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Levi Strauss & Co and HIV Prevention

Campaign Proposal
Group 10
Derek Aguirre
Chikara Mbah
DeMarius McKee
Laura Su
Amy Vo

Table of Contents
Introduction & Background.3-4
Conclusion & Authorization Request13

Introduction & Background

HIV, also known as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a deadly virus that
affects millions of people daily on a global scale. Since the first cases were
reported in the 1980s, it has killed an estimated 36 million people worldwide,
approximately 636,000 of the people being from the United States (US
Statistics,2012). Today there are approximately 1.1 million people living with
HIV/AIDS in the U.S and it is estimated that almost one-fifth of those people dont
know they have it (HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States, 2014).
In the late 80s and early 90s there was a big push for education and awareness
of HIV and AIDS, there were a multitude of benefits and awareness campaigns,
which resulted in millions being raised for research and care. The push for
awareness has slowed greatly in recent years though people are still contracting
the virus.

Figure A. Graph of persons living with HIV/AIDS in Dallas

County. From Dallas County Health and Human Services,
(September 2013), Profile of HIV in Dallas County, Retrieved
April 22, 2014 from

Levis wants to bring this issue

back into the forefront of the
American peoples minds
again with 5K events in cities all
over America on world AIDS
day starting with Dallas Texas.
In 2012 it was reported that
there are about 15,000 people
living with HIV/AIDs in Dallas
County, representing an
increase of 62% over the past
10 years. About 1 in 4 new HIV
infections is among ages 13-24
and most of them dont even
know that they are infected
(Profile of HIV in Dallas County, 2012).

In the past year the Levi Strauss Foundation has donated $8.6 million to 63
different causes, including AIDs Care China, an organization that with the
Chinese public health system to address stigma and discrimination against

people affected with HIV/AIDS, so it makes perfect sense for us to start an

HIV/AIDs awareness campaign in the United States (Levi Strauss & CO, 2014).
To raise money to fund research Levis will be introducing a special edition jean,
our VIDA jean, with 40% of the profits going to the AIDS Resource Center of
Dallas. The AIDs Resource Center of Dallas is the primary HIV/AIDS service
organization in North Texas. The center has staff of more than 50 part and fulltime staff members, who are supported by over 1,100 volunteers.
Through its health and medical services the center serves over 50,000 people
each year (Resource Center of Dallas, 2013). At the Levis VIDA run, Levis
employees from the Dallas area as well as from across the country will be
teaming up with the center. They will be working together to check in and help
VIDA run participants, and the Resource Center will be providing free HIV testing
to anyone whod like to get tested.
This is a great opportunity for Levis to make difference, in the community and
ultimately throughout the nation.

The fact that there are also so many people who do not know they have HIV is a
scary statistic that will just keep growing if nothing is done. It is said that people
infected with HIV sometimes do not show symptoms for 10 years of more ("Signs
& Symptoms," 2013). Awareness about the HIV/AIDS is not the problem, the
problem is not knowing how to take action with the awareness presented to
That is why teaming up with a company such as Levis would benefit this
growing problem and also add onto the brand equity your company already
has. With the popularity of Levis Jeans, we could produce a limited edition
HIV/AIDS awareness pair of jeans. Naming the jeans VIDA Jeans: Giving Life
through Levis provides a memorable edition of Levis jeans that has not been
done before. Levis already has a history of educating
employees about HIV/AIDS, so Vida Jeans present an
ample opportunity to make it their philanthropy. This can
be simply done by embroidering a red ribbon onto the
501 Original Fit jeans to represent the campaign.
Research for HIV/AIDS is still a growing field so funding can
be a problem sometimes. With the popularity and stability
of Levis as a business, we would be able to donate 40%
of the proceeds to fund the AIDS Resource Center of
We have chosen the AIDS Resource Center of Dallas because they have proven
to be a resource that provides people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS to be a part of
a supportive community. When finding out you have contracted a disease such
as HIV, it is hard for people to come to terms with it and figuring out the next
step. This resource center lets people diagnosed learn how to stay empowered
and improve health and wellness ("ResourceCenter," 2013). Resource centers
want to be able to do so much more, but sometimes funding is a brick in the
road. That is where this campaign, and your company, can step in and provide
them with an opportunity to help the lives of people in Dallas.
With the money raised from the jeans campaign, there is another opportunity
we are taking advantage of to raise more money and provide more awareness.
World AIDS day is December 1st, so throwing a 5K run on that day provides the
perfect opportunity for people to do something fun while giving back. With the
money received from the VIDA Jeans, The AIDS Resource Center of Dallas has
agreed to provide free HIV tests while the run is going on. This campaign is more

specifically aimed to
the Dallas area, but
hopefully with the
success it will bring, we
can change the lives
of people one city at a
Dallas is also a prime
location for your
company to expand its
presence in because of the growth of opportunities. Recently, Dallas BIG ad
campaign has really taken off, so this is the perfect time to be expanding your
band in Dallas while they are expanding the growth of their city. It has proven to
be a great hub of entertainment, culture, sports, and fashion. Levis could have
a lot of success adding an office to the Dallas Fort Worth area.
With the VIDA Jeans combined with the 5K run thrown on World AIDS Day, we
would not only be raising awareness, but we would also be providing an
opportunity for people to be proactive and get tested.

We are not only raising awareness, but we are providing the chance for runners
to get tested for free. Also, we are assisting the AIDS Resource Center of Dallas
by donating 40% of proceeds to them. Although it is only focused on the DFW
area, we plan to impact one city at a time.
We will market through the use of social media (Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram). Also, in all retail store, banners will be put up on windows advertising
the special edition jeans, the cause, and the price. Also, TV commercials are in
the works. Flyers will be distributed amongst nearby schools, restaurants, and
recreational centers.
We will be partnering up with Levis to create/manufacture special edition jeans
to raise money to donate. We will be donating 40% of those proceeds to the
AIDS Resource Center of Dallas. They have also volunteered to provide free HIV
tests during the 5k race. We plan on utilizing employees to help run the race,
also volunteers from schools and other organizations supporting the awareness
and prevention of HIV/AIDS.
General Timetable



Proposal Presentation/Approval/Funded


Manufacturing of special edition jeans


Selling of special edition jeans


5k Race


Donation of 40% of proceeds to AIDS Resource Center

of Dallas

Race Day Timetable




Volunteers arrive, set-up


Runners arrive, check-in


Race/free testing


Clean up


Levi Strauss's Budget for AIDS Campaign




Hire Marketing Team to design ads for jeans & 5K



Newspaper slot for 5K advertisement



Radio slot for 5K advertisement



City Permit for 5K



Order Shirts (1500) @ $5 ea.



Advance Payment for 5K security (50)



On-Location Medical Personnel (10)



5K Event Materials: Barricades, Banners, Stands



Paid-vacation Employees (100)



Donation for each employee in the run (1000)



Funds from Register runners (500) @ $30 ea.



Planned Funds to Expense



Funds Requested


Funds Left for Unplanned Expenses


Our total requested budget is
$150,000. Less than $20,000 will be
spent on marketing expenses
such as radio advertisements and
newspaper advertisements. Since
TV advertising is so expensive, our
plan is to hire a marketing team
tailored toward reaching out to
possible 5K participants and our
customers through social media.
The marketing team will also be
responsible for designing a sleek
and cool ad campaign for the
jeans and 5K thatll be displayed
on our newspaper ads and announced in our radio ads.
Operating expenses for the 5K totaled $24,000. These expenses consist of hiring
security and medical personnel for the race. For security purposes, were hiring
50 guards to protect and maintain the barricades for the race. For medical
purposes, were hiring 10 first-aid responders from our local hospital to attend to
any injuries that may occur during the race. Our operating expenses also
include the paid vacation of 100 employees who are volunteering to help at the
The majority of our budget will be allocated to donations, which are offset by
the funds from the registration of 5K participants. Were planning to donate
$1,000 per employee that participates in the 5K run. Our overall budget of
$150,000 is well in line with the historic average of $1 million for community
project budgets. We feel our small monetary effort will have a much larger
impact on the Dallas community because of the awareness well spread
through the runners with our HIV awareness t-shirts on as they run throughout
downtown Dallas.


With our 5k event, we approximate that the event will need to be hosted from 5
AM to 1 PM, making the event an 8 hour event. In order to staff this event, we
plan to use both staff from retail stores as well as opening up the event for
volunteers to help run it.
Within Texas, there are ten Levi Strauss outlet stores throughout the state. We
plan to offer the opportunity to volunteer in the race to all of the retail stores,
with the incentive being that if the worker is stationed in the Dallas office, they
will be allowed to take the full Friday off work. If they are stationed in another
city(Houston, Austin, San Marcos), then they will be permitted to take the full
Friday off work as well as a half day on Thursday. With these incentives, we
approximate an attendance of 75% of workers, giving us about 110 employees
as workers (assuming 15 employees per retail store). Gaining more employees,
we will advertise to the public asking for volunteers. Many high schoolers, some
middle schoolers, and many college kids need volunteer hours at some point.
With the Dallas area having so many schools, and with many families that enjoy
to help at 5k runs, there shouldnt be a shortage on getting public volunteers.
So that not all volunteers will need to be at the full event, we propose that the
event will split into two four hour shifts for volunteers, where they may work one
shift or both shifts. If every volunteer were to work one four hour shift, we would
need about 80 volunteers to ensure that 140 volunteers (our 124 will work the full
8 hours and the remaining 20 will help with the trailers later discussed) would
always be there. We would then distribute the volunteers to help with the setup,
to line the course, to set all the booths up for the sponsors, to direct runner
throughout the race, to hand out water, and to help break down the entire

Volunteer Staffing
Work Schedule


Retail volunteers


Community volunteers



Total volunteers




Apart from the 5k run in itself, we plan to as well have trailers where the Aids
Resource Center of Dallas can be stationed. With these three trailers, where we
will be providing free HIV/AIDS tests, we will provide each trailer with an
additional 3-4 volunteers to assist them in whatever needs they may have.
Normal volunteers will be given community service hours, a t-shirt, as well as any
general benefits that are offered to the runners, such as water and any food


Conclusion & Authorization Request

Mr. Bergh,
Through the use of the VIDA Jeans, we hope to both raise awareness as well as
raise funds for the cause in a way that will increase sales and brand recognition
at the same time. More than that, we plan to help people see if they individually
could be at risk. We hope to throw a 5k in order to against raise money for
research and to get society thinking about HIV within Texas. At this 5k, we will be
able to our brand out there to the public, people will be able to take free HIV
tests that we pay for, and we will get the opportunity to publicly donate money
to the Dallas AIDS Research Center. We hope that we can show the general
public that this issue is not just a foreign issue, or a minor issue, but rather that it is
a rampant disease that still affects many Americans today. However, in order to
make all of this a success, we would love to have the support of the company
behind us to start this movement. Through this Levi Strauss will not be just a
company that can make a good pair of jeans, but rather we will be a company
that cares as well. We will exude the image that we not only are able to have
profitable quarters, but that we would like to share our profits with those who are
less fortunate in society. As our customers decide to buy our product, we decide
to give back to society in whatever way we can. This image will not only give
our brand further recognition, but it will help to show the public that we care.
Charles Bergh, we ask that you please give us a grant of $100,000 in order to
help make Texas aware, and ultimately to help make the nation aware, of the
epidemic that is HIV.

Charles V. Bergh


Dallas County Health and Human Services. (September 2013). Profile of HIV in
Dallas County. Retrieved April 22, 2014 from
Levi Strauss & CO. (January 2014). Levi Strauss Foundation. Retrieved April 22,
2014 from
Levi Strauss &Cco sustainability. (2014). Retrieved from
Resourcecenter. (2013). Retrieved from
Signs & Symptoms. (2013, December 19). Retrieved from
Resource Center of Dallas. (September 2013). About the Center. Retrieved April
22, 2014 from
Run Infinity. (2012). Dallas YMCA Turkey Trot 5k. Retrieved April 24, 2014 from
The Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation. ( April 2014). The HIV/AIDs Epidemic in the
United States. Retrieved April 22, 2014 from
US Department of Health and Human Services. (June 2012). US HIV/AIDs
Statistics. Retrieved April 22, 2014 from


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