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NAME: Selina Baldwin Day one

Movement Experience 1 Indoor 30 Minute Movement Plan

1. Activity: Warm Up
Materials: None
Skill Theme: Stability
Concepts or Skills: twisting, bending, transferring weight, swaying,
stretching, counting
Description: have the children twist and count to 5 each time, have the
children bend and count to 5 each time, have the children transfer weight
and count to 5 each time, have the children sway and count to 5 each time,
and have the children stretch and count to 5 each time.
Time: 1-2 minutes
2. Activity: Rhyme Sticks
Materials: Rhyme sticks, CD for child to follow
Skill Theme: Manipulative skill
Concepts or Skills: hitting, listening
Description: the children will take the rhyme sticks and follow the song that
is playing on the CD. They will use their fine and gross motor skills to move
their rhyme sticks the way they need too.
Time: 5 minutes
3: Activity: Tule Dancing
Materials: Tule, CD for children to dance to
Skill Theme: Locomotor skills
Concepts or skills: walking, running, hopping, sliding, spinning, twirling,
galloping, leaping
Descriptions: the children will follow the music and do these movements
like walking, running, hopping, sliding, spinning, twirling, galloping, and
Time: 5 minutes
4. Activity: Cool Down
Materials: None
Skill Theme: Stability
Concepts or Skills: twisting, bending, transferring weight, swaying,
stretching, counting
Description: have the children twist and count to 5 each time, have the
children bend and count to 5 each time, have the children transfer weight
and count to 5 each time, have the children sway and count to 5 each time,
and have the children stretch and count to 5 each time.
Time: 1-2 minutes
Integrated content area(s):
Math- Number and Operations
Fine and Gross Motor- movement of the body or hands
Integrated content area concepts:
Counting when warming up and cooling down
Movement of body or hands

Integrated content area skills:

Counting to 5
Moving areas of the body to create movements
Myself for all
Use movement concepts paper handed in class

Tule for dance

Rhyme sticks

Movement Experience 2 Outdoor 30 Minute Movement Plan

1. Activity: Warm Up

Materials: None
Skill Theme: Stability
Concepts or Skills: twisting, bending, transferring weight, swaying,
stretching, counting
Description: have the children twist and count to 5 each time, have the
children bend and count to 5 each time, have the children transfer weight
and count to 5 each time, have the children sway and count to 5 each time,
and have the children stretch and count to 5 each time.
Time: 1-2 minutes
2. Activity: Sand bag movement toss
Materials: sand bags with movements on them, a basket
Skill Theme: Manipulative skill, Locomotor skill, and Stability skill
Concepts or Skills: throwing, bending, galloping, running, skipping,
jumping swaying
Description: the children will be handed a sand bag with a movement on it,
they will have to look at it and then throw the sand bag into the basket and
show everyone what move that got on their sand bag
Time: 5 minutes
3. Activity: hula movement
Materials: hula hoop and a partner
Skill Theme: Locomotor, and Stability skills
Concepts or Skills: walking, running, hopping, skipping, galloping, sliding,
leaping, bending, stretching, twisting
Description: the children will get a partner and one partner will be in the
hula hoop and the other outside of it. The one that is outside of it will tell
their partner to do a movement inside of the hula hoop.
Time: 5 minutes
4. Activity: Parachute
Materials: a Parachute
Skill Theme: Locomotor, and Stability
Concepts or Skills: shifting weight, jumping, all going in a circle, hopping
on one foot, we will stretch it up high and down low, we will jump in closer
and back to where we were.
Description: I will talk to the children about what we are going to do. I will
start off telling them to reach up high with the parachute and then reach
down low. I will tell them to jump with the parachute. I will ask the children to
go back and forth with their legs to transfer weight. I will have the children
hop on one leg. I will have the children to move into the circle and then out
of the circle.
Time: 5 minutes
5. Activity: Cool Down
Materials: None
Skill Theme: Stability
Concepts or Skills: twisting, bending, transferring weight, swaying,
stretching, counting

Description: have the children twist and count to 5 each time, have the
children bend and count to 5 each time, have the children transfer weight
and count to 5 each time, have the children sway and count to 5 each time,
and have the children stretch and count to 5 each time.
Time: 1-2 minutes
Integrated content area(s):
Math- number and operation
Gross and fine motor- movement of body
Cognitive- thinking of ideas
Integrated content area concepts:
Counting when warming up and cooling down
Moving body in different directions
Thinking of what needs to be done and what ideas to do with partner
Integrated content area skills:
Counting to 5
Movement of body like running, skipping, hopping etc
Thinking of what to do how what you want your partner to do in the one
Used the movement concepts handout

Sand bags

Hula hoop

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