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Floreto S.

a.k.a Syntax Erol
Reaction Paper

At the age of eleven a young boy named Dade Murphy a.k.a Zero Cool
manage to create a deadly computer virus that crashed many computer system. He
arrested by the U.S Secret service and paid the fine worth $45,000 and banned for
using computer until he reach the age of 18. After 7 years he met new friends and
began to hack again. He and his new friends found out the virus called Da Vinci
created by Eugene "The Plague" Belford that will have oil spill to cover that he is
stealing a millions from Ellingson Mineral Company. Joey one of Dade friends copy
the garbage file when he enters the system of the company. Plague knew that joey
copied the garbage file and it can be used as evidence that he created the virus to
steal money to the company, so Plague tell the U.S Secret Service that the code
they needed to destroy the worm is in the hand of the hacker who hacked their
system. Then Joey got arrested but he freed when the authority did not find the
data they needed and they believed that it is passed on by his hackers friends. The
U.S Secret Service ordered an arrest to Dade, Kate a.k.a Acid Burn, Ramon
Sanchez a.k.a. "The Phantom Phreak," Emmanuel Goldstein a.k.a. "Cereal Killer",
and Paul Cook a.k.a. "Lord Nikon". Before they got arrested they seek help to other
hackers and then they plan to hack the Gibson again to copy the garbage file to
reveal Plague plan. They got arrested but they are successful to copy the Garbage
file, and with the help of other hackers they hack the local television, Cereal Killer
speaks and reveal the plans of Eugene Belford a.k.a Plague. Plagues has been
arrested when he try to escape to Japan under the alias of Mr. Babbage. Dade and
his hacker friends cleared and the story ends When Dade and Katy go on a date.
The Hackers movie tells us to be more secure in every data we need to hide
and the information that is restricted to others. Being a programmers we are
responsible for creating fully secure system to not let intruders enters our system,
We all know that Hackers were definitely good in creating virus that can steal our
password, manage our data and control our system we created. But we can have
knowledge to apply more security in our system. Not all the hacker had bad
intentions, Like in the Hackers movie Dade and his friends use their skill in hacking
to uncover Plagues plans. Just like us if we have knowledge in hacking use this skill
in good intentions.

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