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Lecture 10

How are concepts formed in the semantic form?

What is a problem with the classical approach?
What is the prototype theory?
What is a problem with the prototype theory?
Difference between prototype theory and Exemplar theory?
What is the order of learning language? (Image Schemas, Schematic Integration,
When are primitives formed?
Name a couple of primitives.
Describe oriental metaphors.
Describe ontological metaphors.
Describe Structural metaphors.
What did the Boroditsky and Casnto study do/learn?
Lecture 11
Who is the for front of the Nature?
Who is the for front of the Nurture?
What does nurture believe in?
What did Benjamin Whorf do/say?
What is the Sapir -Whorf Hypothesis?
What is interesting about Bilinguals?
Does language affect our spatial thought?
Does color reflect ones native language?
Lecture 12
What are some things AI is good at?
What are some things AI is bad at?
What is the Chinese Room Argument?
Who came up with the Chinese Room Argument?
What is the computational neuron called?
What is the Computational version of Synaptic Strength and a Neuron?
What did Frank Rosenblatt show?
Lecture 13
What does Noam Chomstky do/say?
What do you need to make good predictions from small amounts of data?
What is the solution to simple networks?
What are some problems with neural networks?
Famous people who formed probability?
Lecture 14
Signal processing = ?
Brain ?
Visual Feedback = ?
Who is the godfather of BMI?
How many degrees of motion does the arm have?
What is the ability to sense how our bodies are positioned in space?

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