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TO: Levi Bird, Instructor

FROM: Joseph Henson, Student

DATE: 1/18/2015
SUBJECT: How Doctrine & Covenants 29:34-35 Relates to This Class
I have taken the opportunity to read from section twenty-nine of the Doctrine and Covenants
verses thirty-four through thirty-five. There are some profound truths within those verses that
caught my eye. However I was charged with the task of identifying how that particular scripture
applied to this class. So with some serious pondering I came to a conclusion.
In this particular passage we are taught the importance of our agency. Agency is our right to
make decisions and receive the consequences that follow. The correlation between this scripture
and the class is the impact this class will have on us as students. Whether we pass or fail is totally
dependent on our agency. If we choose to put forth the required effort to complete the
assignments on time, and complete them with the best of our ability, the grade we shall receive
will be a reflection of that effort. If we as students put forth a great effort we may get a great
grade. However if we goof off or only put forth as little effort as possible we may not have the
grade we desire.
So the point of the scripture is clear if I desire to learn and get a passing grade it is up to me and
how I choose to spend my time. If I want to pass it is important that I do my homework on time
and participate in class activities. Because bottom line is when all is said and done and grades are
passed out at the end of the semester the one ultimately responsible for the grade received is the
student themselves. That is what I learned from this passage and how I think it applies to the

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