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Knowledge Management Initiative

Chandra Beasley
Grand Canyon University

Author Note
Intellectual Capital in a Learning Organization MGMT-810-O101



Organizations are discovering the importance of the know and the advantage of maximizing
this. In an economy where the only thing certain is the uncertain, knowledge is fast becoming
the competitive advantage. Success is becoming dependent on the quality and effective
management of knowledge in the competitive marketplace. The way that knowledge is applied
to organizations primary business processes is become a critical factor in being domestically and
globally competitive. This paper will introduce a communication strategy and plan objective that
will address the change commitment model.
Keywords: Change Commitment Model

Knowledge Management Initiative
Change is never an easy subject. Gaining acceptance to change has long been an uphill
battle in organizations. Communication is the most important factor in achieving buy-in, trust
and commitment. The Change Commitment Model reveals the stages that typically occur to
get people fully on board and engaged with newly introduced initiatives. The activities
communicated must recognize this progression and create messages that will influence full

Communication Strategy & Plan Objectives

The main objective of the Communication Strategy and Plan is to pull together a
framework that:

Defines a reuseable communication process

Effectively and positively offers communication to the following:



Dispels rumors by building awareness and communicating facts regarding the


Guarantees message consistency by delivering all communication to all audiences

Educating audience so that the strategy and initiative reasons are clear and

Offer audience preparation of impending changes of skill development or

potential roles and responsibilities transition.

Creates behavioral changes that employees can incorporate into their process of
doing business.

Supports the preservation of resources by being committed to continual


Communication Guidelines
Communications will offer the following principle guidelines.
Honesty Information will be complete and show a balance between positive and negative
messages. Answering all questions truthfully and any changes will be communicated quickly.
Face to Face When possible communications will be offered directly to individuals or groups
by leadership.
Consistency The same message will delivered across the board to all audiences.
Timely and Frequent Coordination of communication across the organization to guarantee
frequent and timely delivery of messages.
Articulating Need Communication will help people understand the risks and benefits of the


Promote success Positive and sincere communication will be given that gives emphasis to
shared successes from related project and/or initiatives. Demonstration of support and
enthusiasm will be given by communicators.
Measure communication success Feedback on communication feedback will be welcomed and
collected on a regular basis to ensure effectiveness of methods used.

Role of the Communication Group

Communication activities coordination requires skills and competencies that are specific, which
includes the update and management of the Communication Strategy and Plan. Coordinating
communications typically require responsibility to produce/develop, review/approve, and ensure
delivery of communications to all audiences that are internal to the company. Delivered forms of
communication include: Intranet design and content, newsletters, brochures, reports, research
papers, letters, fact sheets, talking points, presentations, presentation outlines, e-mail, town-hall
meetings, etc. In addition to the above individuals will also serve as a communications roles
consult with other offices and business units. They will communicate needs and plans and offers
advice and assistance with communication issues. Components of producing communications
will involve research, writing, editing, graphic design, web content and design, printing and
distribution, and the maintenance of the distribution databases. The Communications Lead /
Communications Coordinators validate communications needs and propose solutions that are
cost-effective and strategically and politically sound. They collaborate with other strategic and
technical organizations to ensure that the communications reflect the overall goals and objectives
of the program. This group ensures that the organization receives timely and appropriate
information about related initiatives and that general concerns about the program are

appropriately and effectively addressed. The communications group will use various print and
electronic means to develop and deliver communications. They work with other departments
within the organization to evaluate and test new communications approaches and technology to
determine applicability to the program and organizational environment. Individuals in the
Communications Lead and Communications Coordinator roles must possess a strong working
knowledge of the impact of communications in addressing technological and change
management issues, as well as an understanding of the role of communications in an
organizationally and politically sensitive environment.

Suggested Communication Vehicles

All Hands Meeting/ Town Halls/ ITV/ Webinar - Deliver a reliable message at the same time to
a large audience, Enterprise strategies and results communication, Establish executive
commitment, Share status and progress updates with all stakeholders, Create a sense of
community, Buy in and participation topic discussions, Address concerns, issues, and questions,
Collect feedback, Upcoming key events announcements.
Email Information provided that is straightforward, Low threat information communicated,
Demonstrate executive commitment, Project milestones or outstanding performance (individual
or team) recognized, Short messages conveyed.
Project Team Meetings - Communicate new and/or updated processes and policies affecting
project teams, Solicit feedback, Share project experiences and recognize project successes.
Memos - Reiterate key points identified in the All Hands Meetings, Provide written
confirmation of information presented, Make formal announcements or to introduce new

or changing policies/procedures.
Staff Meetings - Reiterate key points identified in the All Hands
Meetings, Provide information, Address questions, Demonstrate executive commitment,
Recognize project milestones or outstanding performance (individual or team), Convey short
messages, Control rumor mill.
Coaching - Provide leads with tools and techniques for gathering feedback, facilitating
discussion change management and conflict management.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Provide easy access to information, Ensure consistent
messages, Provide information and education, Control rumor mill.
Intranet with email push - Build buy-in, Provide information.
Internet - Communicate to external audiences.

Critical Success Factors

The following factors are critical to the success of the Communication Strategy and Plan

There is a consistent message delivered by everyone communicating about the ERP

Project. Messages must be repeated multiple times using a variety of media (i.e. to help
ensure stakeholders hear the message and interpret it correctly).

Communication is honest and direct.

Communication must include channels for open feedback from all audiences without a
perception of threat.

There are no surprises about organizational changes, new or updated process, or



Communications follow a timeline and those timelines are met.

Managers are able to answer questions and be aware of what is happening.

Information must display executive-level support and commitment. Communications

leveraging executive stakeholders must be consistent with all other sources of

Front line leaders are key to the success of changing employee behavior and perception
toward the change. The managers commitment to the transformation is critical to the
success of the project. Arm them with up-to-date information and strategies for
responding to employee and customers questions and reactions.

Communication Plan
The communications plan is the detailed planning of specific communications. The
communications plan will be maintained in a spreadsheet format and record the following
information about key planned and delivered communications:

Label to identify the communication


Key message


Communication vehicle




Planned delivery date


Frequency (for planned communications)


Reference (to identify or provide links to actual communication (e.g. presentation)

where appropriate)



Introduction to Knowledge Management. (n.d.). The University of North Carolina at Chapel

Hill. Retrieved August 21, 2013, from
Opportunity, education and Washington's economic future. (2004). Olympia, Wash.: Washington
State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.
What is KM? Knowledge Management Explained - KMWorld Magazine. (n.d.). Knowledge
Management, Content Management, SharePoint - KMWorld Magazine. Retrieved
August 21, 2013, from

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