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Tuskegee Airmen Graphic Organizer (pg.


Answer (1-2 sentences)

Evidence (direct quote)

Reflection (2-3 sentences)

What did the

Tuskegee Airmen
basic training
consist of?

Tuskegee Airmen basic

training consisted of
many different things.
Not only did they train
in ground school but
they also participated in
flying training in the
False. Single engine
pilots were taught how
to fly P-40 planes.
Twin-engine pilots were
taught to fly AT-10s,
which prepared them to
fly bombers like the B25.
Bombardment group
training took longer
because it required the
training of many
different people, such as
navigators and radio
True. Many men who
never flew called
themselves Tuskegee
Airmen because they
still played an important
role even if they didnt
fly any aircrafts.

Basic training consisted of both ground

school and flying training in military
aircrafts. Ground school courses
included meteorology, radio
communication, radio codeThe flying
training took place in BT-13 airplanes.
pg. 4

This is historically significant because it proves

that the Tuskegee Airmen were well trained.
Just because they were African Americans
didnt mean that they got an easier training or
that they were not smart enough to learn all the
tasks that were required.

Single engine pilots learned how to fly

P- 40 aircraftTwin-engine pilots
learned instead how to fly AT-10s,
which prepared them to fly medium
bombers such as the B-25, which also
had two engines. pg. 4-5

This is historically significant because it

demonstrates that the Tuskegee Airmen were
being properly trained for combat. The fact that
they trained on AT-10s is important because it
is because this that they were then able to use
B-25s bombers during the war.

The training of a bombardment group

took longer than a fighter group, partly
because the bombers required training
not only for pilots but also for crewmen
such as navigators, bombardiers, radio
operators, and gunners.
pg. 5
Behind the Tuskegee Airmen pilots
were many others who could also call
themselves Tuskegee Airmenmany
were other officers, such as the
navigators and bombardiers. They
included maintenance personnel,
ordnance personnel, quartermasters,
guards, engineers, supply personnel, and
other specialists. pg. 7

This is historically significant because it shows

that the men had to work together in order to be
a part of a bombardment groups. The fact that
all these men had to be trained meant that
everyone had to do their job properly in order
for the unit to be successful.

Single engine pilots

were taught how to
fly AT-10 planes.

Why did the

training of
groups take longer
than fighter
There we some
Tuskegee Airmen
who never go to fly
(Hint pg. 7)

This is historically significant because we often

fail to recognize the Tuskegee Airmen who
didnt fly aircrafts. It is important for us to
realize that all the maintenance personnel,
ordnance personnel, quartermasters, guards,
engineers and supply personnel played and
important role in the success of the Tuskegee



Tuskegee Airmen Graphic Organizer (pg. 1-11)

What did the 99

Fighter Squadron
do in Italy and the

The 99 Fighter
squadron did patrolled
mission and also
attacked enemy targets
during their time in Italy
and the Mediterranean.

In the summer of
1944, all mission
remained the same
for the 332nd
Fighter Groups.

False. Things changed

for the 332nd Fighter
Group because they
began to take part in
more dangerous

Flying P-40s fighters, the squadron at

first flew patrol missions to protect
Allied shipping in the Mediterranean
Sea. While attached to various white
fighter groups the 99th joined white
P-40 squadrons in attacking enemy
targets on the Mediterranean Islands of
Pantelleria and Sicily. pg. 8

By the summer of 1944, the mission of

the Tuskegee Airmen changed
dramatically, as the 332d Fighter Group
began escorting heavy bombers such as
B-17s and B-24s on long-range raids
deep into enemy territory for the
Fifteenth Air Force. pg. 8
How did the
They opened the doors
Thy proved that black men could not
Tuskegee Airmen
by proving that African only fly military aircraft, but also the
open the door for
Americans were as
most advanced fighters, in successful
African Americans smart as whites, and that combat with the enemy. The Tuskegee
in aviation.?
they were able to fly just Airmen also demonstrated that they
as well as them.
could fly multi-engine bombers, leading
crews that included bombardiers,
navigators, and radio operators.
Once World War II False. After the war was Suffice it to say that Africanwas over African
over, African Americans Americans since World War II have
Americans no
continued to join, train
continued to excel in the fields of
longer wished to be and serve in the
aviation and space, not only as members
serve in the
of the Air Force, but as members of
other military services. They and
countless others can thank the Tuskegee
Airmen for helping to open the door of
opportunity for them. pg. 10-11

This is historically significant because if shows

that the men of the 99th were being trusted to
perform important work. Instead of being kept
on reserve they were allowed to patrol and
engage in combat against the enemy.

This is historically significant because it shows

the dangerous work that the Tuskegee Airmen
were trusted with. Even though they were
African American, the men were trusted to
escort bombers and raid deep in enemy territory
(which takes intelligence and courage).
This is historically significant because before
the Tuskegee Airmen , Americans did not think
that African Americans would do well in the
military. However, because of the work that
they did during the war and all the tasks that the
completed, they demonstrated that they were
just as capable as whites and did a great job
serving in the military.
This is historically significant because a lot of
things changed after the war. The Tuskegee
Airmen helped end segregation in the military,
which resulted in more African Americans
being able to join the military. Since the war,
we continue to see an increase in African
Americans joining the military and serving the
United States.

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