Bios 260 Wk03 Homework Andrea Huffman

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Course Section:
BIOS 260
HOMEWORK: Blood diseases and cardiovascular diseases
Please TYPE IN THE ANSWERS for these questions and put in the drop box.

Which anemia is related to lack of intrinsic factor?

Pernicious anemia is a condition in which the body can't make enough healthy red
blood cells because it doesn't have enough vitamin B12.
2. Which anemia is also called hypochromic anemia?
Nutritional hypochromic anemia
3. Which anemia is related to lack of Vitamin B12?

You have pernicious anemia. Your body destroys the cells in your stomach that
help you absorb vitamin B12.

4. Which anemia is related to a diet that is low in fresh fruit and vegetables?

Folate-deficiency anemia
5. Which type of anemia is related to radiation damage?

Aplastic Anemia
6. A normal value for hemoglobin on a CBC would be:

Male: 13.5-17.5 grams/dL***

(135-175 grams/L)
Female: 12.0-15.5 grams/dL
(120-155 grams/L)
7. What does hematocrit measure?

Hematocrit measures the percentage of whole blood that is made up of red blood
8. Which anemia can be diagnosed by gastric analysis?

Pernicious anemia
9. Which type of anemia is hereditary?

Sickle-cell anemia

10. What is thrombocytopenia ? Thrombocytopenia is

a lower than normal number of

platelets in the blood

11. What is the disease that clogs up arteries with fat and cholesterol deposits?

12. What are the two ways that a Cerebrovascular Accident can occur?

Ischemic stroke involves a clot blocking an artery leading to the brain. A

hemorrhagic stroke is when a blood vessel in the brain becomes weak and
13. What is a life-threatening complication of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?

A blood clot in a deep vein can break away and move through the bloodstream.
Pulmonary embolism is what happens if the clot ends up partly or completely
blocking a lung artery.
14. Crushing chest pain radiating down the left arm, shortness of breath, pallor and
diaphoresis are classic symptoms of: heart attack
15. Lung congestion, poor circulation, enlarged heart and swelling of the extremities are
all seen in what heart disease? Congested heart failure
16. What is the name of the test that visualizes the coronary arteries?



17. What is a normal pulse rate?

Human aged 18 or more years, a normal resting heart

rate can be anything between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

18. What is a normal blood pressure?

normal blood pressure for adult woman is 120/80

19. What test is used to diagnose most cardiac problems?


20. Which artery carries deoxygenated blood? Pulmonary artery

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