HSP 440 Summer Response Reflective

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Learning objectives for the quarter:

One of my learning objectives for this quarter was to demonstrate knowledge of
how Catholic Community Services Recovery Center functions in terms of helping
those facing addiction particularly in the initial stages of seeking treatment.
My second learning objective for this quarter was to become knowledgeable of what
factors seem to lead to clients chemical dependency; and to compare the different
groups. (Womans intensive out patient, regular intensive outpatient and youth
intensive outpatient).
2. Reflection on success or progress towards achieving learning
I feel that I successfully achieved my learning objectives; even though I still feel I
could have learned even more for both of them. I learned about how and what
Catholic Community Services Recovery Center does in terms of helping those facing
addiction in the initial stages of seeking treatment. I learned about the process of an
individual having to set up an appointment for an Assessment, and then after that
an Intake then taking the information from both of those and working with the
individual to create a treatment plan. For my second learning objective I was able
to observe the differences between groups whether it be peoples drug of choice,
factors that lead to abusing substances, family and support differences etc. Getting
to observe the differences between how the different groups were facilitated also
contributed a lot to my learning experiences. It was also interesting to observe
which topics were focused on more for certain groups for example the womans
group did more processing and worksheets where the regular intensive outpatient
group I felt was more educational and didnt use handouts as often. But, even
though I feel I have learned a great deal I know there is still much more I still dont
know like the differences of doing an assessment on a miner and an adult. Or if drug
of choice changes as different substances have a higher presence in Whatcom
County. Or If the things I observed are specific to Whatcom County or if its relevant
in other areas as well. These questions and more remind me I still have so much
more to learn.
3. An overview of how the identified learning activities contributed or
did not contribute to
progress towards stated learning objectives:
I felt like my learning activities really contributed to me achieving my learning
objectives. For example for my first learning objective my learning activities include
sitting in on assessments and intakes. By being able to sit in on assessments,
intakes, groups and one-on-ones I was able to gain a more holistic understanding of
the stages of outpatient treatment. For my second learning objective my learning
activities included observing different groups, engaging in conversations with
counselors and by looking through and working with individuals files. These

different activities really helped me achieve my second learning objective and were
great steps to get my larger goal.
4. A description of serendipitous learning that may have emerged
during field experience:
I learned a lot about the differences in needs for different groups and individuals.
Some groups appear to need more processing, other groups prefer just getting the
facts, some need both, and some really need fun and activities for individuals to
participate fully. I learned a lot about the different styles of facilitating by observing
many different styles. I also learned by observing groups which styles of facilitating I
feel more comfortable with or in what ways could I improve in each style. I also
learned how I need to gain a better understanding of other agencies that tend to
work closely with agencies that work with substance abuse/addiction. I think the
biggest thing I keep learning is how much I am still learning and the importance of
the need to continue that learning especially when in fields like substances, where
laws and policies and ranges of substance change constantly. The more I know, the
more I learn there is even more I dont know.
5. A reflection on development as a human services professional,
including knowledge, skills, dispositions, and cultural competencies:
I think I personally have continued to develop a lot this quarter. I have become more
knowledgeable of the logistics and stages of getting into treatment and the process
of outpatient treatment. My filing skills have grown tremendously, as well as my
understanding for what things I file needs to have within it. I have gained
experience in having a positive disposition and a friendly disposition. I have gained
a greater understanding of facilitation styles and communication styles within this
field. I have also started to gain an understanding of the kind of work environments
I prefer to work in.
6. A self-assessment of overall performance as a Field Studies student:
Overall, I feel my performance as a Field Studies student has been successful. I
have come to this conclusion because of my personal and positive feelings towards
everything I have done and the things I have learned. I know I had an impact within
the agency I was working with just as it had a huge impact on me. I also feel my
overall performance was successful from the different kinds of feedback I have
gotten from the individuals we work with, the counselors and other workers at the
agency. I will really miss working with this agency and those who work there as well
as the individuals I have come into contact with and worked with.
7. An assessment of the supervision and support received from the
field supervisor and

I would have liked more interactions with my field supervisor as well as more
consistent and clear feedback and instructions from him. At my agency there is no
real intern training or consistent protocol that is explained to the interns which
would have been helpful. It would have also been helpful to get more feedback and
to have that feedback be clear and consistent with other things brought up by the
supervisor. Due to these things it was hard at times to communicate and to
understand feedback given. But, I also know that due to things like the agencies
audit it made it harder to develop a strong relationship with my supervisor. But, I
really felt supported by other workers at the agency who seemed eager to answer
questions and seemed to always make time to address any of my concerns or
8. A description of plans for next quarter of Internship if applicable:
My plans for internship in fall are to work with Windward High School. Im still not
100% sure what I will be doing within my internship. I know the principle wants me
to help continue and work on a project that has already been started that helps kids
with attendance. But, I also plan to discuss additional things that I could help with. I
will have a clearer idea of my role & what I will be doing when we talk more later in

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