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March 27, 2015

B ro


u re


Brother Kerr


I want the brochure to be clean, simply and
straight to the point (the eye was
able to spot information quickly). Just like my
message adventures dont have to be extreme, it can be as
simple as enjoying a beautiful day with a love one.

P ro g r a m s
Adobe InDeisgn

P ro c e s s
The tools used to create the brochure were the
Shape Tool, Select Tool, Type Tool and
Eyedropper tool. The Shape was used to make the diamond
shape for the photos (so I could use it in a clipping mask)
and color ed r ectangles. By using the Selection Tool I
was able to work with the cer tain pieces of the project.
And the Type Tool w as used to write all the infor mation
o n t h e p r o j e c t . L a s t l y, t h e E y e d r o p p e r To o l w a s u s e d
to bring out color for the project. Next time I hope to
create a brochure with a creative folding way to it.

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