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Student Teaching Weekly Log

Molly McClelland
Week: 1/26-1/30
1. How did you spend your time this week? What
responsibilities did you have?
This week I primarily observed and assisted where I was needed.
I was given a lot of freedom to help and interact throughout each class
period depending on my comfort level. My responsibilities dealt with
shadowing my mentor teacher and following all of the duties she was
responsible for which included note taking, supervising, help students
during work time, facilitating class discussion, etc.
2. What were your most satisfying experiences? What were
your most challenging experiences?
One of the most satisfying experiences dealt with having the
ability to dive right into helping and contributing in the classroom. Yet
one of the most challenging experiences presented itself when I
arrived in the middle of units within the core classes and was unable to
help to the degree I would have liked due to my lack of knowledge on
what they had been previously learning.
3. What are the plans for the upcoming week?
Next weeks plan would include taking over more responsibilities
and more control throughout the day within all the classes. Plus taking
over some of the paperwork and emailing responsibilities.

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