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Did You Know?

o E. rosea feeds on snails,

usually small ones so it can
swallow it whole, shell and all.
o E. rosea is a cross-fertilizing


hermaphroditic that lays

about 25-40 eggs a year.

To manage the spread of

o E. rosea is in the Phylum

Euglandina Rosea, the

mollusca, Class gastropoda,

introduction of live specimen and

Order stylommatophora, and

their transport between islands

Family spiraxidae.

have been forbidden. In French

o E. rosea lives up 24 months.

Polynesia, the species is legally

considered a noxious species.
Small enclosures have been built in


Euglandina Rosea

Hawaii and on Moorea to protect

native snails and breeding
programs are restoring endangered
species. Research is also being
made into the biology E. rosea to
find a way to bring down the

Euglandina rosea (mollusc)." Global Invasive

Species Database. Invasive Species Specialist
Group, n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2012.
"Rosy Wolfsnail (Euglandina rosea)." Introduced
Species Summary Project. Nokmenee Chhun, n.d.
Web. 1 Apr. 2012.

Common names include cannibal

snail, escargot carnivore de Floride,
euglandine, Rosige Wolfsschnecke,
and rosy wolfsnail.

Euglandina Rosea

Euglandina Rosea

Euglandina Rosea


Introduction Method/Environment Impact


Euglandina Rosea was first introduced to the

Hawaiian Islands to as a biological control agent to
control the population of African snails. Since then,
it has been introduced to more than 20 oceanic
islands to control A. fulica and other snail pests.

Mollusc is a group most affect by extinction, with

over 400 extinct species from oceanic islands only.

Euglandina Rosea is a carnivorous snail

Of this number, 234 lived on islands which

with a long, slender body that can reach

Euglandina Rosea have been introduced, and it is

up to 10 cm in length. It can be

highly probable that it is the cause for these

recognized by its large, conical,

extinctions. More specifically, it has contributed to

brownish pink shell and lips which are

the extinction of Partula tree snails and to the

elongated and protrude like tentacles. It

decline of land snail fauna in Hawaii and Mauritius.

uses these to tract its prey.

On top of that, there is no scientific proof that

It has been introduced to Pacific islands

Euglandina Rosea controls A. falica.

and Pacific Rim groups, Indian islands, the

Euglandina Rosea is native to

southeastern Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi,
Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina and
widespread in Florida (including the Keys).

Caribbean, India, Taiwan and Japan.

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