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IC & A Assignment II Questions

Subject Code: EE6001

Sec: A & B
Class: III/IV B.Tech

Branch: EEE
Academic year: 2014-15

1. What are the advantages of digital signals compared to analog signals? What are the
different kinds of DACs?
2. Draw the general diagram of DAC and give the expression for output voltage.
3. What is the operation of weighted resistor DAC? Explain with a neat diagram.
4. With a neat diagram explain the operation of R 2R ladder DAC. Mention its advantages
and disadvantages.
5. Explain the operation of inverted R 2R ladder DAC and write the advantages of this
6. Draw the general diagram of ADC and explain its operation. What are the different types
of ADCs?
7. With a neat diagram explain the operation of flash type ADC.
8. Explain the operation of counter type ADC with a neat diagram.
9. The basic step of a 9-bit DAC is 10.3mV. If 000000000 represents 0V, what output is
proceed if the input is 101101111?
10. Calculate the values of the LSB, MSB and full scale output for an 8-bit DAC for the 0 to
10V range.

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