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Annotated Bibliography

How will Japanese Business Culture change in the future based on how it has changed in the

Noel Fuller
Professor Malcolm Campbell
March 11, 2015

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Annotated Bibliography
Bass, Bernard M. Continuity and Change in the Evolution of Work and Human Resource
Management Human Resource Management. 33.1 (1991): 3-31. Wiley Online Library.
Web. 4, Mar. 2015
Bass is known for his work in evaluating transformational leadership. Bass work in
relation to transformational leadership allows us to see how leaders shape and change an
industry. The leader is someone who can identify the needed changes and execute them. These
leaders have produced change in businesses and I plan to apply this general idea of
transformational leadership to show how Japanese business culture has changed and will change
in the future. He worked on measuring how transformational leadership impacts follower
motivation and performance. Bass article delves into how the role of work in society has
changed over time. It shows how organization and motivation in work has evolved over the
years. He inspects the idea that looking at the past evolution of work allows us to tentatively
predict where work in society is headed. This article focuses on how work is emphasized in
society during different time periods. He outlines the different jobs that became prevalent in
society due to values and the introduction of new technology. He demonstrates the change from
Paleolithic and Early Neolithic era to the Post- Industrial Revolution. Jobs starting with hunting,
preparing food and shelter, and fishing and ending with systems analysts, knowledge work and
computer design. This article focuses on the changes in job type rather than changes within a job
over time. This article will help me find the change in societys values over time but I will need
to use other sources to find information on how business culture has changed over time.

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Goldstein-Gidoni, Ofra. The Production and Consumption of Japanese Culture in the Global
Cultural Market Journal of Consumer Culture. 5.2 Sage Publication (2005): 155-179.
ArticleFirst. Web. 3 Mar. 2015
This article from Tel Aviv University shows the correlation between culture and
consumption of products. The focus is on Japanese products being consumed by other countries
becoming known as Japanese culture. Globalization of Japanese products has become accepted
as Japanese culture both by tourists and locals. Japanese culture is spreading throughout other
cultures and being internalized. I plan to use the information from this article about how other
cultures have internalized Japanese culture to show how businesses change their ways in order to
keep up with the demands of consumers. Japanese businesses have capitalized on the worlds
fascination with what they present as culture. While this article shows how Japanese culture is
being globalized I will need to find another source to show how businesses are changing in order
to accommodate these consumer demands.
Kameda, Naoki. The Implication of Language Style in Business Communication: Focus on
English versus Japanese Corporate Communications: An International Journal. 6.3
(2001): 144-149. Emerald Publishing Group Limited. Web. 4, Mar. 2015
This article discusses the controversial proposal that English become the official second
language of Japan. People in business are left to deal with the practical issue that with the
growing globalization the need for English is becoming more essential. While the Japanese
people are not as adept as using English as other countries have proven to be, they are being
pushed to incorporate English into businesses and become more competent in the language in
order to keep up with the growing global economy. Unless they acquire literacy in English it is
thought that Japan will not be able to keep up with globalization. To become competent in

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English literacy the Japanese must first learn the different styles of the two languages. Japanese
language culture differs from English and Western culture. While the Japanese language has
many ways of saying no without actually saying no, western civilization would prefer to get to
the point instead of being considerate of others feelings during a business deal. An alternative to
Japanese people speaking English would be for the Japanese to speak their own language but in
an English manner. They would speak Japanese but get to the point the way English speaking
business people typically do. I plan to use this article in order to argue that Japanese business
culture is headed towards English centralization. The future of business culture in Japan will
change to accommodate their transactions with other countries. I will need to find a source that
argues against Japanese business culture using English but rather other companies
accommodating Japanese businesses and their unique language traditions.
Picken, Stuart D.B. Values and Value Related Strategies in Japanese Corporate Culture
Journal of Business Ethics. 6.2 (1987): 137-143. SpringerLinks. Web. 3 Mar. 2015
Professor at the International Christian University of Japan, Picken, discusses the
Japanese value system within businesses. In opposition to Kamadas article about how Japan
would have to change its business to be English centralized, Picken argues that other cultures
should be more accommodating of Japanese culture in their business dealings. Corporate strategy
and philosophy in Japan are molded from the core values of the culture. These core values tend
to get lost in translation and become criticized and meaningless to other cultures. Values are
critical in how a business is managed in Japan. The managerial system is often misinterpreted by
English employees as paternalism because it is based upon a sort of social hierarchy. However,
management is based on duty eliciting human feeling and human feeing eliciting a strong sense
of duty providing a stable employment system rather than an unstable and influential

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management position based upon birth right. They reward success rather than punish failures and
mistakes. Replacing an employee you fire for a mistake can be costly and time consuming.
Japanese business values dictate how a company treats its consumers. Instead of the customer is
always right, they treat each customer with high respect and they will receive protection in return
for their respect. I plan to use this to determine where Japanese business culture will lead and
argue which way it may go.

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