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John F. KennedyLyndon JohnsonWar on PovertyGreat SocietyProject Head StartMedicareMedicaidVietnam WarHo Chi MinhGeneva Accords- On Indochina a conference was held that
separated Vietnam into two zones, a northern and a southern. The
conference was held in Geneva, Switzerland.
Vietcong- A political organization and army in South Vietnam and
Cambodia. They fought against the U.S. and south Vietnam
governments in the Vietnam war and won.
Domino Theory- A theory that starts in the 1950s and lasted for was
relevant for about thirty years that if on country had communism
then all the others would follow.
SEATO-Southeast Asia Treaty Organization. It was an organization
for defense in Southeast Asia created by the Collective Defense
Treaty, or Manila Pact, signed in September 1954 in Manila,
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution- a resolution that the United States
Congress passed on August 7, 1964, in response to the Gulf of
Tonkin incident. It was enacted three days later.
Tet Offensive- An attack launched by Vietcong and Vietnamese
forces on over a hundred cities in South Vietnam. It was named Tet
after the lunar New Year.






Richard Nixon- The 37th president of the United States. He is the only x
president to ever resign. He ended American fighting in Vietnam
and resigned because of the Watergate scandal.
Vietnamization- A policy that Richard Nixon enacted during the war
in Vietnam as an attempt to end American fighting in the war. It was
Dr. Henry Kissinger- an American diplomat and political scientist. He x
was a National Security Advisor and Secretary of State in the
administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.
Paris Peace AccordsWar Powers ActWomens Liberation MovementBetty FriedanNational Organization of WomenEqual Rights AmmendmentRoe V. WadeBlack PanthersWoodstock-


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