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Using 2 Generators For Cancers


By David Bourke

The Problem With Cancer

Using Rife technology to deal with cancer isnt simply a matter of killing cancer cells. Theres much more to it than
that. Cancer cells produce many poisonous byproducts as they furiously reproduce.
When you kill a cancer cell, its likely to rupture and release its toxic contents. At best, it may retain cell wall
integrity until nature and time take over. At which point it spills its poisons.
So, depending on the extent of the cancer, and the rate at which you kill it, youre going to have countless dead
cancer cells in your body, all of them carrying or leaking poison. While our healthy cells are constantly dying
and being replaced, these are not filled with toxins, and theyre not all dying at the same time, so our body
systems can deal with this natural process without problems.
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife treated his cancer patients for five minutes a day every third day. He limited his treatments
in this way so as not to overwhelm patients with toxins from killed cells, and to allow their body systems and
organs enough time to deal with the cleanup of the destruction his treatment had achieved.
Theres a very good reason for what he did: toxic overload can shut down the liver and kidneys very quickly, and it
can even kill.
So you have to get all this dangerous rubble out of the body as quickly as possible. And you do that by using
frequencies to detox. Doing this prevents the pollutants from settling, and keeps them moving so that they enter
the bloodstream, the lymphatic system, and the intestines. And this is where the next problem arises.
The eliminatory system consists of the liver, the kidneys, the intestines, the lungs, and the skin, but only the first
two need concern us here. Even a healthy body would find it difficult and damaging to try to cope with an internal
tidal wave of toxins like this, so a body weakened by cancer and the ravages of certain other treatments would be
brought under great strain unless the liver, kidneys, and intestines were actively supported.

And then theres the problem of managing the pain of cancer without further poisoning the body.
So dealing effectively with cancer isnt just the single job of killing cancer cells. Its actually four jobs, all of them
vital killing, detox, support, and pain control.
Prior to the introduction of the Spooky2 Rife System, youd have had to tackle these jobs one after another. So you
would have been sitting next to a machine holding electrodes, not just for a couple of hours as you perhaps
believed, but for anything up to eight hours every day, depending on your condition.
But, uniquely, Spooky2 offers the extraordinary ability to perform parallel processing. This allows all four jobs to
be performed at the same time by using four generators operating in Remote Mode. Plus you can use one of them
daily in Contact Mode for some heavy-duty killing, detox, support, or pain control.
So for certain conditions like late-stage cancers, Lyme Disease, Morgellons Disease, and other synergistic multisystem multi-pathogen illnesses, we recommend using four generators. However, we know that times are tough,
and that money doesnt grow on trees, especially when youre unwell.
Not everyone can afford the $750 needed for four generators and their peripherals I get many emails from broke
people in big trouble, and this document is an attempt to point them in the right direction.
While one single generator is certainly a better proposition than any old-fashioned Rife machine because you can
use it in Remote Mode when youre not doing Contact Mode work or while you sleep its still a very long and
steep climb. However, with two generators, suddenly the task is not so Herculean.
If youre willing to spend the time doing a few reasonably short Contact Mode sessions a day, then switching that
generator to Remote Mode, you can make good progress with all four aspects of the task.
This PDF aims to outline how I would personally approach it.

Contact vs Remote
The first thing you need to know is that Contact Mode isnt intrinsically any more powerful than Remote Mode, but
it produces beneficial effects a good deal quicker. Its been authoritatively estimated that to produce the same
effectiveness as one Contact Mode session, you would need to the apply the same frequencies between 10 and 20
times in a row in Remote Mode. So a contact session that takes 30 minutes would take between five and 10 hours
to produce the same effect in Remote Mode.
Since the only real difference between each mode is time, this means that the only settings that need to be
changed to switch a killing Program from Contact Mode to Remote Mode are the Repeat values, and possibly the
Dwell Multiplier and Reduce Amplitude (for detox, support, and pain only hereinafter called healing).

Contact Mode Killing:

Load JWKilling from the
Program/Patient Name menu,
then load the cancer killing set.

Contact Mode Healing:

Load JW-Healing from the
Program/Patient Name menu,
then load the healing set.

Remote Mode Killing/Healing:

Load JWKilling or JWHealing
as appropriate, then load the
killing or healing set.

Repeat Each Set: 1

Repeat Program: 1
Dwell Multiplier: 1
Reduce Amplitude: unticked

Repeat Each Set: 1

Repeat Program: 1
Dwell Multiplier: 1
Reduce Ampitude: ticked

Repeat Each Set: 4

Repeat Program: 0
Dwell Multiplier: 1 (or .33)
Reduce Amplitude: unticked

Contact Mode Settings

The settings illustrated above for killing and healing differ in only one respect Reduce Amplitude.
Repeats: the values of 1 for killing and healing tell Spooky2 to run the Program once, then stop.
Dwell Multiplier: the value of 1 tells Spooky2 to run each frequency for its default dwell (which is known to work).
Reduce Amplitude: for killing, this box is unticked because the JWKilling Preset automatically transposes all
frequencies up to a level where they dont bite. For healing, the JWHealing Preset doesnt do this because Rife
healing uses frequencies in a different way to killing, so this box is ticked because low frequencies can bite.
Remote Mode Settings
The settings illustrated above for killing and healing are identical.
Repeats: the Repeat Each Set value of 4 is to allow each set in any multi-set Program to be repeated four times
before the next set, preventing dilution of effectiveness. The Repeat Program value of 0 tells Spooky2 to continue
looping the Program until you manually stop it.
Dwell Multiplier: the choice of 1 or .33 is offered here because many users have found success by using dwells
shorter than the default. The result is that the user is exposed to each frequency for one-third of the normal time,
but is consequently exposed to it three times more often in the same time period.
Users have reported excellent results from using an alternative setting to those above DHKilling/Healing. Its
used for both killing and healing, and you can find it in the OK, Lets Rife section of the Spooky2 Users Guide.
Dont make the mistake of packing your Program with sets. This makes it difficult to identify which set may be
responsible for producing the most beneficial effects, and it also makes it slower to find such sets. Its less
effective, too. For example, if you have six 30-minute sets in your Program and one of them is working, this
means its only going to be transmitted once every three hours. Allow three days to test a set, then try another.

Making Your Own Changes

JWKilling: these are very carefully thought-out settings and I cant see any way to improve on them.
JW-Healing: the only changes I occasionally make is to switch the square wave for a sawtooth, and use a value of
20 for the Amplitude. Try both, and stick with what works best for you.
DH-Killing/Healing: when killing, you may wish to enter 64000 into the < field of the Frequency Limits pane. This
raises all low sub-harmonics into the KHz range, which is more effective.

Points to Remember

Before embarking on the main task, its strongly advised that you first complete the regimen outlined in
Appendix A of the Spooky2 Users Guide. Subsequent sessions will be more effective as a result.

For killing in Contact Mode, the higher a frequency is, the deeper it penetrates the body, and the easier it
enters the cells.

You must actively assist in the detox process by drinking at least three litres of pure water daily, half of it
before noon. This will help flush out the kidneys, and increase electrical conductivity in the body, especially if
you add a tiny pinch of sea salt or Himalayan Pink Salt to your daily ration.

In any battle, the more weapons that are brought to bear on the enemy, the more likely it is that victory will be
achieved. Dont neglect other modalities, especially diet, naturopathic, homeopathic, and herbal.

The work of Dr. Bradley Nelson and others has clearly demonstrated that emotional trauma lies at the root of
almost every cancer. His ground-breaking book The Emotion Code demonstrates a way to resolve this, and a
PDF of this is free to download.

Generator 1
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Generator 2

0900: Contact Cancer Killing

Then: Remote Cancer Killing Loop
1500: Contact Liver Support
Then: Remote Liver Support Loop
2000: Contact Cancer Killing
Then: Remote Pain/Kidney Support Loop (overnight)

0900: Remote General Detox Loop

0900: Contact Kidney Support

Then: Remote Kidney Support Loop
1500: Contact Cancer Killing
Then: Remote Cancer Killing Loop
2000: Contact Liver Support
Then: Remote Pain/Liver Support Loop (overnight)

0900: Remote Pain Loop

0900: Contact General Detox

Then: Remote Cancer Killing Loop
1500: Contact Kidney Support
Then: Remote Kidney Support Loop
2000: Contact Cancer Killing
Then: Remote Pain/Blood Detox Loop (overnight)

0900: Remote Blood Detox Loop

0900: Contact Immune Support

Then: Remote Immune Support Loop
1500: Contact Pain
Then: Remote Pain Loop
2000: Contact Immune Support
Then: Remote Pain/Immune Support Loop (overnight)

0900: Remote Pain Loop

1500: Remote Pain Loop

2000: Remote General Detox Loop (overnight)

1500: Remote Blood Detox Loop

2000: Remote General Detox Loop (overnight)

1500: Remote Pain Loop

2000: Remote General Detox Loop (overnight)

1500: Remote Immune Support Loop

2000: Remote General Detox Loop (overnight)

Heres a possible four-day timetable for two generators, both being used for 24 hours a day. Day 4 is devoted
entirely to immune system support and pain. On the fifth day, the timetable starts over again. Note that if you
dont have pain problems, you can substitute lymph support/detox instead.

The Programs
Cancer Killing:
This denotes sets targeted at your type of cancer. You
should use an accurate detailed diagnosis to seek
matching sets in the database. If none exist, you must
do some web research.
For instance, there are no sets for kidney cancers. But
research reveals that 90% of these are urothelial cell
carcinoma, also called transitional cell carcinoma
(TCC). Further digging shows that this also affects the
bladder and urinary system and is called transitional
bladder cancer (TBD). And there are several sets for
this in the database.

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus):

Cancer HPV (Moles and Tumors) CUST
Also try other HPV sets if no result.
SV40 (Simian Virus 40):
Simian Virus 40 1/2 XTRA
Simian Virus 40 2/2 XTRA
Liver Support:
Run each group of sets below as one Program:
Liver 1 PROV
Liver 2 PROV
Liver Flukes CAFL
Liver Function Balance XTRA

Wikipedia is generally good for this sort of research.

Dont forget that viruses are also deeply involved in
cancers like BX, BY, HPV, and SV40:
Cancer BXBY CUST (see settings on next page)

Kidney Support:
Run each group of sets below as one Program:
Kidney Function Balance 1/2 XTRA
Kidney Function Balance 2/2 XTRA
Kidney Insufficiency CAFL

Cancer BX CUST
Bacillus X Filter Cancer Carcinoma Rife
Cancer BY Virus CUST

Lymph Support:
These are from the Spooky2 Users Guide:

Run these three sets as one Program with a Dwell

Multiplier of 1.667.

Lymphs and Detox 1/2 PROV

Lymphs and Detox 2/2 PROV

Immune Support:
Immune System Stimulation 3 1/2
Immune System Stimulation 3 2/2
General Detox:
Detox 4 Toxins Throughout the
Blood Detox:
Lymphangitis CAFL
Streptococcus Pyogenes CAFL
Run these two as one Program.
Cancer Pain CAFL
Cancer Pain XTRA
Also try pain sets targeted at the
cancers body location.
Learn from the experience of
others join the Spooky2 Forum
and ask any questions you have.
You are not alone in your journey.
Nor are you the first to make it.

Cancer BXBY CUST (Contact). This is an engineered set that should be run
alone. For Remote use, change the Repeat Program setting to 135.

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