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Meeting Minutes

EVB100 Engineer Sustainability and Professional Practice

Place: QUT Gardens Point


Date: 12/03/15

Dijalmi Souza

Brendan Anderson

Angus Lane

Jack Collins

1. The meeting has started at 15h with the discussion of the strategy to define on which topic we would like to develop
a Project to the city of Bambui, Cameroon.

2. A Facebook group has been created by Angus in order to keep everyone in touch and to share relevant information.
3. After some while everyone agreed that the main topic should be waste management with a community bathroom,
and to use the CH4 (Methane) produced by the waste, to generate energy.

4. After a brief discussion of what everyone understood about the problems and difficulties that we were facing, it was
decided that a research about the city and it costumes should be done in order to improve our project ideas.

5. At the end of the meeting the topics to be researched for next week are:
6. Weather, Government, taxes, council, funding, Landscape: Location, Surrounding terrain, Religious Beliefs,
Social, Community, Current waste management, energy and water systems.

7. At 15:45 the meeting ended with everyone going to their respective classes.

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