6 Week Slimdown Week 5 - Strength

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Week 5

StrengthWorkout 1

Burpee Lovers Workout! J


o 15 Burpees (add pushup each time if you can)
Strength: Repeat twice
30 Sumo Squats with calf raises
30 Sumo Pulses
30 Sumo Pulses w/raised calves hold
o 15 Burpees
Strength: Repeat twice
15 Gravediggers (15 each side)
1 min plank (hands or elbows)
o 15 Burpees
Strength: Repeat 3 times
15 Tricep dips off chair/bench
15 Tricep dip pulses
o 15 Burpees
Strength: Repeat Twice
15 back lunge w/front raises w/band
o each leg
o 15 Burpees
Abs: Repeat 3 times (each side, if alternate)
15 Champion Sit-ups (w/DB if needed)
15 Heel Touches
15 Bicycles
15 Core Switches w/1 med DB
o 15 Burpees
Strength: Repeat 3 times
15 Side leg lifts w/band
15 Back steps w/band
o 15 Burpees
Abs: repeat right & left side
15 Side Elbow plank hip pulse
15 side elbow plank twist in
30 side double leg oblique lifts
15 sec side straight leg hold
o 15 Burpees! (thats 120 totalyoure welcome J )

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the
recipient referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All
rights reserved

Strength Workout 2

Upper Body Strength Circuit:

Do 12-15 reps per exercise. Rotate thru each exercise in each muscle group without
stopping. 3 sets of each exercise per muscle group. Challenge yourself by going up in
weight, try to go as fast as you can while maintaining good form and full range of motion.
1. Pushups toes or knees, full range of motion
2. Chest Press w/ dumbbells
3. Chest Fly (you can alternate press and fly if you choose. Mix it up!)
1. Down Dog Diamond Pushups (hands in diamond shape, elbows wide. Focus
on upper back)
2. Pull Overs (hold a dumbbell in each hand, lie flat on your back, raise weight
above your head and pull back down keeping arms straight)
3. Bentover Row/Scarecrow Fly (alternate between these two moves)
1. Dumbbell Bicep Curl
2. Bicep In & Outs w/ lateral extension (hold weights at half way, 90 degree angle in
elbow w/ elbow NOT touching body, rotate open while maintaining that bend,
then straighten arms straight out to sides, bring in then rotate closed)
3. Preacher curl (sit on chair or bench, legs wide. Lean over with elbow inside knee,
other hand across behind elbow for support. Curl weight up and down. Go heavy
and go for failure.
1. Tricep Cobra (unconventional) Pushups on belly, elbows tucked in tight
2. Single Arm Tricep Extension
3. Bent over Tricep Kickback
1. Robot Shoulder fly to Rotation to Shouler Press
2. Racecar Drivers Frontal raise with rotation, alternate directions
3. Upright row w/ pull at the top. Squeeze shoulder blades.
Core: 30 reps each (15 each side) for 3 sets
1. Standard Crunch
2. Reverse Crunch
3. Mountain Climbers
4. Spiderman Crunch
After 3 sets do this 3 times without stopping
:30 plank on hands
:30 plank on elbow
2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the
recipient referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All
rights reserved

Strength Workout 3

Lower Body Strength Circuit:

Do 12-15 reps per exercise each side, if applicable. Rotate thru each exercise in each
muscle group without stopping. 3 sets of each exercise per muscle group. Challenge
yourself by going up in weight, try to go as fast as you can while maintaining good form
and full range of motion. Optional, add power to the 3rd set.
Inner & Outer Thighs:
1. Standing Lateral Leg Lift (if you have access, use a cable pulley for added
2. Back Attitude
3. Cross Front Inner Thigh lift
4. Plie Squat (for power add a hop at the top)
1. Step Ups on Bench (or chair) with Dumbbells
2. Single Leg Romanian Dead Lift
3. Curtsy Lunge w/ dumbbells
4. Warrior Jumps (Lunge Switch jumps)

Squats w/ bar
Static Lunge w/ bar
2 Leg Dead Lift
Jump Squat

1. Straight Calf raise
2. Feet turned out calf raise
3. Toes turned in calf raise
50 Walking Lunges with skip (knee up hop)
Core: Do each exercise for 30 sec, repeat the circuit for 3 sets
1. Plank Thrusters
2. Plank Jack
3. Spiderman Crunch
4. Hold Plank on elbows
5. Side plank on elbow w/ crunch
6. Hold Side plank
7. Repeat 5 on other side
8. Repeat 6 on other side

2015 This workout plan is created and owned by SMAC Down Fitness, LLC, and is designed exclusively for the
recipient referenced above. Do not copy, share or publish without express written consent from the creator. All
rights reserved

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