Essay 3 - HIST 2301

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Since the establishment of Jamestown in 1607, colonists encounters with Native Americans

began. Native Americans life style, culture, religion, and social life differed dramatically
than those of the Colonists. As we can see, Colonists were Christians, which means they
believe in Christ as their God, however Native Americans did not believe in Christ. As a
matter of fact, they were polytheist. They did not believe in one God and more importantly,
they believed in supernatural beings. Social life for Native Americans was on a very different
level than what Colonists were used to. For example, when men and women get married, men
go live with their wives families, which, of course, is so different from what Colonists were
used to in the UK. Moreover, the kids get to hold their mothers name instead of their fathers
name. When it comes to gender roles, I believe it was one of the biggest gaps between the
Native Americans and the Colonists. While women had almost no roles at all in the European
society, back then, Native American women had around half the roles in their societies. For
instance, men would go hunting for animals while women would farm. In addition, women
had some political roles in their tribes as well. Likewise, the absence of land and property
concepts from the Native Americans culture was certainly a big difference. While Colonists
acknowledged the ideas of private properties and accumulating wealth, Native
Americans did not.
Perhaps that is why Colonists had a prejudiced view upon Native Americans. Native
Americans literally did almost everything differently than colonists leading the later to think
of them as savages, as Hernan Cortes described them later on in his writings. Colonists
viewed them as barbaric and uncivilized communities, who are inferior to them in every
possible sense. Colonists enslaved Native Americans. They forced them to work in mines and
do labour for them. They intimidated them with weapons that Native Americans had never
seen before in their lives. They also force raped Native American women.

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