out of school to attend the concert, it would be an
unexcused absence.

Thank you to the Las

Leigh Anne Roeber, Director

Libby Querry, Assistant Director

Lomas PTA for helping fund this trip!

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