Chemistry Solid State

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Solid State Topic | Classification of Solids, Crystal Latt a and Unit Cells, Close Packed Structures Previous Years’ Examination Questions 4 Mark Questions iL 2. 4, . ‘How mariy atoms constitute one unit cell of a face centered cubic crystal?- (Delhi 2013) guish between “a solid other than by (Poreign 20121 How Wvautd “you dis metallic solid and ar j imetallic lustre?“ ~ . “Crystalliie solids are anisotropic in nature’. ‘What doe’ this statement mean? (Delhi 2013; Foreign 2011] How many atoms are there in one unit cell ofa body centred cubic crystal? {Foreign 2011, 2009; Delhi 2007] Write” a feature” which will distinguibh “a metallic solid from an ionic solid. (Delhi 2010; Foreign 2010} What type of interactions hold the molecules together iva polar molecular sofid? [AU India 2010). Write a distinguishing feature of etallic solids. FAL India 2010] «Practice the Real Questions 8. What is the number of atoms ina unit cell of a simple cubic crystal. {Foreign 2010] 9. How do metallic and ionic substances differ in conclucting electricity? TAI! India 2009] 10, What is the number of atoms in a unit cell of a face centred cubic ‘crystal? [Atl India 2009, 2008; Delhi 2008; Foreign 2008}, | 11. “Stability. of..a, crystal, is. related tor the." magnitude of its melting point.” How? : Tall Indin 2008C}, 12. What is the cootdination number of each type - of ions in a rock salt ype crystal structure? (Delhi 2008; All India 2008; Foreign 20071. 12. Whyis glass considered a supercooled liquid? * [AIL Indin 2008C] 14, Find out the number of atoms per unit cell in a face centred’ cubic structure having only single atoms at its lattice points, EAN India 2007}. Solid State 15. Acubie solid is made of two elements X and Y. Atoms Y are at the comers of the cube and X at the body centre. What is the formula of the compound? [Delhi 20061 2 Marks Questions 16. Aluminium’ crystallizes in an’ fec stricture. Atamic radius of the metal is 125 pm. What is tength of the side of the unit cell of the metal? IAI India 2013) 17. ( Why does presence of excess of lithium makes LiCl crystals pink? [All Tndia 2013] Ai) A solid with cubic crystal is made of two elements P and Q. Atoms radius of Q ase at the corners of the cube and P at the body-centre, What is the formula of the. compound? 18, Define the following terms in relation to crystalline solids, 4) Unit cell (ii) Coordination number Give'one example in each case.” {AU Indi 2013} 19, An alloy of gold and cadmium crystallises witha cubic structure in which gold atoms occupy the corners and cadmium atoms fit into the face centres. Assign formuta for this alloy. [AN India 201301 20. (i) In reference to crystal structure, explain the meaning of coordiiation number. (ii) What is the number of atoms ina unit cell of [Wethi 20160] fa) a face centred cubic structure? (b) a body centred cubic structure? [Delhi 2008C1 Step-by-Step Solutions * 1. Number of atoms in one face centred cubic unit cell Number of atoms contributed from the faces =6 faces x yal ator per unit face (2) Number ‘of atoms, contributed from the corners of the unit celt Covi atom er tne 1 =Bb x= 8 2 Total number of atoms/unit cell. atom ay 2, tonic’ solids They” are- poor: conductor ‘of electricity and therefore are insulators in solid state, 7 (2) Metallic solids They’ are. good: conductors of electricity and heat in solid state... (u2y ‘. Crystalline solids aré ari isotropic in: nature, that is some of their physical: properties like electrical resistance or refractive index show different values when measured along different diréctions in the same crystal. o 4. In a body centred cubic unit cell, B comer d per comer ator =8 x : =tatom 1 body centre atom =1x 1=1atom “Total number of atoms per unit cell =141=2 atoms a © Be Chapterwise CBSE Solved Papers Chemistry In ‘solid. state, - ionic” solids are. electrical insulators because ions are not free to move about, e.g. NaCl, NazSO4, ete, While metals are good electrical conductors in sotid state because. of the. presence. of: free. electrons, e.g.,copper, nickel, etc. a In polar widlecular. solids, molecules are held together. by relatively stronger interactions: Metallic solid good conductors of electricity. w inasimple cubic unit cell, atoms are present at each of ils comers. Total fitimber of atonis in 1 unit cell) 10. lil 12, =1ator my JAS each corner stom is shared by’ eight otter unit cells.) Electrical conductivity in metals is due to the presence of free electrons. tonic sofids are eléctricaf instlatars in solid state but‘in molten state or in aqueous state ions become free to move and’ they conduct electricity. W/231/2=D Refer ans 1. om Melting point ‘of a solid is related to the. attraction force between its molecules. Higher the melting point of a crystalline substance, greater is the forces between the constituent Particles anct hence; greater is she stability. ¢1) Rock salt type. crystal. structure has 6:6 coordination number of each type of ion, e, In NaCl ‘crystal, each Na* is surrounded by 6 CI’ ions and each CI" ion is surrounded by six Na* ions. a 13, Giass is an amorphous solid, it has a tendency to flow, though slowly, Hence; it is called supercooled liquid : aM 14, in face centred unit cell total number of atoms per unit ellis 4. . o No! of Yatoms in a unit call (present at corners) =8xtar. o a No. of X atoms in a unit €ell (present in the centre of its body) =1 a «Therefore, formula of the compound is XY. 16. F=125 pm,.a =? 4 For fcc, aaser va soud VAVAX 125 =353.6Ipm @ 17. (i) When a crystal of LiCl is heated in the presence of excess of lithium, the Li atoms lose. electron...forming: Lit ions. released electrons diffuse back into the “crystal and occupy the’ anionic sites (F-centres) create by the CI- ions. These electrons absorb some energy of the white light, giving pink colour to the LiCl crystal. oe) ~ Gi As the ‘atoms. of, Q ‘are. presant at the 8 corners of the cube, herice, number of atoms of Q in the init cell = 5 x8aT As the: atoms of P are present at the body-centre, therefore, the number of: atoms of P in the unit cell = t <. Ratio of the atoms of P and Q = 1:1. Hence, the formula of the compound is PQ. a These Solid State. 18. (i) Unit cell It is the smallest portion of a crystal lattice which, when repeated in different directions, generates the entire lattice, e.g, primitive unit cells and centred unit ceils. (25/25) (i) Coordination number the mimber of nearest neighbours of a ‘particle in. a crystal structure is called its coordination: number, eg, coordination number of each sphere is 8 in body. centred cubic structures, ({2+1/2=) 19, In case of face ceitred unit cell atoms’ are present at all the comers and at the centre of all the faces of the cube.. Gold atoms occupy. all the comers of a unit cell. 20. Therefore, number of gold atoms =8 comer cell atoms jatom per ut ay Cadmium atoms fit into the face centres. Therefore, number of cadmium atoms =6 face centred atoms x atom per unit cell 26% == 3atoms (1/2). i 2 Formula for the given alloy = AuCd. a (i Coordination number—Refer ans. 18 (ii) part o {ii} (a) Refer ans, 10. (by Sea ans. 4. (U2 4 1/2=2) Topic Packing Efficiency, Calculations Involving Unit Cell Dimensions Previous Years’ Examination Questions. 1 Mark Question: 1. What is the percentage efficiency of packing in case of a simple cubic lattice? fan India 2009C) 2 Marks Questions. 2, Explain how you can’ delermine the’ atomic mass of an unknown metal if you know its mass, density and the dimensions and type of unit cell of its crystal? (AN India 2013) 3. Calculate the packing eificiency of a metal ciystal for. simple cubic lattice. {All India 2011; Dethi 2011¢, 2006¢] 4, Silver crystallizes in face centred cubic unit ceil. Each side of this unit cell has a length of 400 pm. ‘Calculate the radius of the silver atom. (Assume the atoms just touch each other Practice the Real Questions on the diagonal across the face of the unit cell. That i each face atom is touching the four comer atoms). [Delhi 2011) ilver crystallises"in: face centred cubic unit cells. Each side of the’ unit cell has a length of 409 pm. What is the' radius of silver atom? [Foreign 2011, 2009; All India 2010, 2009] . Copper crystallises into an fcc lattice with edge tength 3.61x 10° cm. Calculate the density of copper, Given, “atomic” mass’ of Cu = 63.5 gmol!;N.°36.022~ 10” mol} *! (Delhi 2010¢, 2008C)° . Chromium metal crystallises ina body centred cubic lattice. The length of the unit cell edge is found to be 287 pm, Calculate the atomic radius of chromium. {Dethi 20100} Solid State 8. The edge of the face centred cubic unit cell of aluminium is 404 pm, Calculate the radius of aluminium atom. ([Dethi 2030C} 9. An element has a body centred cubie structure with a coll edge of 288 pm. The density of the element is 7.2 g cm”. Calculate the number of atoms present in 208 g of the element. (Delhi 2006) 10.Calculate the distance between Na* and Cl” ions in NaCl crystal. if its density is 2.165 gem”. [Molar mass of NaCl 3 gmol"s Ny =6.02% 167? mol} [AH India 2006] 3 Marks Questions 11. Silver crystallises in face centred cubic (icc) unit cell, If the radius of silver atom is 145 pm, what is the lenigth of each side of the unit cell? {Foreign 2012} 12. Tungsten erystallises in body centred cubic unit cell. If the edge’ of the unit cell is 316.5 pm, what. is.the radius of tungsten atom? (Delhi 2012] © 18+ Copper crystallises with face centred cubic Unit cell, Ifthe radius of copper atom is 127.8 pm, calculate the density of copper metal. (Atomic mass of Cu = 63.55 u and Avogadro's number, N= 6.02%: 107? mal") > [All India 2012] 14, Iron has a body centred cubic unit cell with a cell edge of 286.65 pm. The density of iran is 7,874. g cm™..Use this information to calculate. Avagadro’s number. (At, mass of iron =56 g mol’) : rau Indin 2012,2009;, ‘Dethi 2012, 2009; Foreign 2010, 2009] 15. The density of lead is-11.35'g cm? and the metal crystallizes with fec unit cell. Estimate the radius of lead ator (at. mass of lead = 207 g mot” and, =6.02 x 109 sol") (Dethi 20113 16. Aluminium crystallises in a cubic close packed: structure, Radius of the atom in the metal is 125 pm. 43) What is the length of the side of the unit cell (i) How many unit cells are there in 1 cm’ of, aluminium? (Forcign 2011} 17. The well known mineral fluorite is chemically caicium fluoride. It is known that in one unit cell of this ‘mineral: there are 4.Ca®* ions and BF” ions and that Ca** ions are arranged in a fce lattice. TheF” ions fll al tetrahedral holes in the face centred cubic lattice of Ca?* ions, The edge of the unit cell is5.46x 10°* cm in jength. The density of the solid 18 3.18 g cm™, Use this information to, calculate Avogadro's nusiber. (Mofar mass of CaF, = 78.08 g mol). [Dethi 2010; Foreign 2010} 18. The density of copper metal is 8.95 g cm™*. If the radius of Copier atom is 127.8 pm, is the’ copper unit cella simple cubic, a body centred cubic oF face centred cubic structure {Given atomic: mass of Cu = 63.54 g mol and N, =6.02 « 10 maf). (WMethi 2010; All India 2010] 19. Copper crystaltises in face’ centred cubic lattice and bas density. of 8.930 g cm”* at 293 K. Calculate the: radius’ of copper ‘atom. TAtomic, mass of (Cu= 63.55"U, Ng = 6.02% 40” mol] [Alt India 20100) 20, Silver crystallises in fc lattice. If the edge length of the unit cell is 4.07 x 40~* em and the’ density: of the crystal: is 10.5 g cm, calculate. the _atomic.: mass”. of - silver. (Ny =6.02x 10” atoms mol”) TAIL India 2608; Foreign 2008] Step-by-Step Solutions + Packing: efficiency in a, simple cubic lattice = 52.4%, a) 2. Density of a érystal cai be given as gc ZM 2 Ny M a where, d is the density in gcm™, Z is number of atoms ina unit cell, a is the volume of a unit cell, Nx, is Avogadto’s number and M is molar ‘atomic mass, 3. Packing efficiency in simple cubic lattice Volume of | atom. < 100. © Volume of cubic unit cell » (For simple cubic lattice, edge length, a= 20) wo Gn 2 AX 314 x 100. mM S236 e524 4. Given, edge length a = 400 pm “> For face centred cubic unit cell; radius, a ¥ _1aldx 400 ¥ = 1414 pm a a 1Al4x 409 ore met ak + wo = 144.58pm @ Zid 6. Density, d = (1/2) id = / ay Given, M=63.5 g mol', a=3.61% 10° om Ny =6.022'¢ 107? mol”? Fortec, Z=4 4x 63.5 d= ai} “Bein 107) x 6.022 x 10”. d= 8.965 gem M Ba 7. Fot body centred cubic lattice,r — «aay Given, edge length; a =287 pm 3 «287 om 4 Lh7a% 287 (1/2) 4 e=124.12 pm () <8. Given, edge length, a= 404 pm For face centred cubic lattice, = a 2° ay lat4x 404 . 4 41/2) 2142.8 pry Mm 9...) 0 First find the volume ofa unit cal. "Gi Find the votums 6f 208 9 of the atement. (Gi). Find number of unit cells in the volume occupied by 208 9 of the element, (iv) Find numberof atoms. in 268 g of the element. Edge length “a’ of the unit cell = 288'pm Volume of the unif Cell sat s(288 x 10% cm? (472) = 2.39% 107? cm? Solid State Volume of 208 g of the element, Note In NaCl crystal stucture, CF ions are Mass 208-4, 3 | present at ail the corners and at the centre off Density “72 gem OF [each face of the cube. (fee arrangement) and ” (ay |12Na" ions are present at the centre of edges} No. of unit cells otal volume _ and one Na” inside the cell, Therefore, distance Volume of T unit cell between Na* and Cl" fons will be half the edge 28.88 cm? length in the unit cell. 2.39% 10 cm? (1/2), Radius i) =145 pm = 12.08% 107 unit cells edge length (a) =? Since each bec unit cell contains 2 atoms, Radius for the fcc unit cell =~. a therefore, total number of atoms in 208 g a 202. + 22% 12.08% 197? 8 -y = 24.16 10? atoms 2) . a=145% 22, a aM 10. Given, molar mass, M = 58.5 g mot = 440.06 pm a Density, d = 2.165 gem"? 12, For body centred cubic cell, ForNaCl,Z=4° (icc structure) radiist) 2a ow () ie") @) . 23183 pin (given) Radius = “2 316.5 pm (') © (’) WE s165 a : 4 @ (e) er) =137.04 pm ow ee od AB. CP) (0 First find edge tengti of the unit coil by arty #2 bie, “using the formate. a = (ii) Find 2° and then density of the unit cell: ‘is M x Density, oN by using the formula, ¢ ae af 2M)? (uy SeR, = 127.8pm =127.8% 10ers SOONG : M = 63.55 gmiol™ ax sas Na = 6.02% 10? mot Asc 6.02% as) ar _ Ax 127.8% 10°? din =(17,95« 10°29 Tals, ay ee * 217955 1078)" uf 4x 127.8% 1071 -2 Taig (ay 64% 10% om ay u 4s 2) Bos .: . os =4.725x 10 em’ (ey Distance between Nat and CI’ fons it. te00.85 a 25.64% 10" . an, 4.725410 73 x 6.02% 108? Qe (tay wa = 2.82%.10°% em (12) = 6.936 gem? any Chapterwise CBSE Solved Papers Chemistry 14. Given, a= 286.65 pm = 286.65x 107"? om d= 7,874 gcm™ and Mr.= 36 g mol"! For bee, Z=2 Density, d = 2. any ao Avogadro's number Ny = a 2x 56 7.874% (286.65x 107'"} 03x 10”? atoms mol" w a 15. GQ) ti Tofind radius. oF iad atam first find 7 edge fength, aby using the mula, ge fe aN, (i) Find radius, r by using the formuta, vba a 1.35 g cn, M2207 g mol" 6.02% 10° mol! For fee, Density, d = ay ae 2M A207 14.35% 6.02% 1073 (472) = 121.18 x 10 cm? a= 4,948 x 10% em a = 494.8 pm 3. infec, ro 2228 (aay L114 494.8 - 4 = 175.0 pm «ry 16. G) (i Find cdigé length of a nit call by usteg . ihe formula a (i) Find bisenber of Unit cells by using the formula Total volume No. ef unit colts ax pment Volume of T unit celt Given, 15125 pm =125 % 107 cm @ For cop, edge length of the unit cell, ar 2 _4x125 x10? Lala = 353.60x10 ‘cm a 3354107!" cm. Gi) Number of unit cells in em? 2 Total volume Volume of 1 unit cell, a? 3 a2 «a2 ___tem 354x10°MP 254 x 107? unit cells. w 1%. Given, edge length, a d=3.18gcm™ : Molar mass of Caf, M = 78.08 g mol" Fortec Z= 46 x 10% cmdensity, ; ZM . Density, tee a Avogadro number, Ny = AM A 78.08 A dea 3.18% 46x 10%) oO N4 = 0.603% 107 = 6.03x.10"? mol" ao 18. (Ff) 6 Assume that Cu crystaltises in foc unit 2 ceil ang ind edce tena aby using the a formula, a= we ti) Find 2° {i Find ZbyUusing the formulad = aM Given, d= 8.95 gem”? rs 127.8 pm= 127.8x 10°? om 63.54 g mol” Ny = 6.02% 10% mol! Edge tength, a “= Solid State Ax 12 197° an (ay haf 4% 127.8 x 107% y Nz = 4.725% 1073 em? (1/2) dM ay aN, A 8.95% 4.725x 10 x 6.02% 107 63.54 =4.0062 4 a Hence, copper unit cell is a face centred cubic structure. (1/2) Alternate method Let us assume Z = 4, ie., cu has fec structure: ZM d= a aN, o 4x 63.54 d Ny. 8.95 6,02%10” 7445 «10°74 emt . 47045 x 107 con?" _. = 3.612% 10% ems 361.2 pm 1) For fcc 4r=¥2a 361.2 ee eta77 a atd pm rs 22 It shows Cu has fec lattice. >» (es 19. Given, a = 4.07% 10° em,d = 10.3.8 cm" 20. Ny #6.02x 107) atoms mot? _ 2M aN, dD Ng Zz Mw 03% 4.07% 1 Density, Molar mass, M= = 106.54 g molt = 2M aNy ak 6! dN,” 8.930% 6.02 109 472% 10 or... a= 47.2% 10 emt or 2447.2 10779) cm Edge length, a =3.606« 10° cm: For f€¢, radivs, r= fe PAI 4x 3.606% 10% 7 It shows Cu has fcc lattice, a) a a 2) (wa) a a Imperfections i in Solids, Electrical and Magnetic Properties Previous ‘Years’ Examination. Questions 1 Mark Questions L 2, 5. 8. 9. 10. W . What.” is What type of stoichiometric defact is shown by AgchR fDetai 2013) ‘What type of substances would make better Permanent magnets, _ ferromagnetic or. ferrimagnetic? What are mtype semiconductors? [All India 2012) meant ‘doping’ in a semiconductor? {Dethi 2012] How, may’ the: conductivily of ‘an’ intrinsic semiconductor be increased? by TAL India 2022) }. Which stoichiometric defect (point defects) inv crystals increases the density of solid? *.. [AU India 2012; Deihi 2011, 2009] . What is medint by the terin forbidden zone” in reference to band theory of solids?» [Foreign 2012] What meant by Intrinsic serni¢enductort- Which point defect in crystals of a solid does not charige the density:of the solid? [Delhi 2010, 2008). Which point defect, in crystals of a solid « decreases the density'ofthe solid? [Delhi 2010, 2006; All India 2009; eos Foreign 2008). [Welhi 2013} [Foreign 20111 _ Le 12: 18: 14. 1b. 16, “i. 18. 19. 20. 2b Practice the Real Questions ‘What type of semiconductor is Gbtained when silicon is doped with arsenic? [ALL India 2010} Give an example of an ionic compound which shows Frenkel defect. [At India 2016C) Which point defect in its crystal units alters, the density of a solic -© fethi 20091 What. type’ “of sebstances exhibits antisferromagnetism? ©, EDelbi 2008] What: type: of alignment: in crystals ‘makes them ferromagnetic?“ (Foreign 2008] Name an element with which silicon should be doped to give n-type semiconductor, {Delhi so08c; Foreign 20071 ‘What ate F-centres? [ail India 2008¢), Nanie. the” nonstoichioinetric: point ciefect fesponsible for colour'in atkall halides. [All Indin 2006] What is meant by point défeets in erystals? ‘ TAM India 2006) What’ makes. the: crystal’ of KCI to. appear sometimes violet? TAIL india 2006C1 Narie’an‘element with which silicon ean be ~ doped to give a p-type semiconductor. 22, [Foreign 2006} What is the’ effect’ of Schottky ‘aiid. Frenkel defects on the density of crystalline solids2, [All India 2006C) Chapterwise CBSE Solved Papers Chemistry 2 Marks Questions. 23. Account for the following {i) , Schottky defects lower the density of related solids. ii) Conductivity. of silicon increases on doping it with phosphorus. TAIL India 2013] 24. ° ti) What change occurs when AgCl is doped with CdCl? [Alt Indin 2013} i) What. type of semiconductor, is produced whén ‘silicon is doped: with boron? TAIL India 20181 25, Explain the following terms ‘with ‘suitable example of each. (@) Fertomagnetism (ii) Anti-erromiagnetism [Weibi 201161 26.-{i tetms of band theory, explain the difference betieen ‘a cofductor: and:a- semiconductor and give one suitable example for each. hing " » {AN India 201201 27. How aré the following propierties of crystals affected by Schottky and Frenkel defects? (i) Density. ii) Electrical conduit ity [Delht 2010; 20090] 28. Explain the following terms with one suitable examples of each: _ @ Ferromagnetism Gi) Parariagnetism : -” 29. Describe’ the’. two. main’. types. of “semiconductors and contrast their conduction {AH Indin 2009C; Dethi 2006C] (Delhi 20100] mechanism: 30. What are: points defects, in. the. crystals? ». Name the main point defects. . {Dethi 2006) ‘81. Give reasons for the followin wy “Copper 18 conducting as sucli while copper ~ sulphate is conducting molten state or in aqueous solution. TAH India 2006) 3 Marks Questions 32. (i What type of semiconductor is obtained when silicon is doped with boron? (ii) What type of magnetism is shown in the following. alignment. of magnetic moments? ttt ttt (ii) What type pf point defect is produced when AgCl is doped with CdCl? TAH India 2013} ‘83, What ig a Semiconductor? Describe the two main types of semiconductors and explain mechanism for their conduction. {Delhi 2008, 2008C; All India 2008, 2008C] 34, How would you account for the following? (i) Frankel defects. are not found in. alkali metal halides. (ii) Schottky defects tower the density of related solids, Git) Innpurity, doped. silicon’. is a semiconductor. oR Explain’ the following properties giving suitable examples. () Fetromagnetism Gill Ferrimagnetism (Dethi 2008; Foreign 2008} 35, Explain. the following ‘giving a suitable example in each case. “tin Paramiagnetison () Frenkel defect ‘iy Fecentres (iii) Paramagnetism:: (Foreign 2008} 36. Explain, the’ following. terms. with: suitable. examples... (i, Schottky defect Gi) Ferromagnetism [Delhi 2008C} 37, Account for the following: ( FeO, . is ferrimagnetic - at» room temperature but becomes paramagnetic at. 850K. ) Zinc oxide on heating becomes yellow. Solid State. 38. . When Frenkel defect does not change the density of AgCl crystals, {An India 2008C} OR, * the help of suitable diagrams, on the basis of band theory, explain the difference between [All India 2008C] {i) a conductor and an insulator. (di) a conductor and a semiconductor. Explain dach of the following witha suitable example. (iy Paramagnetism (ii) Piezoelectricetfect Gif) Frenkel defect in crystals 89. Assign reasons for the following () Phosphorus doped «silicon is a semiconductor. Gi) Schottky defect lowers the density of a solid. {iii) Some of the very old glass objects appear slightly mitky instead of being transparent. IAll India 2007] (Delhi 2007) Step-by-Step Solutions + Frenkel defect; because of the large difference in the size afAg and CI" ions. w . Ferromaghitie substances. would make better permarient magnets because while placing the ferromagnetic substance in a magnetic fetd, all domains get’ oriented in the same direction of magnetic field and thus a song magnetic effect is produced, . : @ negatively hinged. élections are esponsible'” for “the. “conductivity: of a semiconductor, itis called ritype semiconductor. Such serniconductors aré prepared by doping Si “or Ge with elements of 15 group: - a - Doping is. the process of increasing the conductivities of the intrinsic semiconductors by adding suitable impurity: aM » Conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors is increased by adding an appropriate amount of suitable. impurity. This process is called doping. a . Interstitial defect incteases the density of the substance. ow The large ‘gap’ between’ valence: band: and conduction band in case of insulator is known as forbidden zone. °° °° . a Intrinsic. semiconductors... are those semiconductors which are used in pure form, mM 9, Frenkel defect, also “known as” disfocation defect, does not change the density of the solid, a 10. Schottky defect decreases the density’ 6f the substance. @ 1. :sstype semiconductor is obtained. mM 12: ZnS shows Frenkel defect. io 13, Vacancy and Schottky defects decrease the density oF the substance while’ interstitial defects increase. the density. of the substance. w 14, Substances like “MnO: show. anti-ferro- magnetism, a 15; When ferromagnetic substance is placed int a magnetic field, ail the domains get oriented in the direction of the magnetic field CTT47). (1 co F-centres are the site from ‘where anions até missing and the vacant sites are occupied by free electrons. F:centres- give’ colour to. the crystals. : a) 16. i. Phosphorus or arseni 18: Metal excess defect due to anionic vacancies, because Fcentres are created in it, which give colour to the alkali halide, am Point defects ‘are the deviations from ideal arrangement around a point or an atom in a crystalline substance. . oO 18. 20. a4 22. 23. 24. 25. Chapterwise CBSE Solved Papers Chemistry Excess of K in KCl crystal makes if violet. The unpaired electron “trapped in’ the anionic vacancies known as F-centres, impart violet colour to the crystal. 3) Boron or aluminium or gallidm. ic) In Schottky defects density of a solid decreases while in Frenkel defects density of a solid ‘remains the same. a Gti Schottky. defect equal number of cationic sites and anionic sites are found vacant, thus decreases the density of the substance. ay Conductivity inicreases due to the extra’ free delocalisad electrons o i) When Agc! is doped with CCl, two Ag” ions will be replaced by one Cd?” ion to maintain” electrical. ‘neutrality. Thus,” a hole is created as the lattice site for every Ce?" ion introduced.. Hence, the crystal becomes conductor. a (ii ptype semiconductor is ‘oblained, when ~ $i is doped with boron. « {iy Ferramagnetism : A: few. substances like iron, cobalt, nickel, gadolinium and CrO3 are attracted very strongly by a magnetic field... Such’ substances... are. called ferromagnetic substances. When ferromagnetic’ substarice is placed in'atnagnetic field all the’doniains get ofiented in the direction of the magnetic field “arid a: strong’ magretic. effect. is produced. Alignment. of siagrietic. maiients ‘in ferromagnetic-substance (4741). wo (ii) Anti-ferromagnetism . Substances like MnO showing’ anti-ferramagnetism have domain structure similar to ferromagnetic substance, . but’ their: domains are oppositely oriented and cancel out each other's magnetic moment: Alignment of magnetic moments in anti ferromagnetic substance NITE. =) 26. 27. 28. ‘Conductors Metals conduct electricity in sotid as wolf as in molten state. The conductivity of metals depend upon the number of valence electrons available per atom. The atomic oxbitals of metal atoms form molecular orbitals which are so close in energy to each other as to form a band. If this band is partially filled or it overlaps with a higher energy unoccupied . orbital, called the conduction band, the efectron can flow easily under an applied electric field and the metal shows conductivity. e.g., sodium, silver, etc. G241R=) Semicoridictors In case of semiconductors, the gap between the valence band and conduction band is small. Therefore, some electrons may jump from. valence band to conduction band and shaw some conductivity, eg, silicon, germanium, (1/2 + 12 = 1) —L-eninty. artesian} |. panguetion Sand re fe small Files energy valence 8 band fe Parially. Overlapping | tale filed band “ands tra Motat (Conductors)... ” Si (Semiconductor) {J In Schottky defect . density of the substance decreases while. in’ Frenkel © defect density of the substance remains the same. W212 22) i) Electrical conductivity. of the: crystal is increased in both Schottky and Frenket defects: G2+12=0 {i Ferromagnetism—Refer ans. 25 (i). W2eUZ=0 Gi) Paramagnetism Paramagnetic: substances are weakly attracted by.a magnetic field. Paramagnetism is due to the presence of ‘one ar more unpaired electrons which are attracted by the magnetic field, eg, Oz, Cu Fe’, Cr, etc, 241 2=Y Solid State... 29. 30. a1. 32, a » (ii) Impurity defects about and thus: they conduct électricity: n-type of semiconductors: Wher: Si is doped, with a’ group: 15 element like Por As, ntype semiconductor is obtained. ‘The extra’ fitth’ electron is: ‘delocalised “and increases the conductivity’ of dopéd silicon or germanium. Inctéaée in conductivity is due to the :negatively:- charged: electrons; hence, silicon doped with electron: rich: impurity is called mtype semiconductor. a pAype: semnicondiictors” When 'Si* or Ge is doped with a grouip 13 element like B, Al or Ga, pttype’ semiconductor is ‘obtained. The place where the fouith valérice eléictran ‘is missing is catled electron hole’or electron vacancy: The vacancy is filled by the electron from the neighbouring atom but then an electron hole is created at the site from where electron goes in the hole. As it continues, the electron holes ‘will hidve iva ditection opposite to the flow of electrons “and makes” the crystal more Conducting, Bos ma Point defects aré the irregutarities or deviations frony ideal afrangenient around. a point or an atom in a crystalline substance, o Point defects can be Classified ints three types {i} Stoichiometric defects. Nott stoichiometric defects a) In copper, electrical conductivity is due to the presencé of free electrons (metallic conductan). Copper silphate is an ionic compound, There are. strong. electrostatic. forces. between. the... cations and artions in solid state. Herice, thera is no free cations arid anions: In molten state or. in Aqueous state, the ions become free ta move (et =2) 5 Ai), Refer ans. 2 Gi (@) Ferramagaetism because all domains are oriented: in’. the». same: direction of magnetic field < @) Whei AgCl is déped with cach impurity defect is prodkiced, >. 33. Semiconductors * These: aré the solids itl conductivities in the intermediate range from 10°* 010% ohm” a Types. of semiconductors These’ aré-of wo types () mtype semiconductor “ta a perfect silicon, crystal four valence eldctrons of each atont are used for forming four normal covalent ~ bonds with four adjacent’ silicon: atoms. When a’silicon of yermaniuiny: crystal, is doped with a group-15 element like P or As, the dopant atoms wilh: five. valence electrons occupy some of the lattice sites normally occupied by silicon atom. The dopant atom uses four of its electrons for covalent bonding. but the fifth extra electron’ becomes: delocalised “and this extra electron increase the conductivity of Si crystal. Hence, silicon doped with electron rich impurity. is, called mtype semiconductor. ap (ii) p-type semiconductor. When asilicon or germanium crystal is doped swith a group 13 element. like’, By» Alor. Ga.. which contains only three valence electrons, the dopant’ atom. occupy. sortie: of the! lattice ~:sites normally occupied by silicon atom. Tha: place’ where: the fouith: valence electron is missing is called electron hale or electron. vacancy: These: holes . can move throtigh: the crystal like'a positive charge and increase the conductivity of crystal. ‘Hence, silicon’ doped” with “electron deficit: impurity, is called’ ‘pype semiconductor. mM ve ores [hk or er exexcsa Cofiduietion én pe semiconductor Doiocatisad election Chapterwise CBSE Solved Papers Chemistry P-type semiconductor piype : Semiconductor 34, ()) This is due to the fact that atkali metal ions have large size and cannot fit into the interstitial sites, w. Gi) Refer ans, 23 (i) a {iii} The” conductivity“! of * intrinsic semiconductar like Si is too’ low to be of practical use. Its conductivity is increased amount of suitable impurity, which is: electron rich or electron deficient. . o : oR 2 {@) Ferromagnetisni: Refer ans. 25 : : (24 12 1) (ii) Paramagrietism: Refer ans: 28 (ii. wns : (2+ 12s 1) (iii) Ferrimagnetism When. the: © magnetic voments “are “aligned ’ in’ parallel. ‘and ‘Atipafallel ditections in unequal numbers resulting: °in-- net - rhagnetic:° moment, ferrimnagnetisin is observed, Ferrimagnetic substances are. weakly . attracted by magnetic. field’. as. > compared to fetromagratic substances. -.. Magnelite {Fe,0,);, ferrites (MgFe,0,, and ZnFe,0,) ate: examples. of. such: substances. These substances’ lose ferrimagnetism on heating, and become paramagnetic. TTLTTY ‘Alignment: of magnetic’ moments “in ferrimagnetic substance” «(1/2 + 12 = 1) 85. (i) Frenkel... defect. This ga@oe defect: is shown by those ae Seen . nic’solids in which there: Sele is a large difference in the. size: of. ions, eg. ZnS, = AgCl,- AgBr,: Agh.. The Frenkel defect cations suchas Zn** or Ag’ due to their small size are dislocated ftom its normal site to an interstitial site. This creates a vacancy defect at ils original site and an interstitial defect at its new location. It does not change the density of the solic.(1) (i) Feentres. The anionic sites occupied by unpaired electrons are called F-centtes or colour centees.. The crystals. becomes coloured due to the excitation of these unpaired electrons when. they absorb energy from the visible light falling on the crystals, e.g., LiCl“crystal appears pink due to the excess af lithium: a (i) Paramagnetism.. Refer ans: 28 (ii); (1) 36. (i) Schottky defect “This defect is shown by those ionic substances in which the cation and anion aié of almost similar size. NaCl, KCI, CsCl. and: AgBr show. this type of defect. It is basically a vacancy defect. In this type of defect equal number of cations and anions are found missing from their lattice’ sites. Schottky defect’ decreases ‘density of the substance. = ° ( 1 } . 2 Gi) Ferromagnetism Refer ans. 25 (i): 6 4 87. (FeO, loses ferrimagnetism’ on heating and becomes paramagnetic. o (i) Zine oxide’ is white: in: colour, at room temperature. On, heating it loses oxygen and tums yellows © 320% "> oo mn, S84 tal 42 Op 20° ‘The excess Zn?! ions move to interstitial sites: and- the: electrons to. neighbouring - - interstitial sites: a) (ii) In Frenkel defect,’ smaller ion’ usually cation is dislocated from its normal site to an interstitialsite- but no ion is ‘missing from the crystal'so it does not change the: density of the sotid: . @ OR 5 {) tn conductors: energy’ band. is: partially filled or it overlaps with a higher energy unoccupied conduction band. Due'to this Solid State electrons can flow easily under an applied electric field and show conductivity. fa 1) 2) fn “insulators the gap “between filled valence band and. the. next . higher unoccupied. band. (conduction, band) largé, then’ electrons cannot jump’ to it and ‘stich’'a “substance: has” very. srnall conductivity and it’ behaves as an insulators. {ii) th semiconductors, the gap between the valence. band and conduction band is small: Therefore, some. elections may jump to conduction band and show some conduct f 3) 2 femiiaane <—} — | bene ongucion = fee nd Feito 200 a, Fit iecotaree |e = Pet onrs ronaSang dt arene Seat Metats ‘naulators (@ Paramagnetism Refer ans. 28 (ii). oO {ii) Piezoelectric effect When efectricity is produced by applying mechanical stress on polar crystals, it is known as piezoelectricity and ‘the property is known as piezoelectric effect. Piezoelectric crystals are used in record players as pick ups in which they produce electrical signals by the application of pressure. a (ii} Frenkel defect in crystal Refer ans: 35 () (1) 39. {#) When silicon is doped with a group! 13 element like phosphorus, {phosphorus is pertavalent), the conductivity of doped silicon crystal increases due to the extra free delocatised elactran: a Gi) Refer ans, 23 {i} ay 4Git) Some of the very old glass objects appear _. Slightly, mitky instead of being transparent because of some crystallisation. a

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