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The Zoetrope.

The origins of the zoetrope date back to 1825 in which the science of moving image
were starting to be explored. A scientist known as Dr. William Henry Fitton had
created spinning coin (Thaumatrope). Sir John Herschel (pioneer and scientist)came
up with the theory that when humans observe two or more alternating images, the
brain fools us into seeing one still image (or depending on the illustration, can create
a moving image, just like a flip book) in which the theory was know as persistence of
vision. today it is known as the phi phenomenon relating to movies, television and
flash as a continuous image (Technical progress in the film industry: Pre-films
technology, no date). The zoetrope was was based
on the same idea as the Thaumatrope in which
there is a mechanism to alternate between images,
but the zoetrope was design so that you are able to
alternate between different images but when spun
the images appear to be moving.

Thaumatrope: The image above

shows an example of a spinning
Thaumatrope. An illustration
would be drawn on each side of
the card, in this case a bird on one
side and a cage on the other. when
the string was twisted and pulled,
the card would spin ,as a result,
would create the illusion that the
bird is in the cage.


the zoetrope. This is a device in which is

spun to create a moving image, similar to the
thaumatrope, the receding square (circled above)
act like the transition of breaking up the images in
which creates a flash of light reflecting of the
image, when spun creates a moving image, in this !1
case a running horse.

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