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Project Proposal: Online Student Orientation Module

Module 3: Core Technology Tools
Danielle Moore



Importance of Creating an Online Student Orientation Module

Online programs in higher education have been growing in popularity. The
number of students enrolled in an online course has grown rapidly over the last
decade, so increasing numbers of students will take an online course during the next
decade. (Cho, 2012) The students attending universities are coming from various
backgrounds and need to understand what the requirement and expectations are
for the program.
Although orientation for online students is important to their success, little
information about how to develop an online student orientation (OSO) has appeared
in the literature. (Cho, 2012) This statement alone stresses the importance of
creating an online learning module for new students in the Instructional Technology
(IT) program. I believe it is important to help acclimate all students within to the IT
program. Because students are coming into the program with diverse backgrounds
and experiences it is important to create a baseline for the students and professor
that way everyone has the same knowledge and experience coming into the

Alignment with Future Goals

This project started in Dr. Stephanie Moores Online Instructional Procedures
for K-12 course where we, as a group, started at the beginning of the instructional
design process. We analyzed the needs of the faculty, identified instructional
objectives and strategies, and developed a functional storyboard. With this course,
Courseware Tools, I will have completed the project with the deliverable of the
working module to be implemented in the program for future students. The
completion of this project will demonstrate to future employers my ability to work
through the instructional design process from start to finish.

The Online Student Orientation Module will be created using Adobe
Captivate. The knowledge and skills obtained using this software will make me more
marketable to employers. Earlier this semester, I used Articulate Storyline 2 to
complete an assignment. After viewing multiple instructional design positions,
employers prefer employees who are already proficient in both software.

Overview of Learning Objectives/Project Goals: Module 3

The goal of the project is to develop four self-paced interactive modules to be
used by future students before starting the program. Each module focuses on
different areas that students should be at least aware of. Module 1 is an introduction
to online learning and the general program requirements. Module 2 looks into ways
of managing expectations for the program. Next, Module 3 looks in the specific

technology tools for the program. Module 4 provides users with additional
resources and tools that might be helpful to succeed in the IT program.
The following learning objectives are based solely on Module 3: Core
Technology Tools:
The learner will be able to determine the necessary requirements for online
courses offered in the IT program
The learner will be able to navigate UVaCollab and participate in Forums and
Piazza within UVaCollab
The learner will establish the ability to access Blackboard Collaborate
The learner will be able to identify the Library resources used at the
University of Virginia


Proposed Methods

Description of Project Context


The learners for this project are any incoming Masters students in the
Instructional Technology program at the University of Virginia. These learner
will have a minimum of a bachelors degree and will be approximately 22
years of age and above. Learners must have access to a computer tablet or
similar device with a high-speed Internet connection.

Content Area

The modules are self-paced so the learners can complete the module
on their own time and they can take as long as necessary to complete and
understand the modules and their specified objectives. The content of
Module 3 will be based on the objectives stated above, including information
on UVaCollab, Forums, Piazza, Blackboard Collaborate, and Library

Outline of Proposed Project Activities with Timeline

Week 1 April 6-12:
Revise and update Module 3 content
o Add Check for Understanding areas for objectives
o Review all content and make edits
Download Adobe Captivate
o Watch tutorials to learn about features

Week 2 April 13-19:
Checkpoint and Creation
o Final Project Checkpoint
o Use Adobe Captivate to build Online Student Orientation Module
Add narration and captions

Week 3 April 20-26:

Project Reflection and Feedback
o Forum Discussion
o Receive feedback from IT Faculty

Week 4 April 27-May3:
Final project revisions and presentation
o Make any necessary edits and revisions from IT Faculty
o Create final presentation of project

TPACK Principles

Effective technology integration revolves around three different components,
technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge. These components make the TPACK
framework. While using Adobe Captivate, the technology (T) aspect, I will have to
keep mental note of the different features the software provides and how I will use
them in creating Module 3. I will have to pay attention to how the learner will be
interacting with the module. The module is self-paced and interactive, which gives
the learners responsibility in understanding the module. In order to understand and
conceptualize the material, I will have to review and edit the content to make sure
the material and narration make sense to ensure maximum transfer of content
knowledge (CK). As the designer of the module, I am responsible for the pedagogical
knowledge (P). I need to make sure that I have a deep understanding of the material
and how it will be best represented for the learners. Allowing for the module to be
self-paced takes into account the understanding of how the students learn. The
students may need longer to complete certain areas of the material and this
accounts for that time.

UDL Guidelines

Multiple Means of Representation

o Narration will be provided
Captioning option (turn on/off) will be available for recorded
narration and for any embedded video demonstration
o Volume control option
o Self-paced
Navigation system will allow for learners to move forward,
backward, or jump to a specific Module objective
o Vocabulary that might be new to the learner will be clarified
o Provide images with the text and/or narration

Multiple Means of Action and Expression
o Self-paced modules
Navigation will allow learner to move freely through any of the
modules and objectives at their pace and in any order
o Use of multiple media
Text, narration, graphics and videos
o Goal setting

Module objectives will be stated at the beginning of each

Check for Understanding section throughout each module


Multiple Means of Engagement

o Check for Understanding will help students to monitor their
understand of content they just learned
Learners will participate in a checklist for necessary hardware
needed for IT program
Ability to access Blackboard Collaborate test session
o Learners can choose which modules and objectives they would like to
participate in


Upon completion of creating the Online Student Orientation Module, future

students will be able to access and participate in completing all or some of the
components. As a new first year Masters student in the program, I know that I could
have benefited from a brief introduction to the program and the tools we would use
throughout the year. For myself in particular, it took some adjustment to learn the
features of UVaCollab. These modules will help the incoming students to be
successful in the program. I chose Module 3 to develop because learning the ins and
outs of UVaCollab and the various technology tools used in the program was the
most time consuming as a new student. I believe any student who partakes in the
module will benefit greatly at the start of each school year.

This project will be included in my portfolio website that I will show to
potential employers. My portfolio will demonstrate all of my instructional design
work in addition to other competencies developed during the program. With this
project, I will be able to describe and demonstrate my ability to complete the
instructional design process starting with needs assessment working my way to
creating a prototype and the final product. The final product will demonstrate my
ability to create an online training module using Adobe Captive.

Cho, M. H. (2012). Online student orientation in higher education: A developmental

study. Educational Technology Research & Development, 60(6), 1051-1069.

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