Environmental Science and Engineering

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Define Environment
It is defined as the sum of total of all the living and non-living things
around us influencing one another.

What is meant by environmental Science?

It is the study of the environment, its biotic & abiotic components and
their interrelationship.

Define Biosphere
The biological environment where the living organisms live and interact
with physical environment is called biosphere.
4. What are the types of natural Recourses? Give examples
(i) Renewable resources. Eg. Soil, Water, Air, Wildlife
(ii) Non-renewable resources. Eg. Minerals, coal, oil, natural gas


Give any three functions of forest.

1. It helps both to humans and to nature.
2. Habitat to millions of plants, animals and wildlife.
3. They recycle rainwater and remove pollutants from air.
6. What are the consequences of timber extraction?
a. It causes deforestation
b. It leads to soil erosion, loss of fertility, landslides.
c. It reduces the thickness of the forest.


What is meant by deforestation? Give their causes.

It is the process of removal of forest resources due to many natural or
man-made activities.
(i) Developmental projects
(ii)Mining operations
(iii)Raw materials for industries.

Define sustainable forestry.

It is the optimum use of forest resources, which meet the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their
own needs.
9. What are the types of fresh water Resources?
a. Surface water
a) Standing water bodies : Lakes, reservoirs, estuaries
b) Flowing water bodies : Streams, rivers
b. Underground water

Define Flood.
It is an overflow of water, whenever the magnitude of flow of water
exceeds the carrying capacity of the channel within its banks.

11. What is meant by Overgrazing? Give their effect.

It is a process of eating away the forest vegetation without giving it a
chance to regenerate.
1. Land degradation
2. Soil erosion
3. Loss of useful species

Define blue baby Syndrome.

When the nitrate concentration exceeds 25 mg/lit in water, they cause
serious health problem called Blue Baby Syndrome. This disease affects
infants and leads even to death.


Enumerate the desired quality of ideal Pesticides?

a. It must kill only the target species
b. It must be a biodegradable
c. It should not produce toxic pesticide vapour.
d. Chlorinated pesticide should not be used.
14. Wood is renewable resource, but not coal. Why?
Wood is renewable resource, because we can get new wood by growing a
sapling into a tree within 15 - 20 years. But the formation of coal from trees
has taken millions of years and cannot be regenerated in our life time.


What is Water logging?

It is the land where water stand for most of the year.


Explain soil Leaching.

It is the process in which materials in or on the soil gradually dissolves

and or carried by water seeping through the soil.




What is desertification? Give any two reasons for it.

It is the progressive destruction of arid or semi-arid lands to desert.
a. Deforestation
b. Overgrazing
c. Water management.
Differentiate between deforestation and forest degradation.
Forest degradation
It is the process of deterioration of It is the process of destruction of
forest materials
forest materials
Slow process
Rapid process
Can be recovered
Cannot be recovered
What do you mean by environmental impact?
It is nothing but the effect on the natural environment caused by various
human actions It includes two types namely indirect effects and direct effects.
State the problems caused by construction of dam.
Displacement of tribal people
Loss of forests, flora, fauna
Spread of vector-borne diseases
Sedimentation and siltation occurs

1. What is deforestation? Explain it causes effects and control measures.
2. Describe the Scope and importance of environmental studies.
3. Describe about dams and their effect on forest and tribal people.
4. Describe the uses and effect of Over- utilization of surface & ground water.
5. Explain the causes and effects of Flood & Drought.
6. Explain about causes and Management of Conflicts over water.
7. Describe the benefits and Problems of Dams.

8. Discuss the Environmental effect of extracting and using mineral Resources.

9. Write the Problem of using Fertilizers and Pesticides on Modern Agriculture.
10. Explain how the alternate energy sources play an important role in
environmental impact.
11. Define the term conservation of natural Resources & explain the role of an
Individual in conservation of natural Resources.
12. Explain the methods of Harvesting Solar & Wind energy.

Unit II
Ecosystem & Biodiversity
1. What is ecology?
Ecology is the study of interactions among organisms or group of
organisms with their environment. The environment consists of both biotic
components and abiotic components.
2. What are the components of ecosystem?
A group of organisms interacting among them and with environment is
known as ecosystem.
3. How are biotic components grouped?
The numbers of biotic components of an ecosystem are grouped into three
groups based on how they get their food.
a) Producers
b) Consumer
c) Decomposers.
4. What are nutrient cycles?
The cyclic flow of nutrients between the biotic and abiotic components is
known as nutrient cycle or biogeochemical cycles.
5. What are hydrological cycles?

Movement of water in a cyclic manner is known as hydrological cycles.

6. What is ecological succession?
The progressive replacement of one community by another till the
development of stable community in a particular area is called ecological
7. What are food chains?
The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is known as food
8. What are tropical levels (or) feeding levels?
The various steps through which food energy passes in an ecosystem are
called as tropic levels. They are arranged in the following way as,
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
9. What is food web?
The interlocking pattern of various food chains in an ecosystem is known
as food web.
10. What is Ecological pyramids?
Graphical representation of structure and function of tropic levels of an
ecosystem, starting with producers at the bottom and each successive tropic
level forming the apex is known as an ecological pyramid.
11. Define producers
Producers synthesize their food themselves through photosynthesis.
Ex: All green plants, trees.
12. Name the four ecosystems.
a) Forest ecosystems
b) Grassland ecosystems
c) Desert ecosystems
d) Pond ecosystems
13. Define biodiversity & what its significance is.
Biodiversity is defined as, the variety and variability among all groups
Living organisms and the ecosystem in which they occur.
1. Biodiversity is very important for human life, as we depend on
plants, micro-organisms, earths animals for our food, medicine and
industrial products.
2. Biodiversity protects the fresh air, clean water and productive land.

3. Loss of Biodiversity has serious economic and social costs for any
14. Explain the classification of biodiversity.
Biodiversity is generally classified into three types
1. Genetic diversity
2. Species diversity
3. Community (or) Ecosystem diversity.
15. What is point richness?
It refers to the number of species that can be found at a single point in a
given space.
16. What are biodiversity hot-spots?
The hot spots are the geographic areas which possess the high endemic
17. What are the criteria for recognizing hot spots?
1. The richness of the endemic species is the primary criterion for
recognizing hot spots.
2. The hot spots should have a significant percentage of specialized
3. The site is under threat.
4. It should contain important gene pools of plants of potentially useful
18. Explain threatened and endangered species.
A species is said to be endangered, when its number has been reduced to
a critical level. Unless it is protected and conserved, it is in immediate danger
of extinction.
19. Explain vulnerable species.
A species is said to be vulnerable when its population is facing continuous
decline due to habitat destruction or over exploitation. Such a species is still
20. What is the need of biodiversity conservation?
1. It provides immediate benefits to the society such as recreation and
2. Drugs, herbs, food and other important raw materials can be derived
from plants and animals.
3. It also preserves the genetic diversity of plants and animals.

21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Ex-situ Conservation?

1. Survival of endangered species is increasing due to special care and
2. In captive breeding, animals are assured food, water, shelter and also
security and hence longer life span.
3. It is carried out in cases of endangered species, which do not have any
chances of survival, in the wild.
1. It is expensive method.
2. The freedom of wildlife is lost.
3. The animals cannot survive in natural environment.


1. Explain food chain and food web.

2. What is an ecosystem? Describe the structure and function of various
components of an ecosystem.
3. Define Ecological pyramids and what are the types of ecological pyramids?
4. Discuss the various aspects of grassland ecosystem.
5. Write in detail about fresh water ecosystem.
6. Explain the classification of values of biodiversity.
7. Explain the various threats to biodiversity.
8. Write the types of biodiversity conservation and explain In-situ conservation.
9. Define Ex-situ conservation and explain its various aspects.
10. Discuss the threat faced by Indian Biodiversity.


1. Define pollution.
Environmental pollution define as the inferable alternation of our
surrounding .
2. Mention the type of pollutants.
i) Biodegradable polluant
ii) non degradable polluant
3. Write the composition of atmospheric air.
Nitrogen 78%
- 0.037,
O3, He, NH3 trace amount,
Water vapour - remaining
4. Differentiate primary and secondary air pollutants.
Primary air pollutant:
those emitter directed in the
atmosphere in harmful form(CO, NO ,SO2,)
Secondary air pollluants: some of the primary air pollutant
may react with one another or with the basic compenents of air to
form new polluants.
Moist NO/NO2 (HNO3/NO3)
5. Write the sources of common air pollution.
a) Carbon monoxide (CO)
b) Nitrogen di oxide ( NO2)
c)Sulphur di oxide (SO2)
d) Ozone(O3)
e) Chromium (Cr)
6. Define water pollution.
The alternation in physical chemical and biological
characteristics of water which may causes harmful effects on humans
and aquatic life.
7. What are point and non point sources of water pollution?
Point sources are discharged pollutants at specific locations
through popes ditches, or sewers into bodies of surface water.

Non points sources: they cannot be traced to any single site of

discharge. They are usually large land areas or air sheds that pollute
water by runoff subsurface flew of deposition from the atmosphere.
8. Write the significant of BOD.
i) It is an important indication of the amount of organic matter
present in the river water.
ii) The rate of oxidation and demand depends on the amount
and type of organic matter present in river water.
9. Write the composition of soil.
Minerl matter 45%
Organic matter 55%
Soil water 25%
Soil air 25%
10. Define Marine pollution.
It defined as the discharge of waste substance into the sea
resulting in harm to living resources, hazards to human health
hindrance to fishery impairment of quality for use of sea water .
11. Write the note on noise pollution.
It defined as the unwanted unpleasant or disagreeable sound
that causes discomfort for all living being
12. Write four major water pollutants.
i) Pesticides and biocides
ii) Heavy metals, mercury, crude oil, plastics.
iii) Industrials and agricultural wastes
iv) Thermal pollution.
13. What are the types of soil waste?
a) Municipal waste
b) Industrial waste
c) Hazardous waste

14. Differentiate between recycle and reuse.

Reuse of waste materials:

a) The refillable containers, which are discarded after use can be

b) Rubber rings can be made from the discarded cycle tubes which
reduce the wastes generation during manufacturing of rubber bands.
Recycling of materials:
Recycling is the reprocessing of the discarded materials into new
useful products.
15. Define hazardous waste.
Wastes like toxic chemicals, radioactive (or) biological substances
which contribute to an increase in mortality or in serious irreversible
illness to human health and environment are called hazardous wastes.
16. How nuclear hazards can be disposed safely?
Nuclear hazards can be disposed safely by dumping them in a big
concrete tank and throwing it in a deep sea.
17. Definition for Disaster.
Disaster is a geological process and is defined as an event,
concentrated in time and space, in which a society, or sub-division of a
society undergoes serve danger and causes loss of its members and
physical property
18. What are the causes of foods?
a) Heavy rain, rainfall during cyclone floods
b) Sudden snow melt raises the quantity of water in streams and
causes floods.
c) Reduction in the caring capacity of the channels, due to
accumulation of sediments causes floods.
19. Mention the different name of cyclone.
a) Hurricanes
b) Typhoons
c) Cyclone
20. Write the causes of earthquakes.
i) Under ground nuclear resting
ii) Decrease of underground water level
iii) Earthquakes arte caused due to disequilibrium in any part of the
earth crust.
21. Define Tsunami.

A tsunami is large waves that are generated in a water body when

the sea floor is deformed by seismic activity. This activity displaces the
overlying water in the ocean.
22. Write the relation ships between earthquakes and tsunami.
Tsunami is generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms and
vertically displaces the overlying displaces the overlying water. Techno
earthquakes are associated with the earths crystal deformation
23. Write the effect of landslides.
a) Landslides block the roads and divert the passage
b) Erosion of soil increase.
c) Sudden landslides damage the house crop yield livestock etc.

1. Discuss the major air pollutants and their impact.
2. Explain the various methods controlling air pollution.
3. Write a note on Water pollutions.
4. Define DO, BOD & COD. Write its significant.
5. Write the various treatments process of sewage water
6. Discuss the major soil pollution and their impact
7. Write the control measure of soil pollution.
8. Discuss the effects and control measure of marine pollution
9. What are the causes, effects, control measure of noise pollution?
10. What are the effects of thermal pollution? Write its management.
11. Explain the effects of nuclear and radiation pollution.
12. Write a note on municipals soil wastes.
13. Write a note on disposal of radio active wastes.
14. Write the role and responsibility of individual participation in
environmental pollution.
15. Discuss about cyclone. Write its effects and management.
16. What is earthquake? Enumerate its effects. What measures should take
to mitigate their disaster.

1. What is meant by sustainable development?
Sustainable development is defined as meeting the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own

2. What are their important aspects of sustainable development?

Inter generation equity: it states that we should hand over a safe,
healthy and resource full environment to our future generation.
Intra generational equity: It states that the technological
development of rich countries should support the economic growth of
the poor countries and help in narrowing the wealth gap
3. Define urbanization.
It is the movement of human population from rural area to urban area
for the want of better education, communication, health, employment, etc.,
4. Write the causes of Urbanization.
The urban growth is so fast and it is difficult to accommodate all
commercial, industrial, residential and education facilities within the limited
area. As a result their is spreading of the cites into rural area.
5. Explain the needs of conservation.
Better lifestyle re quire more fresh water
As the population increases, the requirement of water is also more
Due to deforestation the annual rainfall is also decreased.
6. Write the objectives of rain water harvesting.
To meet the increasing demands of water
To reduce the surface runoff loss.
To minimize the water cries and water conflicts.
7. Explain the factor affecting water shed.
Overgrazing, deforestation mining, Construction activities
Droughty climate also affect the watershed

8. Define environmental ethics.

It is refers to the issues, principles and guidelines relating to human

interactions with their environment.
9. What are the causes of climate change?
Presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases the global
Depletion of ozone layer also global temperature
10. Mention the effect of climate change.
It may disturb agriculture that would lead to migration of animals
Including humans.
It may upset the hydrologic al cycle.
11. What is green house effect?
It may be defined as, the progressive warming up of the earth s surface
due to blanking effect of man made CO2 in the atmosphere .
12. Give example of green house gas.
CO2, CH4, N2O and chlorofluoro carbons(CFCs)
13.What are the causes and effects of global warning?
Causes: increases input of CO2 and othere greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere from human activities
i) Sea level increases
ii) Water resources decreases.
iii) Drought nature increases.
14. What is acid rain?
The presence of excessive acids in the rain water is known as acid
15. What are the other names of acid rain?
The other names of acid rain are acid fog, acid snow and acid
16. Write the causes and effects of ozone layer depletion.
Causes: Presence of
i) chlorofluoro carbons(CFCs)
ii) Hydro chlorofluoro carbons(HCFCs)
iii) Bromo fluoro carbons(BFCs)

i) UV rays destroys the melamine pigment in human skin
ii) It also affect the aquatic forms
iii) Increases the average temperature of the earth.
17. How CFCs are accumulated in atmosphere.
CFCs are accumulated in atmosphere through
i) Aerosol propellants
ii) Cleaning solvents
iii) Refrigerants (Freon )
iv)Foam plastic blowing agent.
18. What is Dopson unit?
The amount of atmospheric ozone is measured by Dopson spectrometer
and is expressed in Dopson units(DU). 1 DU is equivalent to a 0.001 mm
thickness of pure ozone.
19. How ozone layer depletion does take places?
Depletion of ozone occurs due to the presence of CO2, CFC in the
CI + O3 CIO + O2
CIO + O CI + O2
20. Give examples for Nuclear Holocausts.
i) Nuclear war
ii) At Chernobyl
21.What are the sources of wastes?
The sources of the waste materials are agriculture, mining,
industrial and municipal waste.
22.What is meant by environmental audit?
Environmental audit are intended quantity environment performance
and environment position.
23.What is meant byISO14000?
ISO 14000 is the environment management standards which exist to help
organizations minimize how their operations negatively affect the
environment and comply with applicable laws and regulations.


1.What is sustainable development and is concepts

2. Write the strategies of water conservation
3. What is meant by rain water harvesting? Why is it necessary now -a Day?
4. Write a note on water shed managements
5. Write a detail about environmental ethics
6. What are sources of green houses and global warming?
7. Write the formation and effect of acid rain.
8. Write about ozone depleting substances
9. Write briefly on any one of the nuclear disaster
10. Write short notes on wasteland reclamation
11. Explain the following
(i) Wildlife protection act
(ii) Forest preservative act.
1. Define immigration and emigration.
Immigration: It denotes the arrival of individuals from neighbouring
Emigration : It denotes the dispersal of individuals from the original
population to new areas

2. What is population Explosion?

The enormous increase in population, due to low death rate (morality)
and high birth rate ( natality ), is termed as population explosion. The human
population is not increasing at a uniform rate in all parts of the world.
3. What are the causes of population Explosion?
Invention of modern medical facilities reduces the death rate (moratlity )
and increase the birth rate( natality ), which leads to population
Increase of life expectancy is another important reason for the population

4. Define Population density.

It is expressed as the number of individuals of the population per unit
area or per unit volume.
5. Name the parameters affecting population growth ?
Birth rate( Natality )
Death rate (Moratlity )
6. What is meant by Infant mortality rate ?
It is the percentage of infants died out of those born in one year.
Eventhgough this rate has decreased in the last 50 years, the pattern differs
widely in developing and developed countries.
7. What are the problems of Population growth ?
Increasing demands for food and natural resources.
Inadequate housing and health services.
Loss of agricultural lands.
Unemployment and socio- political unrest.
Environmental Pollution.
8. What are the classifications of population based on age structure?
* Pre- productive population ( 0-14 years )
* Reproductive population ( 15- 44 years )
* Post reproductive population ( above 45 years )
9. What are the objectives of family Welfare programme?
Slowing down the population explosion by reducing the fertility.
Pressure on the environment, due to over exploitation of natural resources, is
10. Mention some ill effects of HIV / AIDS.
* Large number of death occurs, which affect environment and natural
* Due to large number of deaths , there is loss of labour and level of
production Decreases.
* More water is required for maintaining hygiene in AIDS affected locality.
* The people affected by HIV , cannot perform workwell due to lack of
energy and frequent fever and sweating.

11. State the role of information technology in environment.

Information technology plays a vital role in the field of environmental
education. Information technology means collection, processing storage and
dissemination of information. A number of software have been developed so
study about the environment.
12. Define population equilibrium.
A state of balance between birth rate and death rate in a population is
known as population equilibrium.
13. What are the major precautions to avoid AIDS.
* Avoid indiscriminate sex and encourage the use of condoms and also avoid
the Use of sharing razors, needles and syringes.
* Prevention of blood borne HIV transmission.
* Aids awareness programmes should be encouraged.
* Counselling services should be provided.
14. Differentiate between HIV and AIDS.
Human immunio deficiency virus.
It is a virus

Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome.
It is a disease

15. What are the reasons for Child Labours?

* poverty: poverty is the main reason to force these children in unhealthy
* Want of money : Parents require money for their family ,so they are in a
Position to send their children for work.
16. What are the objectives of women welfare?
* To provide education
* To improve the employment opportunities.
* To aware problems of population.
* To impart vocational training.
17. What are the types of Education?
* Formal education
* Value education
18.What is meant by World Wide Web?
More current data is available on world wide web.


1. Discuss the population growth variation among nation .

2. What is population dispersion? Explain.
3. Explain the environmental & Social impact of growing population.
4. Write briefly on implementation of family planning programme.
5. Discuss about how population explosion affects the environmental seriously.
6. Discuss briefly the role of IT in environmental and human health.
7. Write a note on human rights.
8. Discuss the methods and strategies of impacting value education.
9. What are the modes of transmission of HIV and how it can be prevented?
10. Briefly describe the various schemes launched for Women & Child welfare in

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