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Lesson 1: Students will identify the characteristics of the Midwest region.

Social Studies Places and Regions: 3.3.5 explain that regions are areas that have similar physical and cultural
characteristics*. Identify Indiana and the local community as part of a specific region.
English Language Arts Writing:
3.W.1: Write routinely over a variety of time frames and for a range of discipline-specific tasks,
purposes, and audiences; apply reading standards to write in response to literature and nonfiction
3.W.2.1: Write legibly in print or cursive, leaving space between letters in a word, words, in a sentence,
and words and the edges of the paper.
3.W.6.2: Demonstrate command of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, focusing on: 3.W.6.2a:
Capitalization Capitalize appropriate words in titles, historical periods, company names, product
names, and special events.
Interdisciplinary Connections

Social Studies (identify characteristics of Midwest


English Language Arts-Writing (writing in complete


Assessing the Objectives

Informal assessment: snapshot train


Formal assessment: unit post-test

Lesson 2: Students will identify physical and cultural characteristics of the Southwest region.
Social Studies Places and Regions: 3.3.5 explain that regions are areas that have similar physical and cultural
characteristics*. Identify Indiana and the local community as part of a specific region.
English Language Arts Writing:
3.W.1: Write routinely over a variety of time frames and for a range of discipline-specific tasks,
purposes, and audiences; apply reading standards to write in response to literature and nonfiction
3.W.2.1: Write legibly in print or cursive, leaving space between letters in a word, words, in a sentence,
and words and the edges of the paper.
3.W.6.2: Demonstrate command of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, focusing on: 3.W.6.2a:
Capitalization Capitalizing appropriate words in titles, historical periods, company names, product
names, and special events.
Interdisciplinary Connections

Social Studies (identifying characteristics of the

southwest region)

English Language Arts-Writing (writing in complete


Assessing the Objectives

Informal assessment: interactive


Formal assessment: unit post-test

Lesson 3: Students will identify characteristics of the West region.

*Location, climate, physical characteristics, cultural, attractions, and a fun fact.
Social Studies Places and Regions: 3.3.5 explain that regions are areas that have similar physical and cultural
characteristics*. Identify Indiana and the local community as part of a specific region.
English Language Arts Writing:
3.W.1: Write routinely over a variety of time frames and for a range of discipline-specific tasks,
purposes, and audiences; apply reading standards to write in response to literature and nonfiction
3.W.2.1: Write legibly in print or cursive, leaving space between letters in a word, words, in a sentence,
and words and the edges of the paper.
3.W.6.2: Demonstrate command of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, focusing on: 3.W.6.2a:
Capitalization Capitalizing appropriate words in titles, historical periods, company names, product
names, and special events.
Interdisciplinary Connections

Social Studies (identify characteristics of the west


English Language Arts-Writing (writing in complete


Assessing the Objectives

Informal assessment: flyer

Formal assessment: unit post-test

Lesson 4: Students will identify physical and cultural characteristics of the Southeast region.
Social Studies Places and Regions: 3.3.5 explain that regions are areas that have similar physical and cultural
characteristics*. Identify Indiana and the local community as part of a specific region.
English Language Arts Writing:
3.W.1: Write routinely over a variety of time frames and for a range of discipline-specific tasks,
purposes, and audiences; apply reading standards to write in response to literature and nonfiction
3.W.2.1: Write legibly in print or cursive, leaving space between letters in a word, words, in a sentence,
and words and the edges of the paper.
3.W.6.2: Demonstrate command of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, focusing on: 3.W.6.2a:
Capitalization Capitalizing appropriate words in titles, historical periods, company names, product
names, and special events.
Interdisciplinary Connections

Social Studies (identifying characteristics of the

southeast region)

English Language Arts-Writing (write in complete


Assessing the Objectives

Informal assessment: acrostic poem

Formal assessment: unit post-test

Lesson 5: Students will identify physical and cultural characteristics of the Northeast region.
Social Studies Places and Regions: 3.3.5 explain that regions are areas that have similar physical and cultural
characteristics*. Identify Indiana and the local community as part of a specific region.
English Language Arts Writing:
3.W.1: Write routinely over a variety of time frames and for a range of discipline-specific tasks,
purposes, and audiences; apply reading standards to write in response to literature and nonfiction texts.
3.W.2.1: Write legibly in print or cursive, leaving space between letters in a word, words, in a sentence,
and words and the edges of the paper.
3.W.6.2: Demonstrate command of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, focusing on: 3.W.6.2a:
Capitalization Capitalizing appropriate words in titles, historical periods, company names, product
names, and special events.
Interdisciplinary Connections

Social Studies (identifying characteristics of the

northeast region)

English Language Arts-Writing (writing in complete


Assessing the Objectives

Informal assessment: mini book

Formal assessment: unit post-test

Lesson 6: Students will recognize the cardinal directions north, south, east, and west and understand
where these are in their classroom. Students will understand what a compass rose is used for and how
to use it.
Social Studies The World in Spatial Terms: 3.3.4 identify the northern, southern, eastern and western
hemispheres; cardinal and intermediate directions; and determine the direction and distance from one place to
Interdisciplinary Connections

Social Studies (map skills and cardinal directions)

Assessing the Objectives

Informal assessment: map activity

Formal assessment: unit post-test

Lesson 7: Students will compare their assigned region to two other United States regions.
Social Studies Places and Regions: 3.3.5 explain that regions are areas that have similar physical and cultural
characteristics*. Identify Indiana and the local community as part of a specific region.
English Language Arts:
3.RN.4.2: Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the
same topic.
3.RV.1: Build and use accurately conversational, general academic, and content-specific words and
Interdisciplinary Connections

Social Studies (identifying characteristics of regions)

English Language Arts-Writing (writing in complete


English Language Arts-Reading (comparing and


Assessing the Objectives

Informal assessment: Venn diagrams

comparing regions

Formal assessment: unit post-test

Lesson 8: The students will compare and contrast folktales from various regions.
English Language Arts:
3.RL.2.2: Retell folktales, fables, and tall tales from diverse cultures; identify the themes in these works.
3.RN.4.2: Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the
same topic.
Interdisciplinary Connections

Social Studies

English Language Arts-Writing (writing in complete


English-Language Arts-Reading (comparing and

contrasting folktales and fables)

Assessing the Objectives

Informal assessment: comparing and

contrasting statements and Venn diagrams

Formal assessment: unit post-test

Lesson 9: The students will find various fractions related to the Regions of the United States.
Math Standard: 3.NS.3: Understand a fraction, 1/b, as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned
into b equal parts; understand a fraction, a/b, as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.
Interdisciplinary Connections

Social Studies (identify the location of the regions)

Mathematics (fractions)

Assessing the Objectives

Informal assessment: questions as a

whole group, walking around the room

Formal assessment: fractions quick

check and unit post-test

Lesson 10: Students will write a persuasive letter to convince a friend or family member to live in a
specific region.
English Language Arts:
3.W.2.1: Write legibly in print or cursive, leaving space between letters in a word, words, in a sentence, and
words and the edges of the paper.
3.W.3.1: Write persuasive compositions in a variety of forms that
o State the opinion in an introductory statement or section.
o Support the opinion with reasons in an organized way
o Connect opinion and reasons using words and phrases.
o Provide a concluding statement or section.
Interdisciplinary Connections

Social Studies (identify characteristics of a region)

English Language Arts-Writing (writing a friendly letter)

Assessing the Objectives

Informal assessment: persuasive letter

Formal assessment: unit post-test

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