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Lesson Number

and Topic

Curriculum link
This is the link in
the curriculum
these four lessons
focus on.

1. Celebrations
in general
(5 Marks total)

Celebrations and
commemorations in
other places around
the world; for
example, Bastille Day
in France,
Independence Day in
the USA, including
those that are
observed in Australia
such as Chinese New
Year, Christmas Day,
Diwali, Easter,
Hanukkah, the Moon
Festival and Ramadan

2. Christmas
(5 Marks total)

3. Birthdays
(5 Marks total)

4. Easter
(5 Marks total)

When you
complete each of
these tasks for
your lessons you
curriculum link is
1. Identify 3
celebrations that are
around the world. (2
2. State at least 3
new facts about each
celebration. (2
3. Use provided ICT
to create an end
product. (1 mark)
1. Know the
Christmas ideas,
symbols and
traditions. (2 marks)
2. Create their own
Christmas storybook
using technology
such as iPads
through ICT
application storyjumper. (2 marks)
3. Work in pairs to
collaborate ideas
and complete their
Christmas story. (1
1. Identify the
meaning of birthday
and when and why
they occur for each
person. (3 marks)
2 Work
independently to
create their own
storyboard about
birthdays. (2 marks)

Check list
Can you
check off
that you can
do each
activity in
this column?

1. Identify the
meaning of Easter,
when it occurs and
what meaning it had.
(2 marks)
2. Work
cooperatively as a
group (1 mark)
3. Make a
presentation using
their form of work to
the class. (2 marks)

Celebration Lessons Rubric

Your 4 lessons about celebrations all work together to help you achieve
the curriculum link that is below. The lessons are worth 20 marks in
total; each lesson is worth 5 marks. Each outcome that you achieve has
certain marks allocated to it. When you are able to complete the
outcomes listed for each lesson the marks are recorded in the very right
column and totaled at the bottom out of 20. This table is here to show
you exactly what you are being marked on and what you need to know
by the end of each lesson.

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