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A demand function is a statement of the relation between the demand for a

product and all variables (factors) that affect demand. The demand curve, on the
other hand, is an expression of the relation between price and the quantity
demanded, holding constant the effect of all other demand influencing variables.
Movement along a demand curve describes the relation between price changes
and the quantity demanded. Shifts in a demand curve or changes in demand
indicate the effect on demand of changes in one or more of the nonprice variables
in the demand function.
A demand function is a statement of the relation between the demand for a
product and all variables (factors) that affect demand. The demand curve, on the
other hand, is an expression of the relation between price and the quantity
demanded, holding constant the effect o
A demand function is a statement of the relation between the demand for a
product and all variables (factors) that affect demand. The demand curve, on the
other hand, is an expression of the relation between price and the quantity
demanded, holding constant the effect of all other demand influencing variables.
Movement along a demand curve describes the relation between price changes
and the quantity demanded. Shifts in a demand curve or changes in demand
indicate the effect on demand of changes in one or more of the nonprice variables
in the demand function.
f all other demand influencing variables. Movement along a demand curve
describes the relation between pr
A demand function is a statement of the relation between the demand for a
product and all variables (factors) that affect demand. The demand curve, on the
other hand, is an expression of the relation between price and the quantity
demanded, holding constant the effect of all other demand influencing variables.
Movement along a demand curve describes the relation between price changes
and the quantity demanded. Shifts in a demand curve or changes in demand
indicate the effect on demand of changes in one or more of the nonprice variables
in the demand function.
ice changes and the quantity demanded. Shifts in a demand curve or changes in
demand indicate the effect on demand of changes in one or more of the nonprice
variables in the demand function.

Presented by Suong Jian & Liu Yan, MGMT Panel , Guangdong University of Finance.

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