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***Keep this paper in your Regions Unit folder

Project is Due: _____________

Regions Brochure
Imagine that you could live anywhere in the United States! What region would you chose
to live in? You wouldn t want to live by yourself. Your job is to convince someone else of
why someone should consider moving to that region with you.
You will have to describe the:
Physical Characteristics
*Use your planning sheet to brainstorm ideas before you create your final brochure. You
will have to complete your planning sheet before you may start your brochure. You can
use any of your resources from this unit (flipbooks, flyers, mini-books, etc) to help you.
Remember your materials are in your folder.
*Miss Zimmerman/Miss Speidel will have large paper for you to fold and create a
brochure after they have looked at your planning sheet. You can also look at the
example of the planning sheet or brochure if you need help organizing them.


*Make sure and read the rubric carefully to include all the parts!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cut the dotted line and give the bottom part to Miss Zimmerman/Miss Speidel for which
region you would like to do your brochure on. They will keep this for you so you do not
forget which one you chose.

Name: _________________________

Project is Due: ____________________

Chosen Region: _______________

Name: _______________________ Chosen Region: _______________ Score: _____/35

Travel Brochure Rubric

1 point

Description of the

Pictures are

Description is incorrect or
does not include complete
sentences. There are no
details about the region.

There are no pictures or

the pictures are messy and
do not match the region.

3 points
Description is somewhat
correct. There is an
attempt at an
introductory and
conclusion sentence.
There is one to two
There are the required
amount of pictures.
Pictures could use more
details. They somewhat
match the region.

Description is correct.
Tells about the location in
the United States. There is
an introductory sentence,
three details, and a
conclusion sentence.

Pictures are neat and

drawn with great care.
They match the region
that was chosen. There are
more than the required


The description does not

match the region. It does
not include three
descriptive adjectives.
There is no picture of the
picture is messy and does
not match the region.


The description does not

match the region. It does
not include three
descriptive adjectives.
There is no picture of the
picture is messy and does
not match the region.

Description includes one

or two examples of
physical characteristics.
Some of the details are
not a match for the
chosen region.

Sentences are not

complete. The cultural fact
does not match the region.

The sentence is complete

but it could be longer and
include more description.

Writes one complete

sentence about a cultural
fact they found

Attraction does not match

the region. There are no
supporting details. It is not

Only one or two details

given to support why
someone should see the

List one attraction with

three supporting details of
why someone should go
and see it.

Handwriting is messy.
There are no spaces
between words. There are
no capital letters or end

Handwriting is readable,
but not the students best
work. There are a few
capital letters and/or end
marks missing. THey do
not take away from the

The handwriting in the

brochure is neat with
spaces in between words.
There are capital letters
and end marks for each



Neatness and

Climate description is
somewhat correct. There
are one or two descriptive
adjectives. Picture could
use more detail to match
the climate.

5 points

Climate description is
correct. Includes three
descriptive adjectives to
describe the climate. Must
include a drawing of the
Describes three examples
of physical characteristics
that could be found in this

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