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Reflection Part A 1

Student Name: Bindu Sharma

Student No: 800-720-708
Nurs 250 : Aspiring Leadership Qualities
Saturday : January 31,2015

Reflection -A

Reflection Part A 2

Leadership is the action of leading a group of people. Leadership is commonly defined as a

process of influence whereby the leader influences others towards goal achievement
(Yukl, 1998). Kouzes and Posner (2002) believe that leadership is a relationship between the
people who lead and the people who follow the leader. They also believe that leaders are people
who apply their extraordinary skills in various life situations to motivate the people around them.
The major leadership theories are classified according to the following approaches: behavioural
approach, contingency approach, contemporary approach.
Fielders contingency theory resonates with my ideas, values, beliefs and expectation.
Contingency theory acknowledges that other factors in the environment influence outcomes as
much as leadership style and that leader effectiveness is contingent upon, that is, depends upon,
something other than the leaders behaviour (Kelly & Crawford 2013. pg.175). I strongly agree
the premise is that different leaders behaviour patterns will be effective in different situations.
Leader- member relationship, degree of task structure, and leaders position of power are the
factors involved in the needs of situation or how favourable the situation is towards the leader
(Fielder, 1967 as cited in Kelly & Crawford, 2013)
I am supervisor of client services assisted living department. In my role I do case
management conduct in-home client assessment. I develop an individual care plan with clients,
in order to provide services that best meet client health and social needs. I communicate client
care plans to support workers and provide direction, education and support to assisted living staff
regarding client care issues. I coordinate medical and other appointments for clients. My goal is
for all senior clients getting quality care and being able to live independently in their homes, in a
safe environment. In my leadership role my task relates to Fielders contingency theories task

Reflection Part A 3

structure. Task structure refers to the degree to which work is defined, with specific procedures,
explicit directions, and measurable goals. (Fielder, 1967 as cited in Kelly & Crawford, 2013)
Last year I experienced a challenging situation. One 75 years old independent male
client was very sick and got bedridden. He has no family contact .We had no key to the
apartment and he was scheduled for one visit for safety check daily in the evening. PSWs who
visited reported to client is very sick and he is not eating when she offered to call 911 client
stated he is fine. PSWs who visited client are concerned about his health. It is an adverse event. I
phoned client few times and there was no response. I contacted superintendent of the building
and requested to do the joint visit. I observed client was very happy to see Joe and was very
upset with my presence and was ignoring me during conversation. I observed nonverbal anger,
frustration and shame (due to clutter in the apartment). Joe and I offered to call ambulance, client
refused. Clients have rights and choices, I have to respect their choices. Client looked very pale
and weak. He stated he will call ambulance when he is ready for it. The ice water and juice was
on the table but I noticed the phone far from his bed. Joe and I moved the phone near the client.
Client consented I can get the key from Joe. Client agreed to my advice to increase the service
for him. Client trusted me and accepted my suggestions. Leader -membership relations are the
feelings and attitudes of followers regarding the acceptance, trust and credibility of the leader
(Fielder, 1967 as cited in Kelly &Crawford, 2013)
I focused on his needs and asked for any groceries he needed. He requested for popsicles and
ice cream. The requested items were purchased and delivered to him in few hours. This applies
to Fielders contingency theory. Fielder states when the range of favorableness is intermediate or
moderate , human relations leader who is concerned about people is most effective . These
situation need interpersonal and relationship skills to foster group achievement. I experienced it

Reflection Part A 4

work in this situation During my second home visit with superintendent Joe, the client had so
much respect for me and ordered Joe to remove the items from the chair so I can sit and talk.
Client gave thanks for the popsicles and ice-cream and increase in service. I wanted the client to
realise I am concerned about his health and I care for him. My actions worked very effectively.
Fielder showed that a task-related leader concerned with task accomplishment was effective.
Client repeated same dialogue he will call 911 when he will be ready. Client refused home visit
doctor or community nurse. I respected the clients rights and choices. Now it is almost a month.
One day staff reported client is lying naked and looked very fatigued. I called ambulance and
client agreed to go to the hospital. At this point client realised the fact he is not healing and he
should be treated. Fielders contingency theory states position power is the degree of formal
authority and influence associated with the leader. High position power is favourable to leader.
As leader I focused on clients health and well -being. Client can still refuse to go with
paramedics as his choice. After one month hospitalisation client came home. When client came
back he was very appreciative and thankful to me on saving his life.
In my leadership I applied critical thinking. A leader should think ahead. Thinking ahead is
the ability to be proactive and anticipate what might happen. Critical thinking is essential when
making decisions and solving problems. Nurse leader should learn new skills that involve
leadership behaviours and effective management to achieve the goal in all different situations.

Kelly ,P. and Crawford, H. (2013). Nursing Leadership and management. (2nd ed).
Toronto: Nelson Education

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