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Name: Valerie Guerrero

Class: ELED 3221

Date: March 12, 2015
edTPA Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan
States of Matter
Central Focus/Big Idea: Identifying the properties of each state of matter.
Subject of this lesson: States of Matter
Grade Level: 4th grade
NC Essential Standard(s):
4.P.2 Understand the composition and properties of matter before and after they undergo a
change or interaction.
Next Generation Science Standard(s):

Develop a model to describe that matter is made of particles too small to be

seen. [Clarification Statement: Examples of evidence supporting a model could include adding air
to expand a basketball, compressing air in a syringe, dissolving sugar in water, and evaporating
salt water.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include the atomic-scale mechanism of
evaporation and condensation or defining the unseen particles.]

21st Century Skills: Collaboration is used in this lesson because students need to work together
in small groups in order to put together all of the data recorded while exploring. Communication
is used in this lesson because all throughout students need to share their thoughts and discoveries
with their peers as well as with their teacher and defend their views with reasoning. Initiative &
Self-Direction are used in this lesson because students are provided with the opportunity to
generate their tri-fold with facts that they learned on each state of matter.
Academic Language Demand
Language Function: Compare/contrast is the main function of my lesson because the
students will be able to find information of each State of Matter from the video and the
article and they will be comparing and contrasting each state on their own.










Scientific Vocabulary: What are the key scientific terms that your students will learn
through this lesson?

o States of Matter, solid, liquid, gas, physical form, atoms, molecules, particles,
definite shape.
Instructional Objective: Students are expected to learn how to compare and contrast the states
of matter. Students are expected to learn the differences and be able to give a description and
examples for each state. At the end of the lesson when the students are given a summative
assessment I will know that they have successfully met the objective when they have correctly
answer 8/10 questions regarding states of matter and their characteristics.
Prior Knowledge (student): Students should already have prior knowledge about what solids,
liquids, and gases are.
Content Knowledge (teacher): Teacher needs to have prior knowledge in the characteristics of
state of matter and know how to guide the students to the write answer by asking questions and
not by giving them the answers. Teacher needs to know that a solid is any object that keeps its
shape. A liquid is an object that flows and takes the shape of its container. Gases assume the
shapes of their containers and are not visible. A solid can be a book, ice, phone, notebook, etc.
A liquid can be water, chemical, oil, ink, etc. A gas can be air, carbon dioxide, steam, etc. Gases
are not visible and sometimes you may not know they are there.
Accommodations for special needs (individual and/or small group): Students that need to have
directions repeated have the students repeat the direction back to the teacher. Students who need
more monitoring, teacher will sit with them for short periods of time and monitor their progress.
Some students may need extended time to take notes and to complete the assessment.
Materials and Technology requirements:

20 sheets of blank paper
Students science notebooks
20 copies of the article What are the Three States of Matter?
20 index cards
6 solids (brought in by teacher)
2-4 liquids
6 balloons

Idea for elaborate:
Total Estimated Time: 2 days

Source of lesson:
Core skills science page 97
Safety considerations: Students will always be reminded of the caution that needs to be taken
when handling the liquids and to not open the bottles in order for the contents to not spill.
Content and Strategies (Procedure)
In your procedure, be sure to include all of the following 5 Es. Your procedure should be
detailed enough for a colleague to follow. If you will be relying on technology (e.g., a YouTube
video), describe your back up plan thoroughly. Imagine your most novice colleague needing to
teach from your plan. Dont just answer the questions. Additionally, I expect you to include
possible questions you could ask for each section. This needs to include higher-order questions.
Engage: I will start by telling the students, Today we will be learning about the three different
states of matter and their characteristics. Then I will tell the students that we will watch a video
about the state of matter called Matter Chatter. This video can be found under the following link: The video stops after
introducing each state of matter and asks the kids to think of examples. After
the video I will ask them of what examples they thought of throughout the
*If the video does not work, teacher will resort to the following method*
Teacher will write on the board States of Matter and tell the students that
they have 30 seconds to talk with their table group/partner about what the
name of the states of matter are, after the 30 seconds are over teacher will
proceed to ask the students to share with the class. Then the teacher will
once again tell them to talk with their table group/partner to give a few
examples of each state of matter.
Explore: Students will be told that they are Scientists, the classroom will be divided in half and
each half will be divided into three groups. Students will be counted off using 1,2,3. Students
who are 1s will be the group in charge of focusing on solid, groups 2 will be in charge of
liquids, and group 3 will be in charge of gasses. Students will be instructed to make a trifold, on
the first section they will label as SOLID, middle section will be labeled as LIQUID, and the last
sections will be labeled as GAS. While the students are discussing and exploring in there
groups, teacher will walk around and listen to what the students are thinking. Students will be
reading the article BLANK and use it as a source to complete the trifold in their groups. For
example, I expect the students to say, A solid can be a rock or this table. I also expect to have
students who say things such as, when you boil water steam come out of the top of the pot.
Teacher will walk around and scaffold the students and when the teacher hears that they are
having misleading conversations I would stop as ask them, Well why you think that? Do you
have other facts that prove it? What makes you think thats how it works? Using jigsaw
cooperative learning, the student will re-group after they have finished their part of the tri-fold
and form new groups so they can teach their peers that were in charge of the other States of
Matter. For example: Group 1 was just about solid, group 2 was all liquids, and group 3 was all

gasses, after jigsaw cooperative learning groups 1 will be composed of 1 student that was
assigned a solid, 1 student who was assigned a liquid, and 1 student who was assigned a gas.
After they have shared with one another they will be able to finish their tri-fold.
Explanation: Students will come together as a class and three students from each half of the
class will come to the front and tell us 1-2 things that they learned from their group. Teacher will
pick students to come up and present based on what facts the teacher saw the students sharing as
scaffolding happened earlier in the lesson during explore. The teacher will make an anchor chart
based on the information the students have given and if needed add more content (description) in
order to make sure the students understand the concept of the lesson. Teacher will make sure to
make very clear that if any student does not have the characteristics on the anchor chart they
better write it down because it is very important.
While making the anchor chart the teacher will ask questions such as:
What are the characteristics of a solid? Give me examples? This information will mostly be
covered during the presentation the students will give with their tri-folds.
Elaborate: Students will be able to apply their understanding of the objective through a Who
am I game. The room can be divided into 4 teams and students can have them write down the
answers for their questions in their science notebooks so they can have it as a review before the
Questions for the games are the following:
1. I take up space and have a mass, what am I?
a. Matter
2. I have my own shape and volume, what am I?
a. Solid
3. I have my own volume but my shapes change, what am I?
a. Liquid
4. I have no shape or volume of my own but I am still a form of matter, what am I?
a. Gas
5. I have my own shape and volume, 4 legs, and you use me every day, what am I?
a. Table
6. I have my own volume but I am currently inside a bottle, I am orange, sweet, and my shape is
different all the time, what am I?
a. Orange Juice
7. I have no shape or volume but I am all around you, without me you could not live, what am I?
a. Air/Oxygen
8. When water freezes I become this solid, what am I?
a. Ice cube/ice

Evaluate: While the students are working together to gather information I will walk around and
scaffold and assess by asking questions this would be a formative assessment. At the end of the
lesson I will make a 10 question summative assessment based on the information given in class.
The ten questions students will have multiple choice, true/false, and fill in the blank questions.
The students will have to at least get 8/10 answers correct in order to have met the objective of
the lesson.
To be complete after the lesson is taught as appropriate

Assessment Results of all objectives/skills:

Reflection on lesson:
CT signature/confirmation: _________________________________ Date: ________________

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