Elisse Maynez's Portfolio

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Elisse Maynez

Event Ad
Web Page

Description: Promotional flier for
a BYU-Idaho graduate leadership
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2015
Course/Instructor: Visual Media/
Brother Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Microsoft Word
Objectives: Flier Project
Process: I started out by sketching out the ideas that I had in my
head. I then picked two of the four
sketches that I had. I showed a couple of people my four sketches and
they liked the two that I had picked
without me telling them. I had the
idea of using an entire photo for
the flier and putting it as the background of the flier. The photo was
opaque and the text stood out the
most. I thought that doing that to
the photo was something different
than other fliers, because most fliers
have photos, but not on the entire

October 21

8 a.m.- 5 p.m.
Lincoln Convention Center

Graduate Leadership Conference

Do you want to have the competitive edge in
business? Come learn how at Vouant
Communications annual Graduate Leadership
Vouant Communications is devoted to helping
tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership skills
in the workplace. During this dynamic three-day
seminar, attendees will meet with top executives
of Vouant Communications to discuss breakthrough leadership techniques, while cultivating
attributes of leadership that will market to any
employer. Conference is available to graduating
seniors. Space is limited.
Conference is available to graduating seniors.
Space is limited.

Description: This is a flier for my
Date: Saturday, January 31, 2015
Course/Instructor: Visual Media/
Brother Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Microsoft Word
Objectives: Flier for my event
Process: I scanned the beach photos, and then used a Word image
effect change the transparency.
The two photos I used were taken
at the beach and I decided to use
some photos I took for the flier. I
tried using a blue-ish green color
for my flier, because that is my favorite color and those colors attract
me whenever I am looking around
at things! I chose the georgia font
and used white for the upper part
of the flier and black for the bottom half. Microsoft Word is actually
an easy way to make a flier when
you dont have a lot of time and its
easy to edit!


Have you ever taken videos of people or of beautiful places and
wanted to compile those clips into a short video? Well now is your
chance to learn how to edit, crop clips, and add music to those video
clips you have and make a 90 second video of any experience!

FEBRUARY 25TH 2015 @ 8 PM


Description: Photography
Date: Saturday, February 7, 2015
Course/Instructor: Visual Media/
Brother Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Image editing
Process: I planned out this project
by choosing a color scheme for my
layout, monochromatic. I used my
Canon 60D and went to shoot three
of my roommates. I put the photo into Photoshop and used these
specific editing techniques: levels,
sharpness, and color balance. I then
designed an 8.511 layout that
included my photo, a quote, and
repeating triangles. I wanted to go
for a blue-ish tone for the whole
project, so I used the eye dropper
tool to get the exact color I wanted
for the background of the picture.
I created three white triangles that
were filled in, and three white triangles that had space in the center.
Hooray for photoshop!

Description: A spiritual montage
made by blending two images, and
the use of typography.
Date: Saturday, February 14,
Program(s)/Tools: Photoshop
Objectives: I really liked the quote
and I wanted to show Gordon B.
Hinckley and he is the one who said
Process: I made the background image to 8.511. I selected President
Gordon B. Hinckley and moved
him to the background image, and
added a mask. I added some type
with two contrasting fonts and I
added a layer style to make the
text more legible.

Description: For this project I had to
make three different logos for the
same company!
Date: Saturday, February 21,
Course/Instructor: Visual Media/
Brother Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Illustrator
Process: For this project i learned
how to use Illustrator! I used the
rectangle, polygon, and ellipse tool
the most. I also used the same font
for the the last two because I feel
like it matched it a lot better. The
first logo has a different font from
the rest because it matches better!

Description: Logo for a hair salon
using a simple logo.
Date: Saturday, February 28,
Course/Instructor: Visual Media/
Brother Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Illustrator
Process: I created the entire business card using Adobe Illustrator.
I mainly used the ellipse and line
segment tool.

Description: A web page designed
to present my video production
Date: Saturday, March 14, 2015
Course/Instructor: Visual Media/
Brother Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Illustrator, Text
Wrangler, and Photoshop.
Process: I made this web page using text wrangler. It was somewhat
difficult to learn at first, but after
learning what I could actually do
with html and css, it was fun making
a web page for the first time. One
of the easiest parts of this project
was probably the css part. For that,
I had to insert what types of fonts I
wanted and what colors I wanted.
The programs that I used were Illustrator, Text Wrangler, and Photoshop.

Description: A triple-sided brochure
about the Santa Monica Pier.
Date: Saturday, March 28, 2015
Course/Instructor: Visual Media/
Brother Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Illustrator
and InDesign
Objectives: To show everyone how
wonderful the Santa Monica Pier is
to visit any time of the year!
Process: For this project I used Adobe InDesign and I created the logo
in Illustrator. In Illustrator I used
the ellipse tool to make my lobster
logo. After making my logo, I chose
a couple of pictures and put them
in InDesign. I made some of the
photos transparent to show the text.

CALIFORNIA | Santa Monica Pier

200 Santa Monica, CA


Grub: From burgers, seafood, churros, funnel cake, food carts, and
Mexican food, the pier has a wide
variety of choices when it comes to
food. Starting at the beginning of
the pier, there is the famous Bubba
Gump Shrimp Co. At the end of the
pier is the mouth-watering Mariasol
Cocina Mexicana. Eating on the pier
will not only satisfy your hunger, but it
will give you a gorgeous view of the
ocean, and touch you with the ocean
breezes. It is only natural to partake
of the delicious food that the pier has
to offer!

Pacific Park: The peoples playground

lays here on the Santa Monica Pier
itself! Theres the arcade, Inkies Pirate
Ship, the Sea Dragon, Pacific Plunge,
and the famous Pacific Wheel. The
Pacific Wheel is a great way to not
only have fun, but to view the California coastline from above the pier. The
Pacific Wheel can be enjoyed during
the day when the ocean is in perfect
view, or at night when the lights of the
entire pier are dancing with the waves.
Either way, the simplicity of going on
the wheel is an experience you will
never forget!

Santa Monica Pier: Blazing

saddles, aquarium, Pacific Park, trapezes, live music and
dancing, shops, fishing, authentic
restaurants, and many other countless activities are all here just on
the Santa Monica Pier. This pier
has been running since 1909 and
is famous worldwide. The pier has
the best fishing spot in Santa Monica and is open year-round. There is

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