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March 9th
Class reviewed cell organisms
Students had a foldable where they can answer the warm-up questions in groups
CT had a powerpoint slide for students to follow along to and take notes on multi-celled
organisms (plants, animals, and fungi)
Had pictures for students to view
ELL drew pictures, but did not write down the notes
Completed a Close Read as a whole class for the first time
Specifically looked for specialized jobs of a cell and highlighted that information with one
color as well as labeled.
CT did a very good job labeling the reading sections so that students can follow along, but
mostly reference back to when they are doing individual work
CT read and underline along with the students to give them the idea of how to do a close read
Assign students to find similarities and differences between plant and animal organisms; walks
around to check
Under the notes, students are required to copy the list down from the powerpoint
Have students come up to board to drag info into venn diagram then check the answer
Great for kinetic learners to get up and move
In the conclusion, CT went back to pre-assessment questions to check for understanding
Nice guide for quick check points
Students were extremely talkative
Some students were off task
ELL were on iPads doing something completely different
Exceptional students were either starring off, looking at the pictures on the board as they came,
or taking a nap
I would like to see all students participating in science even if they are at a different learning
ability than the rest of the class
I would like to see better accommodations and modification for each individual learning group
March 11th
Because math and science are back to back, CT was able to pass out the math homework after
the science lesson; I am not sure how students can keep up with each subject, but it can be a
great way to represent how math and science can be used together
One day, after math testing, CT showed a twenty minute Bill Nyes skeletal youtube video.
Normally classes would switch around 1:55pm, but because of the testing, CT thought to share
a video since there was not much time to have an elaborate introduction lesson on another
science topic.

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