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Making Advocacy Work for Everybody

A call to Advocacy Providers

The Inclusion North Advocacy Project, supported by NHS North East, was part of the response to
Winterbourne View. The project ran throughout 2014 and led to the report Who Cares. The report
identified a range of areas that advocacy provision needs to develop further, particularly in
addressing peoples on-going day to day advocacy needs.
The project presented the concept of 'looking out' for people being embedded across a range of
services, with a range of delivery methods, complementing existing statutory advocacy provision.
Building on this work and exploring our response to the findings in the report you are invited to a
workshop in your region. Together we aim to explore our learning to date and to begin developing
ideas and strategies for delivering and supporting effective advocacy into the future.
Be part of exploring what we can do differently, to make advocacy support work for everyone.
The workshop will be facilitated by Kate Fulton and is for advocacy providers and commissioners
including family advocacy organisations.

We want to get contributions from across the North East and Cumbria and Yorkshire and Humber
so will be holding a workshop in each region.
Dates: 28th May 2015 in Jarrow Community Centre
Dates: 29th May 2015 in York CVS
Time: each workshop will run from 10am until 4pm.
To confirm your place please contact
To be prepared for the event please click here to read some materials that we will be referring to:

Who Cares Report -

No one unheard, No right ignored
Top Tips for delivering advocacy -

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