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Class #9 Lawyer Lynn

Lawyer Lynn is representing Plaintiff in a civil jury trail. During the trial, Lynn
has reacted with eye-rolling, grimaces, and other negative facial expressions
and gestures whenever the judge rules adversely to her. These expressions
and gestures are visible to the jury, disrespectful, and disruptive. The judge
has, on his own initiative, and upon motion of opposing counsel, admonished
Lynn both in camera and in front of the jury, to stop.
After these
admonishments, Lynn will temporarily comply, but will then begin gesturing
again when a ruling by the judge provokes her. You represent Defendant in
this case.

What should you do?

File an appropriate motion with the Court asking that more
serious sanctions be imposed on Lawyer Lynn.
Have a private conversation with Lawyer Lynn and try to
convince her to stop.
Report Lynn to the local Bar panel that reviews charges of
unprofessional conduct.
File a Florida Bar grievance seeking formal disciplinary sanction
against Lynn.
None of the above. If you choose this option, you must indicate
what you would do.

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