E Portfolio Resume

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Mika Gang


Master of Teaching, Junior/Intermediate, History Teachable
OISE, University of Toronto, 2013-2015
Thesis: Investigation of Effective Educational Strategies in the Reintegration of Street Involved Youth
Bachelor of Science, Arts and Contemporary Studies
Ryerson University, 2008-2012

TRIBES Certified
Environmental Education Conference

Love of Reading Conference

Special Education AQ (TBC June 2015)

LANGUAGES Fluent (oral and written) in English and Hebrew

Teacher Candidate, Grade 11 Section 23 Classroom (February 2015)
Toronto District School Board
Created programming which focused on soft job skills based on Designing Your Future
Engaged students in creative expressions of course content, utilized sculpture and
Facilitated student-led interviews of professionals to aid student understanding of job
cultures and requirements
Teacher Candidate, Grades 6/7/8 Special Education (November 2014)
Toronto District School Board
Developed and taught Math units, and modified lessons to meet the students needs and
Introduced mindfulness programming to help engage students in self-regulating habits
Developed a strong rapport with students in order to effectively respond to and mediate
student conflicts
Led a downtown Toronto exploration of 3D objects used in historical buildings
Teacher Candidate, Grade 8 (February 2014)
Toronto District School Board
Developed and taught Grade 8 Math in a rotary setting
Formulated programming to include group based problem solving with a variety of
Built classroom connections between curricular content and architectural design
Teacher Candidate, Grade 6 (November 2013)
Toronto District School Board
Developed and taught Grade 6 Language, Math and Social Science

Supported student success through regular lunch tutoring

Created Indigenous studies unit which focused on empowering stories and music of
indigenous resistance, such as the Idle No More movement and Buffy Sainte-Marie


Hebrew School Teacher, Grades 5/6/7 (August 2012-Present)
Danforth Jewish Circle
Developed and implemented weekly programming with an emphasis on critical thinking
and current events
Managed classroom environment using clear communication of expectations and
process of defining what a safe place for students looks like
Liaised with parents and school principal to create meaningful educational priorities for
the classroom
OSSLT Marker (April 2014)
Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)
Promoted to role of Expert Marker
Completed training and maintained EQAO standards for marking speed and accuracy
Principal and Teacher, Grades 1/2 (November 2010-August 2012)
Kesher School
Planned and launched outreach for the mid-town Jewish community
Designed school curriculum in collaboration with the parent community and ECE
Led arts and drama based programming for students and full family programming for
Jewish holidays
Camp Director (February 2009-December 2011)
Camp Shomria
Planned and executed outreach programs which contributed to a 20% increase in camper
Facilitated staff training programs for counsellors and other summer camp program

Youth Engagement Strategist and Program Facilitator (March-July 2013)
Lekan Olawoyes City Council Campaign
Developed youth engagement strategies for the youth of Ward 12
Led community events in collaboration with the City of Torontos 100 in 1 Day Festival
North York Group Organizer and Event Facilitator (October 2011-June 2012)
Toronto Stop the Cuts
Initiated North York Stop the Cuts group to engage the community on the issue of
proposed budget cuts to public social services
Planned and facilitated community meetings of 20-60 participants

References available upon request

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