Doug Stuff

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Doug Vadnais Thoughts from CLPG Members

A Doug quote from Joe Pelanconi

"Joe, I liked your book. I could understand it. I think it's because I'm a dumb shit and
you're a shitty writer."

From Tom Colbert

A story about flowers being sent by Doug to Rita Loskill.
Doug's sense of humor wasn't always appreciated by some folks in the community he
lived in.
He and Rita had a similar sense of humor and they had lunch often at El Farolito.
The very large bouquet (2 dozen roses) was delivered to Rita about a week before Doug
died, with a note that read. "Thanks for being my friend."
The old curmudgeon had a sentimental side that was not often seen.

From Jerry Ogden

Remembering Doug
About a month ago we shared a lunch. He requested specific Mexican foods from El
Farolito and how they should be prepared. He was still able to move from his chair to the
table with the help of a walker. He had attached to the walker an air horn that was once
on his boat. He said with a smile, it was helpful to get Rollands attention and it pissed
of the dog.
Shifting the conversation away from his medical dilemma the topic became the extreme
winter weather at that time. He talked about his youth in the country of the Northeast
and snowball fights. He told me that his snowballs were the best. He would stockpile
them in anticipation of the next battle. When I asked what made them special he replied
with a big smile, the center of each was a frozen horse turd. I should have known
typical Doug.

From Al Loebel
Jerry and I took Doug a pizza for lunch one day. Id asked him what kind was his favorite.
He told me what he wanted on it (pepperoni & sausage), what kind of crust (thin), how it
should be baked (extra time so its crispy), and where it should be bought (Round Table)
so thats what I did. Doug knew what he wanted. We sat at his kitchen table and ate the

Doug Vadnais Thoughts from CLPG Members

pizza. Just as I thought we were about to settle down for a nice talk, Doug said Im
going to sleep now. Goodbye. He closed his eyes and dozed off. We left.

Doug Vadnais Thoughts from CLPG Members

A Song by Bo Simon
When this big drunk blonde tried to give Doug some guff,
He blistered her paint job with some language so rough,
That she gave up drinking, and soon learned to sew,
Doug wanted to buy her quilt. If shell sell, lemmeno.
Doug owned the market we now know as Big Johns,
He never stocked bad produce, never pulled any cons,
But he just never made it show a positive cash flow,
But if you member Vadnais Deluxe Food, just lemmeno.
Doug loved bloody movies, Eastwood and Peckinpah,
I think we went together to the last flick he saw,
It was Tommy Lee Jones, and he said Its a bad show,
But if you find a good one, just lemmeno.
Doug could cuss blue enough to make Lenny Bruce blush,
When he got wound up he could cuss a royal flush,
But I never heard him tell anyone a word they didnt know,
And if you think different, just lemmeno.

From Jack Neureuter

You can shed tears that he is gone, or you can smile because he has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that hell come back, or you can open your eyes and
see all hes left.
Your heart can be empty because you cant see him, or you can be full of the love you
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday, or you can be happy for
tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember only that he is gone, or you can cherish his memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back. Or you can do what hed
want: smile, open your eyes, state your mind, love and go on.
If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as
a new character, would you slow down? Or speed up.

Doug Vadnais Thoughts from CLPG Members

On Doug From Fred Walter
There is no dignity quite so impressive,
And no one independence quite so important,
As living within your means.
It takes a great man to be a good listener. - Calvin Coolidge
Before a recent Rotary Sunrise meeting Jim Gore told a group of us about his visit to the
noon club a couple of weeks after his election. He was moving around the room talking
to people when he came across an old guy sitting at a table. His greeting was:
What the FUCK do you want? No politician ever comes around here unless they want
It certainly was Doug, confirmed by the following: And dont call yourself Jimmy! Youre
an adult! I dont let anyone call me Dougie!
I remember talking to Doug about something. I forget what but I remember his
If youre going to wait for that, youd better bring a tent!
But the best Dougism came once when we were talking about a woman we both knew:
Whenever she walks into a room its as if someone left.

From Dave Anderson

In early February, when Doug was really beginning to weaken, but still had that special
very quick wit.
Cathy had a touch of pneumonia, so she couldnt go in to see Doug. So she talked to him
on the phone and said I will come by and wave at you through the window.
And Doug said Like a hooker.
At Dave Andersons retirement party, Dave said to Doug At least you could have shaved
for my retirement party.
Doug replied At least I put on a belt.

Doug Vadnais Thoughts from CLPG Members

From Roger Hull

Paper Group Memorial Service Doug Vadnais
Eternal One, Support us all the day long, until the shadows lengthen, and evening
comes and the fever of life is over and our work is done. Then in Your mercy, grant us
safe lodging, a holy rest and peace at last. (BCW. PCUSA)
Holy One, you made us in your image and you hold us in your care. We thank you
for our dear friend Doug, for the gift of his life and for the friendship, good humor and
laughter he has brought into our lives. Receive, O Giver of life, your beloved child, for he
returns to you. May he hear your words of welcome, Come my blessed one and receive
your crown of glory. May the angels surround him and his loved ones welcome him in
peace. Grant that when our time is ended, we may be united with him and all of our
loved ones, in the peace of your eternal home.
Eternal One, Our Creator, Your Spirit prays for us, even when we do not know what or
how to pray. Send Your Spirit to comfort us in our loss and help us to commend our friend
Douglass to Your care. Bring us all in to Your Mystery of Life Eternal. INTO YOUR HANDS,
Grant him, and us gathered here this evening, Your Eternal Peace now and Forever.
Led by Rev. Dr. Roger Hull. Paper Group and Retred Minister. PCUSA.

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