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Clarisen Lacuata

Ed 404
Philosophy of Classroom Management

The purpose of education is to provide students with opportunities to
develop lifelong skills through problem solving, communicating,
comprehending, and persevering. My goal is to promote a positive
environment, in which all students will have an equal opportunity to learn. I
believe children grow into confident adults with the assistance and
motivation of their community. I will maintain the passion for teaching and
continue to have a mindset that I will make a difference in childrens lives.
Establishing a Culture for Learning:
In order to build an effective classroom, every student should feel
welcomed and respected. My goal is to provide a safe learning environment
by encouraging all students to express their ideas freely, without being afraid
to be wrong. I will not only make sure students build a relationship with one
another, but also build a student-teacher relationship, so students feels safe
physically, socially, and emotionally. I will facilitate group discussions, and
class discussions, so that students have opportunities to learn from each
In addition to a safe environment, working collaboratively with
colleagues and parents will be a commitment. I will discuss resources and

ideas to ensure I get the full understanding of contents. Parents will be

updated with their childs behavior, progress, and attitude. They will be
invited to open houses and discussions to encourage participation in their
childs learning. They should also feel welcomed and accepted in the
When it comes to learning, every student is unique. I will accommodate
lessons by including different styles and techniques during each activity. I will
also encourage the different cultures and backgrounds by including it into my
lessons. I want my students to have the desire to share their culture, instead
of hiding it. I believe hands on activities are a critical part in students
learning. As a teacher, it is my duty to determine what is best for the
children so that no child is left behind during the learning process. I will
enhance learning by building on students interests and making adjustments
to a lesson when needed.
Managing Classroom Procedures:
The most important factor governing student learning is classroom
management (Wong, 2009, p. 80). During group work, students will be
productive and engaged at all time. As a class, we will create rules and
interventions together, so that each child is on the same page. The desired
behavior will be stated and modeled for them to observe and repeat.
Students will listen and learn to respect themselves, their peers, and their
environment inside and outside the classroom. They will be in control and
responsible for maintaining them.

I will reward students who demonstrate highly effective work and

behavior with tokens. Students will gain free time or a tangible prize in
exchange for their tokens. Students will learn that rewards are earned
through positive behaviors. Special recognition such as praises and honors
will be applied to students with surpassingly attitude. When a student is
following directions or assisting their peers they will be given a token. A class
jar will also be enforced. Students will earn tokens as a class when everyone
follows directions. If the jar is filled with the desired amount, students will
have two hours free time. They will be able to play educational games or
watch a movie together. Through this motivation, they will learn with hard
work comes a great reward.
Managing Student Behavior:
Expectation must always be consistent and appropriate. It is important
to point out why the students behavior is not acceptable. When an
unacceptable behavior is demonstrated, that student will write a reflection as
to what he/she did, and why he/she demonstrated that behavior. Together we
will find different possible solutions to solve that misbehavior.
Interventions should also relate to the situations. Some students act
inappropriately simply because they do not know what it right. Explaining
why their behavior was not acceptable is something we will discuss together.
Students will learn to own up to their actions and not blame anyone else
except him/her self.

If a student is misbehaving and disrupting the class, that person will be

warned. If the student continues to be disruptive, they will have to write a
reflection about their behavior. If the student disrupts the third time, the
parents will be notified and we will all have a conference about the childs
Organizing Physical Space:
I believe that the classrooms physical feature should feel safe to all
students. Materials will be accessible to all students, including those with
special needs. Students will feel comfortable in knowing where the resources
are and what they are allowed to use. Desks will be arranged in groups, so
that effective group conversations will be promoted. It will also be arranged
so that I can observe the students at all times even when I am sitting at my
Students work and activities will be hung around the classroom as a
way for students to feel appreciated of their work. There will be a library with
beanie bags that students can use to promote reading. They will also have a
bulletin board where they can post sticky notes of their goals that quarter.
Being consistent with my classroom management plan will help
students understand what is expected of them. They will learn to become
responsible students by helping each other, contributing to the class,
knowing their selves, and knowing how to behave. If this plan is executed
well so that the students know what is expected, then the classroom will be
filled with lots of learning.

Wong, H.K., & Wong R.T (2012). The first day of school. Mountain View,
CA: Harry K.
Wong Publications, Inc.

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