Juvenile Detention Center

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Taber T. Fellows
Juvenile detention center
Meditations class
Taber T. Fellows
Salt Lake City Utah juvenile detention center meditations class
Presented by:

Fellows: 2
Teaching meditation classes at the Salt Lake City Utahs juvenile detention center, the
average age of those troubled youths or teens is 18 to 13 years of age. As I enter the youth
centers selected squadron of the day I walk directly to the white board and write my name on it
along with (Mr. Fellows) I never teach the same group twice (rotation purposes).

What is it that you lie about yourself???
What is it you dislike about yourself???
What do you feel or think about meditating???
As each youth is called upon to answer these five simple questions I sit next to them

using eye contact and listing as politely as humanly possible, giving warm and genuine facial
expressions, with the occasional frowns or smiles, depending on what the teenager is saying.
When I have sat next to each youth in the room, and listened to their responses I walk back to the
front of the group and write on the white board (what did each of you just get through saying?
what is the major common theme? Thats right, as I answer to their response. Now I would like
to introduce a way, which just might be a way to help all of you eliminate the common issue that
lives within each and every one you according to what all of you just said concerning the things
you dislike about yourselves.
At this point I now know that Ive got 85% to 90 % of the childrens attention by this
time. I quickly open the introduction of the purpose of focusing on one thing at a time
concentration is focusing in order to help us build a much stronger foundation on that specific
topic, without wondering off and getting derailed from the conversation thats being discussed.
So the breathe of life is the simplest most pure item, we can use that will teach us how to
focus on one single thing, and that one thing only. In accomplishing this mindfulness control our
minds simultaneously learn that being busy so preoccupied during this deep concentrating or

Fellows: 3
focusing on that one particular item. We temporarily forget all about everything else that might
possibly be currently disturbing or distracting our way of acting/behaving.
Now that they have the understanding of the purpose and its meaning, thats behind
focusing on nothing but the breaths. I then begin teaching them how to do the method of
breathes and how it is to be properly performed. In through the nose with good (New life) (the
present moment) and out through the mouth with bad (old-past-life).
Okay, great. Now that you have seen how this is done, and understanding the reason
behind doing it lets now look at sitting and how do it and why we do so in those positions. So
please sit comfortably with your legs crossed in the (Lotus position). This should be as if you are
sitting straight up shoulders back arms in tight next to the body and holding the head straight and
square. Now close your eyes and focus on nothing but your breath, breath in and hold for two
seconds and now release it all, counting to the count of two seconds as well. Allow the mind to
wonder, acknowledge what it was that distracted you from your concentration, and returned to
focusing on your breath.
After using the guided meditation of breathing and holding and counting and focusing we
finish after approximately 10 to 12 minutes. I slowly bring them out and back to the group as a
whole and go through each teens experience and/or thoughts and feelings of what they feel they
just experienced. After hearing each teens experience, I then go back to the whiteboard and
point out the groups major common theme and discuss heavily how it has changed each one of
their perspective and understanding of practicing meditation.

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