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SeedPaths Catalog

SeedPaths, LLC
800 Grant St. #120
Denver, CO 80203
(303) 378-8285

Volume No. 2.2 January 2015

Approved and Regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education,

Private Occupational School Board

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Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Programs/Courses Offered ........................................................................................................ 3
Program/Course Costs .................................................................................................................. 3
Class Schedule .................................................................................................................................. 4
Entrance Requirements ................................................................................................................ 5
Enrollment Procedures ............................................................................................................... 5
Postponement of Start Date .................................................................................................... 5
Placement Assistance .................................................................................................................... 5
Attendance Requirements ........................................................................................................... 6
Progress Policy ................................................................................................................................. 6
Grading System/Progress Reports ........................................................................................ 7
Conduct Policy ................................................................................................................................... 7
Dismissal ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Facilities ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Educational Services ..................................................................................................................... 8
Previous Credits ............................................................................................................................... 8
Student Grievance Procedure .................................................................................................. 8
Student Complaints ........................................................................................................................ 9
Refund Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Appendix A: Incentive Payments and Fine Policies ...................................................... 11
Appendix B: Payment Plans ....................................................................................................... 12

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SeedPaths (hereinafter referred to as the School) provides the technical and professional skills required
to gain employment in the IT industry. The School is staffed with passionate facilitators who are all
excited to help our graduates gain employment.
The School is owned by Jeff Macco of Denver, Colorado. Jeff Macco is also its only officer and
Faculty Members

Dustin Kraft, Director of Software Development

Patrick McClary, Director of Professional Development
Nicole Winowiecki, Director of Employment & Outreach
Eric Fowler, Support Instructor
Jeff Macco, CEO (Director of Education)

Programs/Courses Offered
SeedPaths 8-week intensive Boot Camp
320 hours of in-class instruction
Estimated 120 160 hours of out-of-class time
Occupational Objective: Graduates should be able to acquire an entry-level position (full-time,
contractor, consultant, or internship status) in the IT industry. The following are potential job titles (not
an exhaustive list):
Entry-level Software Developer
Entry-level Quality Assurance Representative
Sales Representative
Support Representative
Customer Service Representative
The School works with Agile42, a third-party vendor to provide a Certified Scrum Master designation.
This certification is a project management designation for the IT industry.

Program/Course Costs
Tuition: $6,000
No pre-paid registration fees
Students are billed at the end of Week 3 for the preceding 15 days, Week 6 for the preceding 15 days
and Week 8 for the preceding 10 days of the program at a rate of $150/day regardless if they attend
class or not. National holidays are also billed. See Appendix B for payment plan options.
All software, hardware, books and supplies are included in the tuition. Two healthy snacks and a lunch
will be provided daily. Students may be eligible for a bus pass (based on available resources). Students
are also eligible to earn $250 worth of cash incentives.

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Incentive Pay
Students can earn up to $250+ for participating in the program based on several performance metrics.
Some incentive payments can take up to 30 days to process. Participants $250 incentive payments
earned throughout the program will be applied to amounts due in Appendix A. Participants will not
receive any cash stipend throughout the Service period unless they are self-paying or have received a
100% tuition grant from the WIA program.

$50 for completing the first 4 weeks of the program

$50 for earning a Certified Scrum Master designation (completed at the beginning of Week 4)
$50 for completing all 8 weeks of the program (contingent on completing the final project)
$50 signing bonus if a job is earned within 30 days after graduating from SeedPaths
$50 if 100% of the cohort gets employed within 30 days of graduating
Additional $100 bonus for each person one refers who gets employed after completing a future
boot camp

See Educational Services for more details on Programs/Courses offered. For Students requesting a 100%
deferred payment plan, the above incentives will be deducted from their owed amounts meaning that
students will not receive cash payment throughout the program and instead, will have the cash
incentives reduced from the amount owed to the School.

Class Schedule
Monday through Friday 8:30am 5:00pm with two 15-minute breaks and approximately a 1-hour long
lunch break.
When an unexpected closure occurs due to extraordinary conditions such as inclement weather,
students will be notified as soon as possible by email and/or phone.
Classes are not held on the following holidays:

New Years Day

Presidents Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day and the Friday following
Christmas Day

The School intends on starting a new course every 9-10 weeks. The following are the proposed dates of
future classes in 2015 (subject to change, based on prospective student demand and employer demand
for graduates):

April 6 May 29, 2015

June 15 August 7, 2015
August 25 October 16, 2015
October 26 December 23, 2015

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Entrance Requirements
The school does not discriminate based on race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, or disability.
Prospective students are encouraged to have a high school diploma or equivalency diploma to be
accepted for enrollment, however this is not a requirement. Prospective students are required to finish
the Schools pre-work assignments prior to starting class. Students who do not complete the assigned
pre-work may be asked by the School to withdraw from the course.
Prospective students will be interviewed prior to being offered a position within the course. The
Schools main goal with its graduates is employability and if the prospective student does not
demonstrate employable behaviors or does not seem like s/he would be successful in the course, then
the School reserves the right to reject the students application.

Enrollment Procedures
Prospective students may enroll any time. Late enrollments will not be accepted. We encourage all
students to apply at least 3 weeks before the start of each class.

Postponement of Start Date

Postponement of a starting date, whether at the request of the school or the student, requires a written
agreement signed by the student and the school. The agreement must set forth:
a) Whether the postponement is for the convenience of the school or the student, and;
b) A deadline for the new start date, beyond which the start date will not be postponed.
If the course is not commenced or the student fails to attend by the new start date set forth in the
agreement, the student will be entitled to an appropriate refund of prepaid tuition and fees within 30
days of the deadline of the new start date set forth in the agreement, determined in accordance with the
schools refund policy and all applicable laws and rules concerning the Private Occupational Education
Act of 1981.

Placement Assistance
The School offers employment assistance to graduates, which consists of the following:
Hiring Days: The School invites employers into the classroom before graduation to learn
about the curriculum and to interview students for employment opportunities. Students get a
real-life opportunity to apply what they have learned and get employment opportunities before
Professional Development: A part of the Schools curriculum is focused on helping students
learn how to effectively hone their personal brand, improve their emotional intelligence, work
collaboratively and effectively in groups, manage their time and workloads, write resumes, write
cover letters, interview, find and maintain employment opportunities.

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Recruiting Division: The School has a separate recruiting division that has a number of
employer contacts and makes job lead referrals based on company need and aptitude of the
student. This division consistently guides our curriculum and keeps it relevant because
employers continually tell us their needs.
Director of Employment: The School has a full-time employee dedicated to supporting
graduates with transitioning them from the classroom to employment. Additionally, this role
sets up internships, identifies available employer incentives and facilitates the process of
transitioning graduates into employers. On-the-job coaching exists to help support employers

While assisting in your job search, we make no guarantee, expressed or implied, of future employment.
Current law prohibits any school from guaranteeing job placement as an inducement to enroll students.

Attendance Requirements
Students are expected to arrive on time for class with proper materials daily. If students are late or
absent on more than two combined occasions (late twice, absent twice or late once and absent once),
then the School reserves the right to fine the student $50 from the performance incentives they can
earn. If the student fails to inform any faculty member of a pending instance of being late or absent, the
School reserves the right to fine the student an additional $50 (see Appendix A for more details).
Students who are unable to continue classes for medical reasons or severe personal problems will be
required to take a leave of absence until they are able to return to class. Proper documentation will be
required to substantiate a students withdrawal.
The school does not have a probation policy due to the intensive nature of the course.
Students who leave the course before graduation may be encouraged to apply for a future course to be
re-admitted and will be held to the same entrance requirements of future classes.

Progress Policy
Students must stay on pace with the software development portion of the curriculum. Their status will
be determined by faculty. Students will be quickly notified of their status through formal one-on-one
conversations with faculty or through informal check-ins.
Students falling behind (unsatisfactory progress) or those who discover that software development is
not a good fit for their future career interests will be given the option to switch their studies to focus
on sales & support employment opportunities and withdraw from the software development curriculum.
If a student continues to fall behind and the faculty support is not progressing the students knowledge
base, then the School reserves the right to ask for the students withdrawal from the course. If the
student does not remove him/herself, then the Director has the final authority and discretion to
terminate the student.

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Grading System/Progress Reports

The School does not have a quantifiable grading system like traditional schools. The students only
system of grading is:
1. Obtaining a Certified Scrum Master certification
2. Graduating the program, and
3. Gaining employment in the IT industry.
For students who decide that employment is not for them (e.g. going to college instead) but still want to
participate in the course to further their career skills, then the School will still acknowledge their
participation in the course.
The Schools faculty conducts formal one-on-one meetings at least two times throughout the course to
provide feedback on the students progress and so the School can receive feedback on the course from
the student.

Conduct Policy
All students are expected to act maturely and are required to respect other students and faculty
members. Possession of, or use of weapons, illegal drugs, and alcohol of any kind are not allowed at any
time on school property. Any violation of school policies may result in permanent dismissal from school.
Students who do not behave in a professional manner (of which is taught and clearly defined) will be
fined $20 per instance (see Appendix A for more details).

Any student may be dismissed for violations of rules and regulations of the school, as set forth in School
publications. A student also may be withdrawn from classes if he or she does not prepare sufficiently,
neglects assignments, or makes unsatisfactory progress.
Any Student can receive fines for being late/absent, consistently missing deadlines and/or acting
unprofessionally. If a Student accumulates fines equaling or exceeding $250 any time during the course
of the program, he/she will be immediately removed from the program.
Students who leave the course before graduation may be encouraged to apply for a future course and
will be held to the same entrance requirements of future classes.
The Director, after consultation with all parties involved, makes the final decision on dismissal.
The Director may temporarily suspend students whose conduct is disruptive or unacceptable to the
academic setting. After appropriate counseling, students who demonstrate a genuine desire to learn and
conform to school standards of conduct, may be allowed to resume attendance. The Director will
review each case and decide upon re-admittance.

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The school is located at 800 Grant Street, Suite 120, Denver CO 80203. The Schools classroom is
furnished with modern equipment including desks, chairs, laptops, software and other hardware for
learning how to develop software and gain employment in the IT industry.
The School has an online curriculum that students can access to further their professional development
skills. Faculty are available daily, during normal business hours as well as after hours to further support
students in need.

Educational Services

Boot Camp

Software & Professional

Occupational Objective
Employment in the IT


Length of program: 8-week, stand-alone course

Units of Instruction: Two units of instruction
Software Development
Professional Development
Type of instruction: Residential (Classroom)

Previous Credits
Credits from another institution will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The School has found
students with prior engineering credits from other institutions have a higher likelihood of employment
versus students who have zero prior experience.
The Schools program is not accredited and upon graduating the program, no recognized credits will
result. The Schools main metric is the number of graduates employed within 90 days of graduating.
The school does not guarantee the transferability of its credits to any other institution unless there is a
written agreement with another institution.

Student Grievance Procedure

Any complaints should be emailed to the Schools Director: The Director will
respond as soon as possible and work to resolve any open complaints within a commercially reasonable
time frame.

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Student Complaints
Students are encouraged to attempt to resolve any issue with the School. If the complaint isnt rectified
within 30 days written notice to the Director, then Student Complaints may be brought to the attention
the Division of Private Occupational Schools in writing at There is a twoyear statute of limitations for the Division to take action on a student complaint. The phone number for
the Division is 303-866-2723 (any complaints should be filed online only).

Refund Policy
The School does not accept pre-paid tuition and only invoices students after the value of the course is
delivered to the student. The student will be invoiced for days that they are not in attendance because
the School still needs to deliver the curriculum and get the student caught up.
For students who leave a course prior to graduation and want to re-enroll in a future course, the School
reserves the right to charge the student either full tuition or a pro-rated tuition of what the student has
already paid for.
If a student intends on leaving a course, s/he needs to email a faculty member with his/her intentions and
a reason for not wanting to graduate.
By Colorado law, SeedPaths is required to post the following refund policy, even though it
does not accept pre-paid tuition:
Students not accepted to the school are entitled to all moneys paid. Students who cancel this contract
by notifying the school within three (3) business days are entitled to a full refund of all tuition and fees
paid. Students, who withdraw after three (3) business days, but before commencement of classes, are
entitled to a full refund of all tuition and fees paid except the maximum cancellation charge of $150.00
or 25% of the contract price, whichever is less. In the case of students withdrawing after
commencement of classes, the school will retain a cancellation charge plus a percentage of tuition and
fees, which is based on the percentage of contact hours attended, as described in the table below. The
refund is based on the last date of recorded attendance.
Refund Table
Student is entitled to upon withdrawal/termination Refund
Within first 10% of program (By 5pm of 4th day)
After 10% but within first 25% of program (Weeks 1 - 2)
After 25% but within first 50% of program (Weeks 3 - 4)
After 50% but within first 75% of program (Weeks 5 - 6)
After 75% (Weeks 7 8) [if paid in full, cancellation charge is not

90% less cancellation charge

75% less cancellation charge
50% less cancellation charge
25% less cancellation charge
NO Refund


1. The student may cancel this contract at any time prior to midnight of the third business day
after signing this contract.
2. All refunds will be made within 30 days from the date of termination. The official date of
termination or withdrawal of a student shall be determined in the following manner:

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The date on which the school receives written notice of the students intention to
discontinue the training program; or
b. The date on which the student violates published school policy, which provides for
c. Should a student fail to return from an excused leave of absence, the effective date of
termination for a student on an extended leave of absence or a leave of absence is the
earlier of the date the school determines the student is not returning or the day
following the expected return date.
3. The student will receive a full refund of tuition and fees paid if the school discontinues a
program/Stand Alone course within a period of time a student could have reasonably completed
it, except that this provision shall not apply in the event the school ceases operation.
4. The policy for granting credit for previous training shall not impact the refund policy.

(Continued on next page)

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Appendix A: Incentive Payments and Fine Policies

Incentive Payments:
Students have the opportunity to earn up to $250 during the program. Payments are disbursed as
Payment 1: Max of $100 distributed at the end of Week 4
$50 for completion of the first 4 weeks of the program
$50 for earning a Scrum Master certification
Payment 2: Max of $50 distributed at the end of Week 8
$50 for completing the program and meeting the final project requirements
Additional Payments: Max of $100 timing of payment to be determined
$50 for securing a job and submitting employment information to SeedPaths
$50 for all students if 100% of a cohort secured a job within 30 days of graduation
Fine Limit = $250 over the entire program
If a student accumulates fines equaling or exceeding a combined total of $250 at any time
throughout the program, they will be dismissed from the class immediately. Updated fine
amounts per student will be posted every Friday on our in-house Weebly site.
Fines will be assessed for, but not limited to, the following:
o Any 3rd absence or tardy will be fined $50 for each instance
Students will not be fined for their 1st and 2nd absences/tardy or any
combination of the two
o An automatic & additional $50 fine will be assessed if a student does not call, text or
email a staff member to inform him/her of an absence or tardy before the start of the
class at 8:30 a.m.
Example fine: If a student is late for the third time and does not contact a staff
member until 9:00 a.m., the student will receive a $50 fine for attendance and a $50
fine for failure to contact = $100 fine

Test Fines:
o Its imperative to keep up and perform well on all assessments. On this note, we will
charge $1 for every point under 70 that you score on each test. For example, if you
score a 60 then you will be charged $10 in fines.

Missed Deadlines:
o Students will be given assignments for both the professional and software development
portions of the class. It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of
assignments given and the due dates for each. We recommend a time management tool
such as Trello or DropTask.
o If an assignment is not turned in on the due date, the individual student will be fined $10
and an additional $10 for every additional day it is late. A student will have 24 hours to
make correction and edits after an assignment has been reviewed before fines will begin.
Example: If a code challenge is due Monday and is not turned in until Wednesday, the
participant will be fined $30 (an initial $10 for the original missed deadline and $20
for it being late by two days).

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If a student is struggling with an assignment, they need to contact staff for help before
the due date. If a staff member is working with the student and a partial assignment is
turned in by the deadline to show progress and effort, the student will not receive a late
NOTE: It is a requirement that students communicate with the staff about any and all
assignments, especially those in which students are struggling with or for which they
might need more time.

Fines for Unprofessional & Non-Employable Behaviors:

If a student is engaging in unprofessional behaviors during class hours, he/she will be fined $20
for each instance. Students will be given only one, single warning prior to fines being assessed.
Unprofessional behaviors include, but are not limited to:
o Sleeping in class
o Misuse of headphones
o Excessive texting or leaving class for phone calls
o Refusal to participate in class activities or work in groups
o Poor attitude rude or disrespectful behaviors to colleagues or staff
o Browsing Facebook, non-educational YouTube videos, and other social media sites
during instruction
o Smoking within 100 feet from the building (meaning if you smoke, youll need to take a
walk so there are no cigarette butts left anywhere near the entrance or the sidewalks
adjacent to Grant Street or 8th Avenue)

Please note Students will be charged for the following:

Lost Mouse = $30
Lost Charger = $30
Lost/Unreturned Computer = $750

Appendix B: Contract for Educational Services

This Contract for Educational Services is made effective as of April 6, 2015 by and between SeedPaths,
LLC, herein termed Company with a mailing address of 800 Grant St #120, Denver, CO 80203 and
______________________, herein termed Participant with a mailing address of
1. Description of Services: Beginning on April 6, 2015 and ending on May 29, 2015, Company will
provide to Participant an 8-week long software and professional development training boot camp.
Company will provide software training, professional development training and job training services
to Participant. Company will provide job placement services for at least 90 days following completing
the service provided by the Company and on a case-by-case basis thereafter depending on Company
resources and willingness of Participant to complete tasks received by Company.
2. Payment: As consideration for the provision of the Services by the Company, Participant shall make
payment to Company in the amount and time frame specified in Appendix A.
a. The payment amount only includes the amount agreed upon in section A by Company and
b. The payment does not include any finance charges or interest.
c. There will be a maximum of 4 required payments.
d. The payment does not include any additional fees.
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e. The payment does not include application fees.
f. The payment does not include administrative fees.
g. The financial benefit to the Participant is that the Participant will be able to receive educational
services by the Company and not have to pre-pay for services prior to delivery nor pay for
services as the services are being delivered.
h. A high-level of risk to the Company is that the Participant may choose to not pay any nor all of
the agreed upon payment amounts for Services provided after invoices have been delivered with
clear and agreed upon payment terms.
i. The Company is not collateralizing any amounts due from the Participant for the services
provided which also increases the risk assumed by the Company.
j. This contract is an extended term of payment for Participants receipt of the services provided.
k. This contract is not a loan.
l. If any invoice is not paid when due, penalty interest will be added to and payable on all overdue
amounts at an annualized interest rate of 12% per year, calculated 1% per month. Participant shall
pay all costs of collection, including without limitation, reasonable attorney fees.
m. Company will invoice Participant through email, U.S. postal mail or digital application on the
agreed upon dates in Appendix A.
n. Participant agrees to payment in full as defined in Appendix A, regardless of Companys ability to
find the Participant employment. Employment, defined here forward includes but is not limited
to: full-time employment, internship, contract, consulting, contract-to-hire, regardless of the
income earned received or duration of performance.
o. Participant agrees to payment in full, regardless of the industry or employment type the
Participant earns following the delivery of service by the Company.
p. Participant agrees to pay for any services rendered at $150/day, including holidays, even if
Participant does not consume the full amount of service offering.
q. Invoices will have Net 30 payment terms.
3. Warranty: Company represents and warrants that it will perform the Services with reasonable care,
skill and commercial effort. Company does not guarantee employment from its services.
4. Indemnification: Participant agrees to indemnify and hold Company harmless from all claims,
losses, expenses, fees including attorney fees, costs, and judgments that may be asserted against
Company that result from the acts or omissions of the Participant.
5. Limitation of Liability: Company and Client agree that neither shall be entitled to recover from
the other for any incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages sustained resulting from the
action or inaction of the other under this agreement, whether the cause of action against the other is
in contract, breach of warranty, tort, gross negligence or otherwise, including, but not limited to lost
profits, lost opportunities and/or delay damages, even if the other party was advised of or was aware
of the potential for such damages.
6. Term and Termination: This Agreement shall be effective on the date hereof and shall continue,
unless terminated sooner in accordance with Participant making the full payments due outlined in
Appendix A.
7. Relationship of the Parties: The Participant acknowledges and agrees that the Services
performed by the Company, its employees, agents or sub-contractors shall be as an independent
contractor and contractor and that nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a
partnership, joint venture, agency relationship or otherwise between the parties.

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8. Assignment: Neither Party shall assign or transfer all or any part of its rights under this Agreement,
or delegate the performance of the obligations or duties hereunder, without the consent of the other
Party. Any attempt by Participant to so assign, transfer any obligations arising hereunder without the
consent of the Company shall be void and have no effect.
9. This Agreement may not be amended for any other reason without the prior written agreement of
both Parties.
10. Governing Law This Agreement is to be construed in accordance with and governed by the
internal laws of the State of Colorado, USA.
11. Dispute Resolution - If a dispute arises out of or in relation to this Agreement (Dispute), the
party claiming that a Dispute has arisen shall notify the other party in writing stating the subject
matter and details of the Dispute. After receipt of the notice, the parties shall meet within 7 days and
in good faith make a genuine effort to resolve the Dispute. If the parties fail to settle the Dispute
within 30 days from the time the Dispute was first notified then the Dispute shall be submitted to a
single neutral arbitrator. The proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the Commercial
Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. The award of the arbitrators shall include
a written explanation of their decision. The arbitration shall be held in Denver, Colorado.
12. Entire Agreement; Amendments - This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between
the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any and all prior or
contemporaneous agreements, whether written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by a
written agreement executed by the Company and Provider.
Payment terms
Amount due

Invoice Amount

Invoice will be sent every

30 days
60 days
90 days
120 days
150 days
180 days

Amount Due:________________________
In the event the Participant applies an incentive payment to any of the above amounts, which reduces
the net amount due, then Company will reduce the final invoice payment(s) by the amount(s) applied.
Example: Participant has $1,000 due at the end of the services rendered and Participant applied $200
to the amount due ($1,000), then the 4th and final payment to the Company by the Participant will
only be $50.
Participant may pay any amount greater than the invoiced amount within the terms of this agreement
without any pre-payment penalty.
Invoice Amount for first three invoices:________________________

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This is the amount that the Company will include on each invoice, paid by Participant in four
payments. The final invoice amount will be determined on or around January 19th, 2015 after taking
into account any final incentive bonuses earned by Participant by the Company.
Final Invoice Amount:________________________
An invoice will be sent every______________ calendar days, beginning thirty (30) days after the
Participants first day of Employment, as defined in paragraph 2, above. Example: If a participant starts
employment on January 1, 2015 and has $1,000 due, the first invoice will be sent 30 days later, which
is January 31, 2015.
Example (employed): If a participant starts employment on January 1, 2015 and has $1,000
due, the first invoice will be sent 30 days later, which is January 31, 2015.
Example (not employed): If a participant completed the program January 1, 2015, has $1,000
due, but does not secure a job within 90 days of the graduation date, the first invoice will be
sent on April 1, 2015.
*If you get employed within 30 days of graduating, your final invoice will be reduced by $100.

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Participant Signature
By signing below, I acknowledge that I received the SeedPaths Catalog, have read the
entirety of said catalog, understand everything herein and agree with all of the policies
Participant Name (printed): ________________________________________ Date: _________

Participant Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _________

Staff Signature:

Patrick McClary
Schools Approved In-state Agent

SeedPaths Catalog

Date: April 5, 2015

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