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Club SMAC 6 Week Summer Slimdown

Strength Workouts
Getting Started
I recommend alternating your workout days between cardio and strength training. For example,
Days 1, 3, 5 Strength and Days 2, 4, 6 Cardio. Try to get some sort of exercise every day, even if
you just walk on the in between days.
After the first day or two, you WILL be sore. Dont stop moving! The first day is always the
hardest and keeping your body moving (walking, biking, etc) helps to lubricate those sore joints
and muscles. And drink lots of water. It will flush those toxins. EMBRACE THE BURN!
If there are any exercises in any of these work outs you are not familiar with, dont hesitate to
ask. I can send you pics or descriptions or links to you tube videos for a demo.
Here are a few stretches to do after your workouts
Side oblique stretch: Reach right arm over head and bend to your side, repeat with left side
Tricep stretch: raise right arm above head, bend elbow and lower hand down your back, hold elbow
with other hand. Repeat on left side.
Bicep stretch: extend arms straight out to sides, rotate arms so thumbs point to the floor
Chest and shoulder stretch: clasp hands together behind your back, gently extend up as far as you can
Quadricep stretch: hold on to a wall or chair, or balance, hold one foot behind your glute with one
hand, repeat with other side.
Hamstring stretch: place right foot in front, toes up, fold at waist and grab your knee, calf or toes.
Repeat left side.
Glute stretch: lie on your back, bring knees up to 90 degrees. Cross right ankle over left knee and pull
left leg toward your chest. Repeat other side.
Childs Pose: Rest on your knees, fold upper body down to floor, arms extend out in front, or rest at your
sides, palms up. 5 deep breaths
Hold Each stretch for at least 15-30 seconds.

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Week 1

Strength Workout 1

Full Body Weight Tabata Circuit (no dumbbells or weights)

Warm up:
1 minute easy jog in place, arms loose
2 minutes stretch (3 deep breaths, side stretch (both sides), quad stretch, toe touch (hamstring stretch),
tricep stretch, roll shoulders)
Do each move for 30 seconds, then move on to next exercise, with as minimal rest as possible, max 15 sec
rest between moves. REPEAT x 3
Kneeling Push ups if you can do them on your toes, do it! Otherwise, just remember to keep your body
straight, hips tucked, and rear down. Eye focus in front of your hands (dont tuck your chin), and press shoulder
blades together so you really engage the pectoral (chest) muscles with your pushup.

Jumping Jacks
Alternating Reverse Lunges keep you upper body straight and tall, chest up (Dont hunch or bend over),
abs engaged, step back wide with one foot, bend both knees and lower straight down, then step back up to starting
point. Then other foot.

Mountain climbers start in plank position on hands and toes, keeping hips tucked and body in a straight
line, drive your knee toward your chest, engaging your abs like you would in a crunch, hold for a count of 2, then
back, alternating knees. This is slow and controlled.

Crunches Lie flat on your back, knees bent, feet on floor. This is level 1. For level 2, bring knees up above hips,
feet in the air. A few things to think about: as you lift up, place your fingers lightly near your ears (not pulling on
your neck), or cross your arms in front of your chest or hold a weight at your chest. As you lift up, lift with your
shoulders, try to get your shoulder blades off the floor. As you lift, think about opening and closing, bring your ribs
toward your hips. So you will have a tiny pelvic tilt with each lift. So lift up, close, lower down, open. This will
engage both upper and lower abs together.

Plank on elbows make sure your body is in a straight line. Keep your hands apart from each other, drop
your chest down, and separate your shoulder blades. Your back and shoulder do a lot of assisting during plank,
and we want it to be all abs. Tuck you tailbone under and lift your hips so everything is a straight line. Really,
really engage those abs! (try doing this in front of a mirror or take a pic of yourself so you can see your form)

Tricep dips sit on a chair, place your hands next to your legs, fingers hanging over the edge of the chair. Lift
you rear up and lower just in front of the chair. Keep your rear close to the chair. Tuck your elbows in, they should
graze your sides. Lower down so your arms are at 90 degree angle, then press back up, using tricep muscles (back
of the arms). The further out your feet and straighter your legs, the harder it is. Remember to keep your hips and
feet aligned. This is not a hip thrust. The only active movement is the bending of your elbows. Everything else is

Air Squat Stand feet hip width apart, back straight, chest up (no bending over), Bend at hips, sitting your rear
back as far as possible (Think of sitting on an invisible chairyou can also have a chair behind you to tap (dont
actually sit on it). Keep your weight in your heels, toes can come up, but heels stay nailed to the floor. Use your
glutes and quads to drive yourself back up to standing.

Plank on hands (top of push up position) same cues as elbow plank, except on your hands. Tuck those
hips, engage the abs!

Wall Sit stand against a wall, step feet out about a foot or so, then keeping back against wall, bend at hips and
knees and squat down to 90 degrees as if sitting on a chair. Step feet out more if needed, knees should stay behind
the toes. Hold.

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Strength Workout 2

10 x 10 Workout
Ten rounds ten reps each exercise. Minimal rest for maximum results.

Squat jumps (low impact: squat to tip.toes)

Jumping lunges (low is alternating backwards lunge)
Push ups
Bicep curls to an overhead press holding plie squats (start heavy)
Bicycles (any hard core exercise)

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Strength Workout 3

Lower Body Strength Workout

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Week 2

Strength Workout 1

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Strength Workout 2

Download a tabata timer if you have a smart phone this is a lifesaver!
You are going to do one full set of tabata for each exercise. Taking a full minute to recover
less if needed between each exercise.
So you would do squat pulse 3 jump for 20 sec on 10 sec off for 8 rounds. Total of 5 minutes.
Sounds like a lot, but it goes by way fast!!! So without breaks this will take 20 minutes. If you
wanted to try doing doubles in the day take it on!! You can also do this in addition to the
strength training and only do 4 rounds of each exercise making it 10 minutes.

1. Squat pulse 3 at the bottom the on the last one explode jumping up!! I count
backwards I go down and count 3, 2, 1 explode up!
2. High plank on your hands, down to your forearms, then back up (over and over
feet wide to keep hips lined)
3. Pogos on 1 leg or both feet if you need the balance.
4. Hip lifts (also known as bridges get that butt as high as you can. The more i feels
like you are going to Charlie horse the better. Thats where the magic happens)
5. Jumping jacks

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Strength Workout 3

Minute to Win It Body Weight Circuit

Perform each section for the allotted amount of time, then rest for one full minute before
repeating or switching to the next set.
Body Weight Conditioning 12:00
10 Jumping Jacks, 10 high Knees (reach and pull) 1:00
(lower impact option: high knee pulls)
Narrow Stance Squat to Alt Cross Punch
(Squat then punch as you stand)


Push ups (2 sec pause at bottom)


Alt Step Back Lunge w/front kick

Hold a weight at chest all one leg 30 sec then the other leg
Plank w/jumping jack legs
(High plank, maintaining positon jump your legs out then back In together)
FAST Squat
*Rest 1:00, Repeat 1 more


ABSolutley Brutal 8:00

Mtn Climbers


FAST Russian Twist

Side Plank

1:00 each

(Forearm side plank)

Forearm plank with alt/punches
(forearm plank, keeping your hips pointed straight down, le\ one armand punch straight
up past your head)
*Rest 1:00, Repeat 1x*
Finisher Strong 6:00
Squat w/alt high knee pull


(low impact op:on: step your feet back, stand and reach)
Butt Kick Run

*Rest 1:00, Repeat 1 more time*

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved


Strength Workout 1

Upper Body Sizzler J .back to basics

***Repeat 3 times: 3 moves, 10 reps each - heavy weight (bar/dumbbells)
- when I say heavy weightsI mean that reps 1-5 are doable, but reps 6-10 are a
struggle, with 9 and 10 close to failure, but still able to finish.

o Chest Press w/weights
o Chest Fly w/weights
o Chest Pushup (declined if you canaka: feet up on bench/step)
o Bent over reverse fly w/DB
o Prone Superman Arm Swings w/light DB3-5 lbs
o Back Row w/band (sit on floor w/band wrapped around tops of shoe, over laces
first then around and up through feet. Cross handles to opposite hands.
Shoulders rolled back, chest up and row back w/elbows close to body) .if at a
gym, use the cable machine for these rows.
o Upright Row w/heavy weights
o V-Overhead press w/heavy weights
Just like an overhead press, but press up and out at a 45 degree angle
o Dive Bombers
o Bicep Curls
o Hammer Curls
o Bicep presses
Hold weight in bicep curl at 90 degree angle and press out forward, then
press out at a 45 degree angle away from body
o Tricep overhead extensions w/1 heavy, heavy weight
o Tricep dips off bench w/heavy weight on hips
Keep body close to bench
Increase intensity, move feet further away
o Tricep Pushups
Core: Repeat 3 times, 30 reps each
o Oblique V-ups
Both sides
o Slow Bicycle ball pass
Pass ball figure 8 though legs while bicycle
o V Situps w/alternating leg lifts
w/one dumbbell in both hands, lay on back with legs straight and in a V.
Lift weight above head, sit up and lift up to right foot, back down and then
up to left. Right, left = 1 rep.

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Strength Workout 2

2 Lower/1 Core Day J

- Do each exercise 20 times. Alternating or pulses will be specified.
*Scroll down to end of doc for more description and details of each exercise.
*Repeat set twice after going through 2 lower, 1 core.
*Always and option to add weights to add more difficulty

Set One: Repeat twice


Ball Waddle:
o Get in squat position while holding ball, waddle back and forth taking 4 steps
each way 20 times (back and forth is 1 rep)
o Holding ball in place squat up and down 20 going as low as you can Pulse 20 in
same position, staying low!
Ball squeeze Hip Bridge:
o Pulse hips up 20 (Pushing off heels)

For added difficultly, place weight on hips OR band across hips as you hold it
down w/hands to control your own resistance.

o Pulse right hip only 20

o Pulse Left hip only 20
o Alternate right/left for 20 each side
Core: 3 exercises
o Bicycle Abs Ball Pass SLOW(keep shoulder blades off the floor!)
o Full sit up w/froggy legs holding ball or dumbbell

Added difficulty, drop knees open to froggy position

Reverse Pike Hook

Lay on back, legs straight up at a 90 degree angle, lift hips up and push feet up as
if you are going to hook them onto something(watch for instructional videos)

Set Two: Repeat Twice


Curtsy Squat:
o 20 Alternating each side (each side is one rep)
o 20 right leg back pulses (stay low!)
o 20 left leg back pulses
o 20 Speed skaters (right/left is 1 rep) LEAP each time you go side to side.
Outer Glute & Thigh work Each side w/band
o Laying outer thigh presses

Lay on back w/band on arch of feet and legs straight up in the air. Holding
handles of band together at your waist.
Flex feet and press feet out to the sides

20 single presses
20 pulses
20 sec isometric hold while pushing out

(cont. next page)

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

o Cross Body Mountain Climbers: (right/left = 1 rep)

twist in from opposite side.

Elbow Plank Hip Swivel: (right/left = 1 rep)

Elbow Plank Jacks for 30 seconds.

Hold plank on elbows and feet, drop right hip to the floor by swiveling and then
the left (thats one rep!)
While holding plank on your elbows, jump feet out and in like a jumping jack.
Modification is to alternate rt/lt & tap foot out.

Set Three: Repeat Twice


Lateral Lunge w/knee: Chest tall, abs in sink low to right side, left leg completely
straight (add dumbbells for extra resistance)
o 20 lateral lunges to the right
o 20 lateral lunges to the left
o 20 lateral ski jumps over mat or bench
Step-ups/Peg Leg: Need chair, heavy dumbbells
o 20 Step-ups right leg w/heavy DBs
o 20 peg-leg rocks (rt)

Right foot on chair, weight in heel. Rock forward doing a small step up, lifting left
foot just off floor. Lift right foot up before stepping up again.

o 20 Step-up left leg

o 20 peg-leg rocks (lt)
o Dead bugs

Lie on back, extend legs out (not touching the floor) and arms above the head
with shoulder blades off the floor, crunch in legs and arms in together.
For added difficulty, make your crunch a sit-up.

Heel Touches: Alternating left/right (1 rep)...20!

Russian Twists w/dumbbell, feet raised

laying on back with feet on the floor and shoulder blades up, reach right hand to
right heel, crunching your oblique (side abs) then reach left hand to left heel.
Alternating left/right (1 rep)
Sit with knees bent and feet on the floor. Holding a weight between both hands,
or clasp hands together (with no weight), lean back onto your sit bones, and raise
feet off of floor (optional). Bring hands to your right down, twisting in the torso.
Try to touch hands (or weight) to the floor, then twist to the opposite side.

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Strength Workout 3

Choose from Upper A or B and Lower A or B. Do both a Lower circuit and an Upper Circuit.
Then do the Ab Circuit below. Go HEAVY. Go to failure on every exercise!

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Week 4

Strength Workout 1

Full Body HIIT Strength workout!

Do each exercise 4 times, 45 sec on with 15 sec rest. There will be a power option for the last
set. Go as fast as you can with good form and full range of motion.
Drop it Low Front Squats with bar or dumbbells. Hold weight at your chest, Butt to the
ground! Press up slow, weight thru your heels, squeeze the booty!
Power set: Squat jump (no weights)
Body Drag bicep curls (hold bar or dumbbells, palms up, roll shoulders back, squeeze
shoulder blades together, chest out, then curl as you hold this position the whole time.)
Power: In & Outs (hold bar or dumbbells at the half way point, elbow not touching body and
extend arm straight out front and back in)
Wood Chop ( Hold dumbbell in both hands, squat down bringing weight to left side then swing
up to right side pointing left toe and extending arms all the up to the right. Do all one side, next
set repeat other side)
Power Drills: Kinda of like a burpee: squat down, jump out to plank, do 8 thrusters, then 8
pushups, hop back in, jump up. Heres the format: 8, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 8 Get it?
Robot shoulders (shoulder fly to rotate to shoulder press)
Power Lunges (Warrior Jumps) Pulse 3 lunge, then switch hop.
Power: single hops, no pulse
Side lying tricep pressups
Power: Hanging tricep dips (if you dont have a tricep bar, do straight leg tricep dips on a chair)
Power Drills: Kinda of like a burpee: squat down, jump out to plank, do 8 thrusters, then 8
pushups, hop back in, jump up. Heres the format: 8, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 8 Get it?
Bent over Row/Fly combo
Bench Press/Chest Fly Combo
Power: Decline Pushups
Sumo/Plie Squat w/ Calf Raise
Power: Froggy Hops (sumo squat with hop)
Abs Ball Pass, Power: In & Outs

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Strength Workout 2


GO HEAVY, HEAVY, HEAVY! Low repsso go as heavy as you can to get the most. If you are not slightly
uncomfortable, then you are not challenging yourself, therefore you are not changingso PUSH IT! In
between circuits, you can rest as much as you need. But remember that you're always trying to challenge
yourself. Push outside your comfort zone. Take a minute break if you need to between circuits, but I challenge
you to take the least amount of rest possible. (If move requires both sides, then the reps are for each side, i.e. 5
lunges on right, 5 lunges on left.)
Full Body Circuit Workout

Renegade Row Burpee: 5 reps

DB Squat-Press Thruster: 5 reps

Plank with Shoulder Tap: 5 reps


Make this more challenging, do this against the wall as a handstand.


Weighted Burpee: 15 reps

Kettlebell Swing: 15 reps

Weighted Step-Up: 15 reps


Hang Clean: 5 reps

Power Overhead Press: 5 reps

Front Squat: 5 reps

Alternating Lunge: 5 reps

Back Squat: 5 reps

Renegade Row Burpee
Hold dumbbells as you move down into a push-up and then into a plank. From there, do a row with each arm,
another push-up, and then jump your legs into a squat position and up straight. That's one rep.

Hold dumbbells right under your chin, descend into a squat and then stand up while punching the weights over
your head. Repeat.
(Cont. next page)

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved


Plank position (hands & toes knees are option, but try as many on toes as possible). Hold plank and tap right
hand to left shoulder, then left hand to right shoulder (that is one rep).
ORFind an empty space on a wall. Lay on your stomach with your feet against the wall. Walk your feet up
the wall while you walk your hands backward. You should end in a hand-stand position with your face and
body against the wall. From there, lift your right arm and tap your right shoulder and then do it with your left.
Repeat the taps five times and then walk back down the wall until you're lying on your stomach. That's one

Hold on to the dumbbells as you drop into a push-up position, hitting your chest to the floor. Then, jump your
feet under your hips and stand up. That's one rep.

Hold the kettlebell so it hangs between your legs. Bend at the waist and knees. Thrust your hips forward so the
kettlebell swings forward and up over your head. Allow the weight to fall back down to the starting position.
That's one rep.

Tighten your core. Step up with the same leg 10 times before repeating on the other leg. I like to make these
more challenging by lifting my non-stepping leg up at the top of the movement.

Make sure you get under the bar. Don't just pick it up and put it on your shoulders. Use some momentum from
your legs and hips to move the bar up and to your shoulders.


Push the bar from right under your chin to over your head where your elbows lock out.

Make sure your elbows are up and your arms parallel to the ground. Squat until your legs are at 90 degrees or
lower, and then push up through your heels. Keep your core nice and tight throughout the movement.

Place the bar behind your neck and then lunge forward with one leg. Your front leg should be at 90 degrees
don't ever let your knee track inside your toes. Keep them out and over your toe. Your back knee should hit the
floor. Do five reps on each leg and then repeat.

Keep your core tight, keep your breathing steady, and push up through your heels. Squat all the way down to

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Strength Workout 3

Minute Strength Workout

1:00 each 1st round all exercises one minute each
Rest for no more than 30 sec less if you can In between
0:30 sec 2nd round
Prisoner squats holding one big weight behind the neck or one resting on each shoulder (heavy!!!)
Jumping jacks /if you want to add weights your arms go from your chest to an overhead press instead
of normal arm motion
Dead lift up to a bicep curl
Jumping lunge switch
Russian twists with a weight, eyes follow your elbows chest lifted and proud!!
Pushups (options on my push up video)
Surfer squats
Triceps dips or other triceps extensions
Bicycles or other variation
Burpees no push up
Jump squats

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Week 5

StrengthWorkout 1

Burpee Lovers Workout! J


o 15 Burpees (add pushup each time if you can)
Strength: Repeat twice
30 Sumo Squats with calf raises
30 Sumo Pulses
30 Sumo Pulses w/raised calves hold
o 15 Burpees
Strength: Repeat twice
15 Gravediggers (15 each side)
1 min plank (hands or elbows)
o 15 Burpees
Strength: Repeat 3 times
15 Tricep dips off chair/bench
15 Tricep dip pulses
o 15 Burpees
Strength: Repeat Twice
15 back lunge w/front raises w/band
o each leg
o 15 Burpees
Abs: Repeat 3 times (each side, if alternate)
15 Champion Sit-ups (w/DB if needed)
15 Heel Touches
15 Bicycles
15 Core Switches w/1 med DB
o 15 Burpees
Strength: Repeat 3 times
15 Side leg lifts w/band
15 Back steps w/band
o 15 Burpees
Abs: repeat right & left side
15 Side Elbow plank hip pulse
15 side elbow plank twist in
30 side double leg oblique lifts
15 sec side straight leg hold
o 15 Burpees! (thats 120 totalyoure welcome J )

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Strength Workout 2

Upper Body Strength Circuit:

Do 12-15 reps per exercise. Rotate thru each exercise in each muscle group without stopping. 3
sets of each exercise per muscle group. Challenge yourself by going up in weight, try to go as fast
as you can while maintaining good form and full range of motion.
1. Pushups toes or knees, full range of motion
2. Chest Press w/ dumbbells
3. Chest Fly (you can alternate press and fly if you choose. Mix it up!)
1. Down Dog Diamond Pushups (hands in diamond shape, elbows wide. Focus on
upper back)
2. Pull Overs (hold a dumbbell in each hand, lie flat on your back, raise weight above your
head and pull back down keeping arms straight)
3. Bentover Row/Scarecrow Fly (alternate between these two moves)
1. Dumbbell Bicep Curl
2. Bicep In & Outs w/ lateral extension (hold weights at half way, 90 degree angle in elbow
w/ elbow NOT touching body, rotate open while maintaining that bend, then straighten
arms straight out to sides, bring in then rotate closed)
3. Preacher curl (sit on chair or bench, legs wide. Lean over with elbow inside knee, other
hand across behind elbow for support. Curl weight up and down. Go heavy and go for
1. Tricep Cobra (unconventional) Pushups on belly, elbows tucked in tight
2. Single Arm Tricep Extension
3. Bent over Tricep Kickback
1. Robot Shoulder fly to Rotation to Shouler Press
2. Racecar Drivers Frontal raise with rotation, alternate directions
3. Upright row w/ pull at the top. Squeeze shoulder blades.
Core: 30 reps each (15 each side) for 3 sets
1. Standard Crunch
2. Reverse Crunch
3. Mountain Climbers
4. Spiderman Crunch
After 3 sets do this 3 times without stopping
:30 plank on hands
:30 plank on elbow

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Strength Workout 3

Lower Body Strength Circuit:

Do 12-15 reps per exercise each side, if applicable. Rotate thru each exercise in each muscle
group without stopping. 3 sets of each exercise per muscle group. Challenge yourself by going
up in weight, try to go as fast as you can while maintaining good form and full range of motion.
Optional, add power to the 3rd set.
Inner & Outer Thighs:
1. Standing Lateral Leg Lift (if you have access, use a cable pulley for added resistance)
2. Back Attitude
3. Cross Front Inner Thigh lift
4. Plie Squat (for power add a hop at the top)
1. Step Ups on Bench (or chair) with Dumbbells
2. Single Leg Romanian Dead Lift
3. Curtsy Lunge w/ dumbbells
4. Warrior Jumps (Lunge Switch jumps)

Squats w/ bar
Static Lunge w/ bar
2 Leg Dead Lift
Jump Squat

1. Straight Calf raise
2. Feet turned out calf raise
3. Toes turned in calf raise
50 Walking Lunges with skip (knee up hop)
Core: Do each exercise for 30 sec, repeat the circuit for 3 sets
1. Plank Thrusters
2. Plank Jack
3. Spiderman Crunch
4. Hold Plank on elbows
5. Side plank on elbow w/ crunch
6. Hold Side plank
7. Repeat 5 on other side
8. Repeat 6 on other side

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Week 6

Strength Workout 1

Pyramid sets
12-10-8-6-4-2 FINISHER
Each exercise you do 12-rest for a few seconds then 10 and so on. Then you do the next exercise.
After the entire workout you do a finisher. Gets your heart rate up and finishes up the work!
Multi Movement exercises to maximize time and calorie burn
1- Alternating backwards lunge holding one heavy weight over head (each leg counts
1,1,2,2,3,3 and so on so Right Left, 1. Right Left 2. Or you just double the number when
you do lunges. So 24, 20,16,12,8,4)
2- Bicep Curl to an Over Head press or you may know it as should press
3- Squat, to an over head press to a tricep extension, then back the same way you came up.
Hold one good heavy weight at your chest when you squat. Then as you come up you
press it up to the ceiling then you drop your weight down behind your head for tricep
extension. Then you bring it back above your head, back down to your chest and then
squat repeating the movement.
4- Weighted alternating leg Jack Knives. Laying flat on your back weight it at your chest
(med to light weight) you lift the chest up to the ceiling as you crunch up towards one leg
that you are bringing up as you reach with the weight towards the toes. Go back down
controlled and then switch legs. The counts are the same as with lunges. Either count
each side one, one or double the number.
Download the tabata timer on your phone or get a timer and you have to watch it
20 sec on 10 sec of is one round you have 8 to do. The tabata timer will do all of this for
you and tell you when you are finished.
Push ups (remember your options, if you need a reminder of those options I will post my
push up video)
Lower body Mt. Climber alternating with Surfer Squats (I will post a video if you dont
remember surfer squats)
So first 20 seconds lower body mt. climbers, rest 10 sec, then surfer squats the next 20
minuts, then rest. Then go back to lower body mt. climbers, then surfer squats.
The finisher will take about 8 minutes. The actual workout will take about 30 minutes if
you stay on top of it and take minimal rest.

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Strength Workout 2

Pyramids Supersets
You will do each Superset in the following way: the example is also the first move of your
workout an ascending pyramid

#1 Superset: w/band or DB
8 Bicep Curls w/band
1X < 8 Upright Row w/band
2X <

4 Bicep Curls w/band

4 Upright Row w/band

4X <

2 Bicep Curls w/band

2 Upright Row w/band

8X <

1 Bicep Curls w/band (alternating singles between each move)

1 Upright Row w/band

1X <

8 Pulses Bicep @ 90 degree angle

8 Pulses Upright Row @ upper chest

* NOW REPEAT in descending order starting at 8X 1s, or singlesthen back up to 1X of 8 reps

***You will repeat this same Pyramid above for each superset. (Dont have the time? Just do one of the ascending
setsBUT dont cut it just because you just dont want to do it. Dont cut yourself and your results short)

Arm Supersets:

#2 Superset w/band or DB
o Hammer Bicep Curls
o Angle Bicep Curls
#3 Superset: w/band or DB
o Underhand Bicep Curls
o Overhand Bicep Curls
#4 Superset: w/band
o Pull downs
o Tricep Pull-outs
#5 Superset:
o Pike gravediggers
o Divebombers
For pulses set do 16 pike push-up pulses

(Cont. next page)

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Leg Supersets:

#1 Superset: DB optional
o Side lunge
o Curtsy Lunge
- #2 Superset: 2 DB heavy
o Plie deadlift
Do not to pulses on deadlifts, instead go slow up and down for a count of
4 sec each direction for 2 reps
o Plie Squat Jumps
- #3 Superset: Chair w/back ***this will be repeated on each side***
o Chair step-ups w/side kick
Pulses stand on chair & do 8 kicks out to the side
o Peg leg
Pulse lunges w/foot on chair
- #4 Superset: small chair, step or stool & Heavy DB ***repeat on each side***
o 1 leg chair sit DB optional
o 1 leg deadlift w/DB heavy
Do not to pulses on deadlifts, instead go slow up and down for a count of
4 sec each direction for 2 reps
- #5 Superset: Mat
o Side Laying outer thigh heel/toe taps
o Side laying bicycles
Side leg lifts
Side leg/glute lifts
Abs Supersets:


Superset #1: Yoga ball

o Ball Pass
o Ball leg hold, cross crunch
Pulses Hold ball in arms & extend legs and hold 15 sec
Pulses Hold ball in legs w/arms extended and hold 15 sec
Superset #2:
o Elbow plank bum kickers (slow)
o Elbow plank rocks
Hold elbow plank for 30 sec
Superset #3: DB optional
o V-sit Can-Can
Pulses hold v-sit for 15 sec
o Russian Twist w/DB
16 fast twists
Superset #4: Yoga Ball
o Pike plank on ball (or knee thrusters)
o Ball ab rollers
Superset #5
o Toe Touches
Crunch pulses
o Deadbugs
Hold v-sit 15 sec

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Strength Workout 3

Extreme HIIT Strength Circuit

Each set has one lower body strength move, one plank move and one pushup move. Go thru each
exercise as fast as you can with good form and full range of motion. 45 seconds of work with 15 sec rest
between moves. This is timed workout so try to get as many reps as possible. It will go pretty quick,
you should be able to do 2-3 times thru in an hour
Warm up:
25 jumping jacks
25 Air squats
25 step back lunges

Set 1:

Surfer Squat Burpee (for a demo video go here:, do

just the surfer squat but remember the break dancer for later)
Straight arm Plank cross knee (start with a straight arm plank, assess you form,
hips and tailbone tucked, butt down, abs engaged, bring right knee in towards left elbow,
then back, then switch.
Unconventional (belly down) Chest Push ups. (lie on your belly, hands wide, in
line with chest, pinch shoulder blades together, and press up to cobra and back down)

Set 2:

Reverse Plank Thruster (Demo Video here: Squeeze

glutes are you lower leg
Elbow Plank hip dip (start in elbow or forearm plank, drop hip to side toward floor as
far as you can, then rotate to other side)
Dive Bomber Pushups (demo vid here w/ modifications: (you only need to do the dive
bomber, skip the abs part)

(cont. next pg)

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Set 3:

3 Way Lunge with dumbbells (start with right side, so all one side :45, then :45 other
1- lateral lunge

2- front lunge

3- lateral lunge
4- reverse lunge

Bonus: :15 Skaters

Mountain Climbers
Diamond Pike Pushup

Set 4:
Squat Lunge (Drop to a squat, staying low (chest up), step back with one leg into a
deep lunge, step back into squat, drop as you squat, then step back other leg. Stay low
the whole time. I can post a demo if you need it.
Bonus: :15 Iso Hold Squat

Elbow Plank Knee drops (start in elbow plank, check your form: tailbone tucked, abs
engaged; drop a knee to the floor then switch, alternating knees to the floor)
Unconventional Bull dog Pushups (like an unconventional pushup, except hands
are wide and fingers are pointed toward each other) Focus on using the biceps and

(cont. next pg)

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

Set 5:
Squat Press with calf raise (hold dumbbells in both hands at shoulder height, squat
deep, as you come up drive thru the heels, at the top press dumbbells over head for a
shoulder press while lifting up onto toes for a calf raise)

Bonus: :15 Squat jumps

Side Plank crunch right side

Unconventional Tricep Pushups (elbows tucked in)

Set 6:
Walking Lunges with Dumbell hold dumbbell in one hand straight up overhead,
while walking lunges across room and back. Go :45 right arm, then :45 left arm
Side Plank crunch left side
L Pushups One hand in tricep pushup position, one hand in chest pushup position,
hands will form an L shape in front of you, do 1 pushup, then walk hands to other side,
keep repeating side to side for duration of time.
Cool down & stretch

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the recipient
referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All rights reserved

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