Project Proposal Guidelines: Jiiojrubric

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Final Praject “T= Complete 3 Substantial Proposat ‘Cleary and completely communicate the statistical question Cleary states the explanatory response variables, Cleary states the testinterval you will use to analyze the rests The data will be colleeted so the conditions for inference will be saisied. and ‘Covnmunicate the staitical question tes the explanatory and response vatables, States the tesvinterval you will use to analyze the result, The dita willbe collected ‘so that most conditions for Inference wil he satistied developing, +The propos is ‘missing at Teast one clement TE Minima +The propos is missing more the) fone element Introduction Describes the content of the research asa clearly stated question of interest (Clearly defines the parameter of Interest and states correet hypotheses (for tests) ‘Question of interest is of appropriate difficuky Introduces the context of Has correct parameter parheses OR has appropriate difficulty [> Thiroduces the jontext ofthe | > Binietly desert the conteyt of th esearch Data Collection ‘Method of data callesion is clearly described + Includes appropriate randomization Describes effors to reduce bias, variability. confounding Quanuty of data collected is Appropriate ‘Method of data collection clearly described Somie effort is made 10 incorporate prineiples of good dats collection Quantity of datas appropriate week data eollestion Graphs and Summary Statisties “Appropriate graphs are included Graphs are neat, clearly labeled, and easy to compare Appropriate summary statistics are included ‘Summary statistics are discussed and ‘correctly interpreted “Appropriate graphs are included Graphsare neat clearly Tbeted, and easy 0 ‘compare Appvopiate summary satistics ate included > Graphs and summary statistics are included. + Gane ars neh Analysis ‘Correct inference procedure s chosen Use of inference procedure is Justified Test statistic!?-value or confidence imerval is calculated correctly walue or confidence interval is expreted correctly Contest nferstice procedure is chosen ‘Lacks justification, lacks imtemptation, or makes a caleulation error 7 Connect inference procedure is chosen + Test satsicPalue ‘or confidence inter is calculated cortestly procedure is attempted Conclusions Uses P-valve/confidence wewwal 10 correctly anssver question of interest Discusses what inferences are appropriate based on study design Shows good evsdence of ertial reflection (discustes possible errors, limutauons, alternate explanations, tc Makes a conceal conclison Discusses what inferences are appropriate Shows some evidence of critical reflection + Makes partally correct conclusion (such as accepting ull + Shows some evidence of critical reflection | 7 Wakes ‘conclusion Overall Presentation! Communication ‘Clear, holst understanding of the project Poster is well organized, neat and easy to read Statistical vocabulary is used correctly Poster is visually appealing. Clea, holistic ‘understanding of the Project steal vocabulary i, used correctly Poster is unorganized or 1s0"t visually appealing, + Posters not well done or poor + Communication and organization are very poor

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