5 4 Homework - If I Could

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If You Could.

Today during class we read the book If You Hopped Like a Frog. It is now time
to determine how you could perform certain feats if you were able perform like a
certain animal.
1. The average kangaroo has a foot that is 18 inches long and can jump 30 feet. Use the length of
your foot to determine how far you could jump if you could jump like a kangaroo.

2. The average ostrich has a stride length of 16 feet and stands 9 feet tall. Use your height to
determine what your stride length would be if you could move like an ostrich.

3. Find another interesting animal fact. Using your personal information, create and solve a
proportion comparing yourself to this animal. Complete the sentence below:

If I could ______________ like a _____________, I could ______________________________.

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