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Sinclair Community
Health Information Management

HIM 1101 Medical Terminology

HIM 1110 Health Information Processing
HIM 1165 Drug Classification for Coding
HIM 1201 Introductory Medical Office Coding
HIM 1204 Medicolegal/Ethics in Healthcare Records
HIM 1217 Alternative Health Records and Registries
HIM 2110 Ambulatory Coding
HIM 2144 Quality Improvement, Statistics & Research
HIM 2145 Health Information Resource Management
HIM2165 Healthcare Data in Reimbursement
HIM 2211 Inpatient Coding
HIM 2233 Healthcare Information Systems
HIM 2252 Professional Practice Experience
HIM 2278 Capstone

HIM 1101 Medical Terminology- Definitions of the basic prefixes, roots and
suffixes as well as the knowledge of procedures, diagnostics and abbreviations

required for understanding and the pronunciation of the language of medicine.

HIM 1110 Health Information Processing- Understanding the health care system,
data quality, accessibility and retention, data collection methodologies, uses for
the health record and fundamentals of the Health Information Management

HIM 1165 Drug Classification for Coding- An overview of drug classifications as

they apply to coding the medical record.

HIM 1201 Introductory Medical Office Coding- Principles, guidelines and
conventions for assigning ICD-9-CM/ ICD-10-CM diagnostic codes and the
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Coding System codes to patient

encounters for physician services.

HIM 1204 Medicolegal & Ethics in Healthcare Records- Exploring ethical issues
in the health care setting, policies and procedures regarding the release of medical
information and protecting patient confidentiality, fraud and abuse and Health

Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

HIM 1217 Alternative Health Records & Registries- Organization and operation
of a hospital cancer program highlighting registry case finding, accession,
indexing, abstracting and follow-up cancer data. Purposes, uses and handling of
health information, departmental and facility administration, licensing and
accreditation requirements and introduction to payment system in long-term care

and home health care.

HIM 2110 Ambulatory Coding- Principles, guidelines and conventions for
assigning ICD-9-CM/ICD-10-CM diagnostic codes and the Current Procedural

Terminology (CPT) procedure codes to patient encounters for outpatient facility

HIM 2144 Quality Improvement, Statistics & Research- Organization and
analysis of data in health care quality programs including quality assessment and
monitoring, utilization and risk management and medical staff credentialing.
Theory and application of health care statistics including data definitions,

computation of formulae and research principles.

HIM 2145 Health Information Resource Management-Planning, organizing,
staffing, budgeting and analysis of management systems along with job standards
and performance evaluations emphasizing development of supervisory
management, leadership and communication skills.

HIM 2165 Healthcare Data in Reimbursement- Theory and use of reimbursement

systems such as Diagnostic Related Groups (DRG), Ambulatory Payment
Classifications, Resource-based Relative Value Scale. Data flow from admission

to billing and analysis of casemix.

HIM 2211 Inpatient Coding- Introduction to principles and coding conventions

for the use of ICD-9-CM/ICD-10-PCS for coding inpatient records.

HIM 2233 Healthcare Information Systems- The use of information systems

technology in the health care delivery system.

HIM 2252 Professional Practice Experience (PPE)-The practical application of
health information management processes, including health information retrieval,
qualitative and quantitative analyses of health data, record completion by
practioners, release of health information, document scanning, revenue cycle
functions, coding, statistical reporting, hospital-wide and HIM department quality

HIM 2278 Capstone- A collection of specially designed projects, oral

presentations, case studies, simulations, interviewing, resumes and two mock
accreditation exams.

Professional Practice Experience

PPE is designed to put students through real-life experience before graduation. I have
been given the opportunity to perform two PPE sessions so far.
My first PPE included tours of the facility and introduction to the HIM department at UC
Health West Chester. I got to meet the staff and witness some of their responsibilities.
My second PPE gave me a chance to try prepping records before they are scanned into
the computer. I also explored their EPIC system and was given the duty of printing off Face
sheets for the Emergency Room .
I am looking forward to my remaining PPE at UC Health West Chester. I hope to get a
fuller understanding of the many roles played out at this facility.

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