k-1 ST Patrick

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Grade: K & 1

Date: 3/10-3/17

OBJECTIVES: Students will..

1. (Behavioral) By the end of the lesson, Students will move their bodies to identify the donkey
noise in the carnival of the animals.
2. (Cognitive) By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to Identify where in the song to drop
the beanbag to start the chase.
3. (Experiential) By the end of the lesson, students will encounter hearing a new musical
representation of an animal sound (Donkey) and an old one (Lion)
4. (Critical) By the end of the lesson, students will observe that music is multifaceted and that it
can lend itself to fun and games as well as to represent things grater than music, like animal


Activities for 3/10-3/17

Lion Review
Hickity Pickity
Leprechaun Chase

New Jersey: 1.3.2.B.2; 1.3.2.B.6

Activity 1:

National: Cr 1.1; R8.1; Cn11.1;


As students walk in Carnival of the Animals Lion is playing.

Review the Name of the work Carnival of the Animals , the animal,
and the instruments.

Activity 2:

Teacher will sing Hickity Pickity and have students individually sing
their names.

Activity 3:

Carnival of the Animals CD
Bean Bag

Teacher pretends to see something run across the room; Did you
see that? I just was a small man dressed all in green with an orange
beard, and a silly looking green hat, do you know who that could
have been?
After determining it was a leprechaun, teacher says the have seen
a lot of them lately, probably since it is almost (or is) St. Patricks
day. So many that the teacher has written a song about them.
Teacher sings the song





Leprechaun, Leprechaun, Small and Green

Youre the fastest runner that Ive ever seen

Have students echo sing the first line, and then the second line, and
sing the whole thing together.
Take 8 To make a circle.
Lets sing the song again, but this time watch exactly what I do.
Teacher walks around the outside of the circle and drops the
beanbag on the word seen behind a student.
What one word did I drop the beanbag on?


This is like what we did with Lucy Locket, when you drop the
beanbag the person who it is dropped behind gets up and runs
around trying to tag the person, if they get you, you go into our pot
of gold,, if not you are safe and remain seated. The runner becomes
the new walker.

Activity 3:

Just like the Lion, the Donkey is played by strings, and two pianos
Can someone raise their hand and tell me what sound a donkey
Everyone make their best donkey sound.
Have all students stand.
What we are going to do is we are going to listen to Saint-Saens
Donkey, and every time you hear the donkey sound put your hands
up in the air.
Extension: This time lets put the beat in our feet and walk around
the circle and put our hands up every time we hear the donkey

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