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TO BE (Present Simple)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be.

1.- My parents _____ from Santander.

2.- My wife _____ a teacher.
3.- It _____ five oclock. Time to have tea.
4.- My cousin lives in Madrid. He _____ an engineer.
5.- My son _____ (not) five years old. He _____
6.- Hollywood ______ in Spain. It ______ in America.
7.- Look at the time! John and Susan _____ late.
8.- I _____ Jose and this ______ my friend Chema.
We _____ from Spain.
9.- Seville _____ in the south of Spain. It ____ very hot in summer.
10.- It ____ a beautiful day.
11.- They ______ (not) at home. They _____ at the cinema.
12.- There _____ a bus to Madrid at seven oclock.
13.- ______ you a teacher? No I ______. I ______ a
police officer.
14.- There ______ some good cafs in the centre of the
15.- ____ your daughter hungry? No, she _____. She
_____ thirsty.
16.- How ____ you, Peter? I _____ fine, thanks.
17.- This watch ______ (not) very expensive.
18.- What ____ your name? My name ____ Paul.
19.- My dad ______ really good at cooking.
20.- There _____ lots of trees in my street. They _____ beautiful.
21.- The dictionary ______ (not) on the shelf. It _____ on the desk.
22.- There ____ a spider in the bath. It _____ (not) very big.
23.- ______ there any good restaurants in this town?
24.- What ____the weather like today, _____ it warm or
25.- How old ____ your brother?
26.- What day ____ it?
27.- _____ the Niagara Falls in France? No, they _____.
28.- _____ there an underground in Santander. No, there
29.- We _____ (not) interested in computers.
30.- Hello, _____ you from here? No, we _____.
31.- _____ Brussels and Strasbourg in Italy? No, they
32.- There ______ two bottles of water on the table.
33.- My key _____ in my pocket. It ____ in a safe place.
34.- How much _____ this watch? It ____ 157 .
35.- How many continents _____ there. There ____ five.

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