Buzzer Valve Type 2-001

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e ‘Theoretical cit HOR OPFIGIAL USE ONLY December, 1988, SECTION 6, CHAPTER 3 4 BUZZER, VALVE, TYPE 2 Contents Tntroduction * General description Constructional dotails Vatves and batteries Operation... ey ‘Maintenance and precautions ‘Nomenclature of parts, . ‘List of Mlustratiéns Eaeenal view Panel, cear view ‘Sholf, underside a Bench wiring dingram 6 eee ‘AIR PUBLICATION 1186 * Volume I SECTION 6, CHAPTER 3. WvNOvVIG LINDYID AVDILSYOSHL ‘1° Old es Tren] [rs i (00008 zy zo: 10."3007100-| 19 | (17) $33SN30NOD (SWHO) S3INVLSIS3A (h1B0n. F.8c.tT0. BUZZER, VALVE, TYPE 2 . Gtores Ref. 10A/10158) . . INTRODUCTION 1, The buzzer, valve, pe 2, is intended to be used for instructional purposes jn Morse signalling. Tt is so'artanged that when a Morse key is connected by means of a standard type of telephone plug, and a line feeding a number of pairs of telephones is plugged into the output jack, Morse signals of pure tone may be transtnitted and received. The instrument is capable ‘of giving signals of adequate strength in twenty pairs of telephones. Means are provided for varying the pitch of the note, and a volume cotitrol is incorporated to enable the signal:stzength to be adjusted as required., Arrangements are made by which two or more instruments may be ‘coupled together so that interfering signals may be obtained, giving practise in “* over-reading, ‘The weight of the: instrument, without batteries, is approximately 7b., and with batteries approximately 154 1b. It measures 9} in. by 8fin. by 8in. The transit case measures 11} in, by ll}in. by 10in, and weighs 7 Ib, a GENERAL DESCRIPTION \ 2, The instrument employs two valves, one of which acts as an audio-frequency oscillator and the other as an amplifier, the telephone circuit being coupled to the anode’ circuit of the latter by a suitable transformer. ‘The operation of the Morse key makes and breaks the anode ircuit of the oscillator valve, “The theoretical circuit diagram is-given in fig. 1, Associated ‘with the oscillator valve V,, is the three-winding transformer Tr,, ‘The first winding is con- nected between grid and filament: of the valve, the second is in series with the anode of the vaive, and the third is connected between the grid and filament of the amplifier valve V,, 2 suitable condenser C,, boing inserted in secies with the grid. These windings may be referred to 05 ‘the grid, anode and output windings respectively. When the filaments ate heated by cdmpleting the E-T- circuit; and the HLT. circuit is completed by means of a Morse key plugged intq the jack Jy the anode circuit of the oscillator valve is set in oscillation at a frequency which js mainly ‘aetermined by the oscillation constant (L C value) of the anode cirouit. The LC value may be varied between certain limits by means of the capacitance C,, which is adjustable in five steps, inclusive of a position in which only the distributed capacitance is operative, The. itductance and distrituted capacitance is such that the highest obtainable frequency is well within the limits of andibility, and an increase of capacitance causes a reduction of frequency. 3, Since the output winding is coupled to tho anode winding, audio-fréquengy voltages azo applied betwoon the grid and filament of the amplifier valve Va,’ The magnitude ofthis gr swing is controlled by means of a potentiometer R,, across the output winding. | ‘Thé primary winding of the outptt transformer Trp, is in series with the anode of the amplifier valve, and. two jacks Jq, Js, aro connected across the secondary winding. The instructional teleghone line ig plugged into one of these, and the other is available to plug an interference buzzet into the, Hine. “A 4}-volt grid bias battery is provided in order to adjust the mean grid potential of the ample valve for bst operating canditions. With a folly charged HT. battery, the correct jas is —3 volts, 8 CONSTRUCTIONAL DETAILS 4, Three views of the instrument are given in figs. 2, 8 and 4, and a bench wiring diagram in fig. 5. Fig. 2is an exterior view showing the front panel, The case (1) is of mahogany, and is, SECTION 6, CHAPTER 3 fivted with a carrying strap of tanned hide, ‘The outside of the case is covered with linen fabric Both the inside and the outside are painted in standard Air Ministry grey colour and then varnished, with the exception of the battery compartment, which is painted with two coats of sisting black paint. The whole of the electrical components are assembled upon a mild steel chassis which is zine sprayed all over, the face and edges of the front panel (2) being finished in standard grey stove enamel or celltlose paint. The panel carries the filament switch (3) (Switch, type 70, Stores Ref. 10/8064). This is a single-pole rotary, cam-operated switch, consisting of two contact arms fitted with gold-silver contacts. Above this switch is a ruby Fie, 2. External view Jens (4), through which « pilot lamp indicates when the instrument is switched on, ‘The lens is mounted in a pivoted cover which allows access to the pilot lamp, The knob (5) of the note selector switch occupies the centre of the panel. On the right of this is the knob (6) of the volume control potentiometer, while the outer portions of the jacks (7), (8), (9) can be seen near the bottom of the panel. ‘A small hinged door (10) allows access to the interior for the insertion of valves. SECTION 6, CHAPTER 3 F components above the shelf of the chassis, The terminal block (1) Rel, C432) carries the HT.—, G.B.>, HT, and G.B.— terminals, to whi Connected a set of Besible leads (uniflex red 4) fitted with appropriately engraved battery y Behind this termina! block is the oscillator transformer (2). The core of this transfornier is of radiv-mnetal, and has a small air gap. Behind the oscillator transformer is the vodum Dotentioneter (3). This is a resistance, type 75 (Stores Ref, 10.7605), of 50,000 ohms, St which is in parallel with the output winding. 1 cone of the thiree terminal Ings is connected internally to the rotary contact arm, a ally, sie the grid condenser grid socket of the amplier valve-holder 6, The two valve-holders (4j and (8), are marked V.R. 21 and VAR, 22 respectively the former is for the oscillator and the latter for the amplifier valve. On the right of the shelf cam he seen a terminal block (6) (Stores Ref, 5C/430) carrying the L.T.-- and L.T.— terminals Flesible leads (uniflex red 4) terminating in spade terminal lugs are provided for connecting «he LT. accumulator SECTION 6, CHAPTER 3 7. In the middle of the panel is seen the note selector si way switeh, type HL (Stores Rel, 1VA/10161) and cor short metal pillars, These pillars carry a ting of composite insulating material which is fitted swith seven radial contacts of silver-gold alloy ; of these, only the five upper ones are fitted with terminal lugs. The centre of the ring is filled by a dise of insulating material. This disc the moving contact, and may be rotated within certain limits by means of a flat bar which is fitted to the knob of the siviteh and moves with it, Positive contact is assured by means of a locking device, vair of radial arms carrying small rollers. These arms are momnted on the ratatin: ving the flat bar. The rollers engage in recesses in the base plate and <0 lock the switch in any” desired position, itch (7). This isa single-pole, five- sts of a metal base plate carrying two 8. The four right-hand upper contacts of the sele members of the bank of fixed condensers (8). ers in this bank The outer one is a condenser type 384, O01 uP. Next to it is a con. denser type 385, 005 aF, (Stores Rel, 10.\/10164), and the three inner ones are condensers type 286, “OT uF. (Stores Ref, 10.4 9185). The two inner ones are connected in paraltel to form Fic. 4. Shelf, underside, SECTION 6,CHAPTER 3 Ri) | Cenjivos | Earthing screw FIG.5, BENCH WIRING DIAGRAM e (leon, F.&c.tTO. . SECTION 6, CHAPTER 8 a single capacitance of -02uF. The miniature Edison screw-holder (9) for the pilot lamp is mounted on a metal bracket. ‘The pilot lamps rated at 3-5 volts and therefore glows with some- ‘what less than half its normal brilliancy when the L.T. circuit is closed by means of the L.T. switch (10). On the right of the shelf is the output transformer (11) which has a closed core of low hysteresis steel. . 9, Big. 4 shows the components under the shelf. The mains condenser (1) is a condenser type $86, “01 uF., paper dielectric (Stores Ref. 10A/10165). Adjacent thereto is a swat rod resistance (2), (type 372, 80,000 ohms, Stores Ref. 10A/10160) which is in series with the anode of the oscillator valve, reducing the meaii ancde-filament P.D. to about 40 volts. ‘The jack (8) is the one provided for the insertion of the Morse key into the anode circuit, The two rentaining jacks (4) and (6), are connected in parallel across the secondary winding of the output transformer. Al three jacks are of tho standard service type (Stores Ref. 104/179), The grid condenser (6), ‘whichis mounted on the undersice of the shelf, isa condenser type 288, -O1 w. The dovatt rod redstance (7) (ype 282, 100,000 ohms, Stores Ret. 108/976) isthe gid leak forthe amplifier valve, . ¢ , VALVES AND BATTERIES 10. The L-Y. supply is derived from a single 2-volt lead-acid accumulator (Stores Ref. Sa/1614), the HT. supply from a G0-volt dy battery (Stores Ref. 5/1981), and the grid bias voltage from a 4f-volt dry battery (Stores Re, SA/1389), The oslltos valves a valve seeing, V>RA (Stores Rot, 1047788) and the amplifier Valve is a valve receiving, V.1t22 (Stores Ret. 10A/7988). : . : . ' i OPERATION — To bring the instrument into use, first see that the filament switch is in the'“ off” position, Insert the pilot lamp into its holder through the aperture normally covered, by the Tuby lens, place a suitable 2-volt accumulator in the battery compartment, and connect up the LT+ and L.T.—. leads, “On moving the L-T. switch to the “‘on” position the pilot lamp should glow. ‘Switch off the L-T. switch, place the authorized types of 60-volt H.T. and 44-volt grid bias batteries in the battery compartment, connecting these in circuit by means of the'flexible leads. The grid bias should normally be —3 volts. Close the cover of the battery compartment and secure it by means of the catches. 12. Plug a pair of service high-resistance, telephones into the telephone jack and Morse ay into tho ey jack, With the LT. switch in the off postion insert a alve V1.2) nto the right-hand valve-holder and a valve V.R.22 into the holder on the left. Close the LT, switch and press the Morse key. A clear musical note should be heard in the telephones. The pitch and intensity of this note should be variable by manipulating the note selector switch and volume control respectively. " MAINTENANOE AND PRECAUTIONS . 18. The instrament requires very little attention. When not in use it should ie stored in aclean dry place. The L.T. battery must be periodically recharged in accordance with the routine in force ai the particular station. “Unless the instrument is in regular use it is advisable to remove the L-T. battery when Morse practice is completed. : SECTION 6, CHAPTER 8 x e - APPENDIX | NOMENCLATURE OF PARTS . . ‘ eligi opt anion, he olga hie ht kts PORERGATON at e | ee oni, Joma a ‘Bek, terminal, type B, 2-vay No. 1.. 1 Block, terminal, type B, Say No.1 ! Condenser, typo Ss 1 | -1nm., paper ditoctvio, oylindsical. yoayi0167 ere im it : 1 ot e “E'S. por cont, iala, woajoiss. Condenser, type 286 4 oie TOAnoi64 Condenser, type 385, ° 1 ‘uF, mica, moulded. 1OA/sa15 - Folder, valve, type S11 2 WOA/I799 Jack, telephone, type A : 3 SA/1610 Lampholder, miniature Edison’ scrow, | 1 “ batten. 10/2689. plug, type89 .. ke 1 ‘Engraved 1: ange Bing. trees SS) | Engraved 2 582 Pug Obese 22) of | Baayen 633-4 woayrens : Resistance, typo 78 Si] 1 | S850 es potentiometer. SoA781 Resistance, type 282 1 | i000 aka ne od woasioiso : Reslatnco, pe 372 1 | 0,600 oams, s-watt rod. roaysoss | Switeh, type 70. 4 | Camopereted 7. soanoi62 Switel, typo 141 1 | S-posttion sslectér switch, roayiois2 | Transformer, LI, type’ : ToA/0163 * Pransformes, LR, type Ft a sansts ..| “Accumulator, ead-sold, 2 V,,7 Ab. 4 Sastass Battory, dry, AV. 1 + Bknsst 2 | Battery, dey, advo 1 | roayiozss :: | Cas, transit x a ABEL, S| Ea flament 35 v. 1 | Valve, varcat 1 tapas Valve, VIR.22 1

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