No 22015 Reclaimnazissm

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Communist Party of Australia

Maritime Branch

Reclaim Australia is a Nazi

breeding ground

Pauline Hanson on the stump in Brisbane

proclaiming she is not a racist. Nice one. Pauline
is one of the very public faces of the far right.
Other less well known speakers of the far right
attended and addressed Reclaim Australia rallies
pushing a message of hate and exclusion in our
The real forces behind Reclaim Australia must be
opposed at all costs. At best we have forces on the
right track to Nazism.
The Australian Defence League organised for
these Reclaim Australia. What we are dealing
with is extreme right wing neo-Nazis. Racist and
rotten to the core.

An example of the intent behind Reclaim
Australia comes from a quote from an American
White Nationalist site, which encouraged:
White Australian men to attend, saying
the people that youll find at Reclaim
Australia are very valuable to us in the
long term.
Theyre on the right track and, with our
guidance, they can be turned into
hardcore Nazis,
Historically there is little difference between
Hitlers hatred and scapegoating of the Jewish
people and the current scapegoating of Muslim
people. It is racist and nationalistic and uses the
same old catch-cries that the far right have
sought to use as a lever to manipulate ordinary
people with unjustified and illogical fears.
Back in the 1980s when the fascist neo-Nazi

April 5, 2015

organisation National Action existed it was led

by a particularly horrible man by the name of
Jim Saleam. This group used to prance around
Sydney with a 6 six foot six goon called the Skull
who dressed in a Gestapo uniform. Saleam was
also a leader of the National Socialist Party of
Australia, named in honour of the Nazi Party.
The Skull decided better of exiting the Sydney
train at Wollongong station one time back in the
80s as miners and other unionists gathered to
greet him demonstrating that organising is the
best way to deal with fascism.
The group was widely held to be responsible for
the shooting of the house of ANC representative
in Australia, Eddie Funde. They of course
supported apartheid in South Africa.
To tidy up the image of fascism in Australia Jim
Saleam donned a suit and set up the Australia
First Party. Back in
2006 the St. George
and Sutherland
Leader quoted the
Australia First Party
after a
against refugees and
asylum seekers at
MP Bruce Bairds
office in Cronulla. At
that time they
claimed it was the
start of a campaign to "reclaim Australia and
defend people's rights". Sound familiar?
An online video of one of the Reclaim Australia
organisers has also revealed a disgraceful


position towards Australias traditional owners.

Shermon Burgess says:
Just know, Ive met some nice Aboriginal
people, I really have, but theyre few and
far between, really, so many of them are
just dickheads man. You see em on metho,
passed out, bludging cigarettes, and still
blaming the modern generation for what
happened 200 years ago, which wasnt
even this modern generation that did
anything to them,
Lovely bloke.
Around the country there were counter rallies to
Reclaim Australia.
The difference in the narrative between the right
wing hate rants and the anti-fascist forces is
enormous and worthy of attention for all working
people. Neo-Nazis target workers. They need
their bovver boys to instil fear and hatred of
Muslims then they move on to any opponents
including socialists, communists and trade
unionists. Boat people were the first to feel these
The Reclaim Australia supporters on the far right
have made it clear they would love to be
attacking the Left. Like fascism does, it spreads its
hatred till all we have left is the pure race.
Everyone else apparently does not matter.
We must be ideologically aware and prepared to
counter this hatred and division.
Muslims are a mere 2% of our society. We are not
being over-run by Muslims. Many Muslims
arrived because of Australias complicity in wars
in Afghanistan and Iraq, driving innocent people
out of their homelands. Many arrived because of
our complicity with Israel and its occupation of
The real problems we face within society can be
directly attributed to the nature of the profit
driven system of capitalism. Where by 2016 half
of the worlds wealth will be owned by 1% of the
population. Where workers rights, like attacks on
penalty rates and hours of work are happening all
over the world including right now in

Of course employers dont mind the distractions

where working people blame each other for the
problems of the bosses system. Racism and
religious intolerance have always suited the
bosses and are tools used to divide the working
class. The workers are the main potential class
enemy of the bosses and if they are distracted
into fighting each other then the only people it
suits are the employers.
It is also historically proven that fascism helps
increase profits for business. The bosses will
assist these people.

German priest, Father Niomoller made a famous
quote about the tactics of fascists. His famous
saying goes:

First they came for the Communists, and I did not speak
Because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not
speak out
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for meand there was no one left to
speak for me.

Lets make sure we dont tumble into the Reclaim

Australia movement. The racist and imbecilic
rantings on their website do everything to distort
the real beliefs of Muslims and create hatred. It is
the same mindlessness that boat people are
treated with. About 1% of refugees arrive by
boat. No one talks of the other 99%. It is nothing
but a whipped up campaign (by the Liberals),
unfortunately broadly supported, because of the
success of a campaign of misinformation.
The hatred spread by the Liberals about boat
people in many ways lies behind this new wave
of hate.

Maybe we could say:
First they came for the boat people, and I did not speak
Because I was not boat person.
Then they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak
Because I was not a Muslim.

The question is when will they come for you?

Authorised by the Maritime Branch Communist Party of Australia | 74 Buckingham St. Surry Hills 2010 |

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