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Learning Plan


Nurs 1020 Learning Plan

Dakota Horton
Trent University

Learning Plan

Learning Plan 1

Page 1 of 1

Name: Dakota Horton

Student number: 0568350

Course: Nurs 1020

Area of Practice: Long Term Care

Competency Category (Indicate with a check which competency category this page refers to)

Professional Responsibility
Knowledge-based Practice
Ethical Practice
Service to the Public

1. I will demonstrate my knowledge and ability to accurately be able to take the blood
pressure of a fellow classmate before I am put through OSCE testing
Activities, Necessary Resources and Timeframes to achieve my goal?

I plan to review the online modules on how to properly get an accurate blood pressure
Practice on my classmates during each week of clinical
Take advantage of the available blood pressure cuffs to practice on a lab after completing
any other tasks
Review the normal blood pressure ranges for different patients, review basic information
regarding blood pressure ex. The meaning of systolic pressure vs diastolic

How will I know that I have achieved my goal?

I will know that I achieved my goal if by the time of the osce testing, I have practiced
enough to be able to know what to listen for and accurately come up with a blood
pressure value on a fellow classmate
The results of my osce test later on will also determine whether I have reached my goal
or not

My learning plan addresses:


Self Reflection
Course Learning Objectives
Consideration to previous evaluation
Cumulative and Appropriate for educational level

Learning Plan

Learning Plan 2

Page 1 of 1

Name: Dakota Horton

Student number: 0568350

Course: Nurs 1020

Area of Practice: Long Term Care

Competency Category (Indicate with a check which competency category this page refers to)

Professional Responsibility
Knowledge-based Practice
Ethical Practice
Service to the Public

2. I will provide care to my assigned resident while demonstrating my utter most respect for
their illness/diagnosis while establishing a professional relationship
Activities, Necessary Resources and Timeframes to achieve my goal?

I plan to complete the weekly care and med cards in order to broaden my knowledge on
my residents diagnosis and medications
Research a little bit extra on Alzheimers disease in order to prepare myself for my
professional relationship
Take advantage of the time I have to sit down and speak to my assigned resident to the
best of my ability regarding their diagnosis

How will I know that I have achieved my goal?

I will know that I achieved my goal if I am able to complete all necessary care and
assignments on my assigned resident without putting too much pressure on them to
remember or answer any of my questions
I will know if I achieved my goal if after my assigned residents change, I am still able to
provide care and have a professional relationship with this resident

My learning plan addresses:


Self Reflection
Course Learning Objectives
Consideration to previous evaluation
Cumulative and Appropriate for educational level

Learning Plan

Learning Plan 3

Page 1 of 1

Name: Dakota Horton

Student number: 0568350

Course: Nurs 1020

Area of Practice: Long Term Care

Competency Category (Indicate with a check which competency category this page refers to)

Professional Responsibility
Knowledge-based Practice
Ethical Practice
Service to the Public

3. I will be aware of my own capabilities within my role as a student nurse, finding help
when am unsure or uncomfortable with a situation.
Activities, Necessary Resources and Timeframes to achieve my goal?

Recognition of or lack of skills

Review of material within the course as needed

How will I know that I have achieved my goal?

I will know that I have achieved my goal if I am able to apply my knowledge from the
labs to my clinical practice
I will know that I have achieved my goal if I am able to reach out for help when I am
unsure of what to do
If I am able to broaden my scope of practice a little bit each week I will have reached my

My learning plan addresses:


Self Reflection
Course Learning Objectives
Consideration to previous evaluation
Cumulative and Appropriate for educational level

Learning Plan

Learning Plan 4

Page 1 of 1

Name: Dakota Horton

Student number: 0568350

Course: Nurs 1020

Area of Practice: Long Term Care

Competency Category (Indicate with a check which competency category this page refers to)

Professional Responsibility
Knowledge-based Practice
Ethical Practice
Service to the Public

4. To be well aware of the importance of having the mental and physical capacity to be able
to work/practice knowledgeably and effectively as a student nurse.
Activities, Necessary Resources and Timeframes to achieve my goal?

I will be as prepared for clinical as I can by knowing ahead of time what I may expect
and what might be asked of me
I will keep my mental and physical health on good terms in order to be able to be as
present and effective throughout my clinical practice

How will I know that I have achieved my goal?

I will know if I have achieved my goal if I can successfully carry out the tasks that I am
asked to do at clinical
I will of applied my knowledge from previous and current courses in this program in
order to improve my practice

My learning plan addresses:


Self Reflection
Course Learning Objectives
Consideration to previous evaluation
Cumulative and Appropriate for educational level

Learning Plan 5

Page 1 of 1

Learning Plan

Name: Dakota Horton

Student number: 0568350

Course: Nurs 1020

Area of Practice: Long Term Care

Competency Category (Indicate with a check which competency category this page refers to)

Professional Responsibility
Knowledge-based Practice
Ethical Practice
Service to the Public

5. My goal is to support the health care teams around me to the best of my ability and
participate with as many tasks as I can within the long term care facility
Activities, Necessary Resources and Timeframes to achieve my goal?

I will prove myself eager to learn from those around me with much knowledge and
experience within the nursing field
I will be readily available for times where opportunities come up and will gain as much
experience that I can

How will I know that I have achieved my goal?

I will know that I have achieved my goal if I am able to assist or complete tasks that are
required that day
If I feel ready to try new things and help out all that I can
I am able to complete tasks required in my level of student nursing

My learning plan addresses:


Self Reflection
Course Learning Objectives
Consideration to previous evaluation
Cumulative and Appropriate for educational level


Learning Plan

College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO). (2014, January). Competencies for entry-level Registered
Nurse practice. Retrieved February 4, 2015.

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