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BCLB 660 I


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(3 . / ) 25.02 & 18.03
(3 . / ) 18.03 & 25.03
(2 . / ) 1.04
(2 . / ) 8.04
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(2 . / ) 15.04
(2 . / ) 29.04
(2 . / ) 13.05


(2 . / ) 20.05
(2 . / ) 27.05
(2 . / ) 03.06
(4 . / ) 07.06* 10.06

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4.1 ( ) 11
4.2. ( 14 **)
* 7 // 4 //
** 14 // 6 //


( 2000 , 27 )

50 %;

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50 %.

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Gemeinsamer europaischer Referenzrahmen fur Sprachen: lernen, lehren, beurteilen. Council for Cultural Cooperation Education Committee Modern Languages Division, Stasbourg, Langenscheidt Berlin . Munchen .
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